Follow-up to the TV trilogy “Heimat”, this time for cinemas, set again in the fictional village Schabbach in the Hunsrück region of Rhineland-Palatinate.

A documentary highlighting the Soviet Union's legendary and enigmatic hockey training culture and world-dominating team through the eyes of the team's Captain Slava Fetisov, following his shift from hockey star and celebrated national hero to political enemy.

Filmas pagal tikrą istoriją pasakoja apie tėvą, kuris stengiasi užmegzti ryšį su savo seniai matytu sūnumi po to, kai sužinojo, jog šis serga smegenų augliu. Per trumpą laiko tarpą jiems teks atrasti bendrų interesų ir užmegzti ryšį.

„Savadžių šeima - tai tobula drama, kurios istoriją Tamara Jenkins pateikia ypatingai: ji verčia mus tuo pačiu metu juoktis ir verkti.Taip tarsi atrandamas naujas filmo žanras. Istorija kupina begalinio skausmo ir rūpesčio, kuriuos patiria du suaugę brolis ir sesuo, staiga išplėšti iš įprasto gyvenimo ir priversti pasirūpinti tėvais, kurie niekad per daug nesirūpino jais.

While working alongside his long-time friend and colleague in building a hospital for the residents of a Buenos Aries shantytown, a troubled priest finds solace in a young, atheist social worker.

Will is a 30-something website manager who uses local café, Coffee Town, as his office. When the owners of the shop discuss plans to convert Coffee Town into a bar, Will enlists the help of his two best friends Chad and Gino to save his freeloading existence. In order to thwart the plans of Coffee Town's owners, the trio stages a robbery to create the illusion of an unsafe neighborhood not suitable for the proposed venue. Also standing in their way is Sam, a disgruntled barista with delusions of grandeur and Will's heartache over unrequited love for Becca.

Ironiškos komedijos jaunojo herojaus Entonio tėvai jau seniai išsiskyrę, mama visai neseniai ištekėjo antrąkart ir gyvena laimingai su naujuoju vyru, tuo tarpu tėvo Volto gyvenimas eina sava vaga. Voltas yra alkoholikas, ir jo nejaudina nei artimiausias nei tolimas rytojus, jis neturi jokių planų ir nesiekia kokių nors tikslų. Skubi Entonio mamos Boni ir patėvio išvyka porai dienų priverčia ją palikti berniuką tėvo priežiūrai, ir, nos Entonis nėra labai patenkintas tokia perspektyva, su tuo sutinka. Išvykos metu tėvas ir sūnus patiria jaudinančius nuotykius, ieškodami pavogtų senų ir retų Voltui priklausančių staliaus instrumentų, kurie jam būtini tam, kad galėtų vėl įsidarbinti.

Charley Partanna is a hitman who works for the Prizzis, one of the richest crime families in the US. When he sees Irene Walker, it's love at first sight. But he soon finds that she, too, is a killer for hire. Charley can overlook his suspicions, but he can't turn off his heart. And the couple must remember that even if they love each other, the Prizzis love only money.

In London for his daughter's wedding, a struggling jingle-writer, Harvey Shine, misses his plane to New York, and thus loses his job. While drowning his sorrows in the airport pub, Harvey meets Kate, a British government worker stuck in an endless cycle of work, phone calls from her mother, and blind dates. A connection forms between the unhappy pair, who soon find themselves falling in love.

An ambitious soccer referee ends up handling a crucial match between two small Sardinian teams

Young Dee Renjie arrives in the empire's capital to join the Supreme Court as police judge of his region. He wants to become a prosecutor. Empress Wu, who is at the beginning of her reign, has commissioned the fierce detective Yuchi to investigate a sea monster that stalks the city at night and makes it unsafe.

During the Civil War in 17th-Century England, a small group of deserters flee from a raging battle through an overgrown field. They are captured by an alchemist, who forces the group to aid him in his search to find a hidden treasure that he believes is buried in the field. Crossing a vast mushroom circle, which provides their first meal, the group quickly descend into a chaos of arguments, fighting and paranoia, and, as it becomes clear that the treasure might be something other than gold, they slowly become victim to the terrifying energies trapped inside the field.

After the sudden death of his wife, the lives of Markus Färber and his daughter Kim fall into disarray. Markus’ attempt to bring back normality into their everyday lives fails - he can’t let go of the past. 15 year-old Kim feels left alone with her feelings of guilt. But then she falls in love with the cool school dropout Alex. The two of them run off to Denmark to the place of Kim’s carefree childhood. Together with his mother Gerlinde and her cheerful home care Paula, Markus sets off in search of his daughter. A trip full of surprises and a journey back to life.

Coming home to make amends with her estranged father, Eleni finds herself confronted with an unexpected kinship.

After returning to her childhood home, young nun Colleen finds her old room exactly how she left it: painted black and covered in goth and metal posters. Her parents are happy enough to see her, but her brother is living as a recluse in the guesthouse since returning home from the Iraq war.

FrackNation is a feature documentary that aims to address what the filmmakers say is misinformation about the process of hydraulic fracturing, commonly called fracking.

In 1857, at the height of his fame and fortune, novelist and social critic Charles Dickens meets and falls in love with teenage stage actress Nelly Ternan. As she becomes the focus of his heart and mind, as well as his muse, painful secrecy is the price both must pay.

Claire et Bruno forment depuis douze ans un couple établi, une "institution". Au cours d'une journée à la campagne réunissant tous leurs proches, ils vont, par jeu, prétendre qu'ils se séparent.

The beginning of 1945, Poland. In a newly liberated country, the Communist Security Service is annihilating its enemies under the guise of punishing "national traitors." They organize a labor camp for Germans, Silesians and Poles, on the site of a former Nazi concentration camp called Zgoda / Reconciliation. Franek, who is in love with the Polish prisoner Anna, goes to work as a warder in the camp to save her. He does not know that one of the prisoners - Erwin, his German friend, also loved this girl for a long time. Franek joins the communists in the illusory hope of outsmarting the system.

Mexican's are being smuggled over the border to work as cheap labour for wealthy land baron Fargo. His gang is made up of known criminals with bounties on their heads, this greatly interests two bounty hunters who may have to team up to achieve their goals.