Sedemčlanska posadka vesoljske ladje Nostromo se s tovorom vrača na Zemljo. Iz umetne hibernacije jih zbudi ladijski računalnik, ki je zaznal signal, oddan z bližnjega planeta. Signal je šifriran, vendar domnevajo, da gre za klic v sili, zato se trojica s kapitanom Dallasom na čelu odpravi poiskat njegov vir. Na planetu najdejo ostanke ogromnega nezemeljskega plovila, v njem pa velikansko truplo pilota, ki mu je prsni koš eksplodiral od znotraj. Medtem na ladji delno dešifrirajo signal, za katerega se izkaže, da je najverjetneje opozorilo. Globlje v plovilu najde častnik Kane ogromen prostor, v njem pa stotine nenavadnih jajc. Med natančnejšim pregledom iz enega skoči neznano bitje, mu stopi skafander in se mu prisesa na obraz...

Leonardo is a blind teenager dealing with an overprotective mother while trying to live a more independent life. To the disappointment of his best friend, Giovana, he plans to go on an exchange program abroad. When Gabriel, a new student in town, arrives at their classroom, new feelings blossom in Leonardo making him question his plans.

Five high school students from different walks of life endure a Saturday detention under a power-hungry principal. The disparate group includes rebel John, princess Claire, outcast Allison, brainy Brian and Andrew, the jock. Each has a chance to tell his or her story, making the others see them a little differently -- and when the day ends, they question whether school will ever be the same.

An aging codger named Geri plays a daylong game of chess in the park against himself. Somehow, he begins losing to his livelier opponent. But just when the game's nearly over, Geri manages to turn the tables.

Siblings Kate and Teddy try to prove Santa Claus is real, but when they accidentally cause his sleigh to crash, they have to save Christmas.

A band-leader has arranged seven chairs for the members of his band. When he sits down in the first chair, a cymbal player appears in the same chair, then rises and sits in the next chair. As the cymbal player sits down, a drummer appears in the second chair, and then likewise moves on to the third chair. In this way, an entire band is soon formed, and is then ready to perform.

Seven years after their first infatuated encounter, Abril and Manuel meet again. Despite the fact that they are both married, it is soon apparent that their attraction has only grown.

After a former elite agent rescues a 12-year-old Chinese girl who's been abducted, they find themselves in the middle of a standoff between Triads, the Russian Mafia and high-level corrupt New York City politicians and police.

In a medieval castle, a dark magician thought to be Mephistopheles conjures up a series of bizarre creatures and events in order to torment a pair of interloping cavaliers.

With harpsichord music in the background, a dandy, seated at a table, plucks a quill pen from a ceiling full of them above him, dips it in ink, thinks, then draws a straight line down the page in front of him, out of which sprout six more quill pens, each held by a hand. The calligrapher moves all the hands and pens in unison, drawing an elaborate feathered wing, which comes to live, peeling off the page, and, now a quill pen, slips in to his hand. He tucks it behind his left ear.

Nadaljevanje grozljive zgodbe je postavljeno v čas pred strašno preizkušnjo družine Lambert, ko jasnovidka Elise pristane na seanso klicanja mrtvih, da bi pomagala obsedeni najstnici Quinn. Elise med obredom zazna prisotnost demonskih sil, zato postopek prekine. Toda nadnaravna doživetja ne pojenjajo, temveč povzročijo nesrečo, ki Quinn prikuje v posteljo. Skrivnostno trkanje in srhljive pojave začnejo redno nadlegovati mladenko, ki preživi le po zaslugi skrbnega očeta, dokler se Elis ne odloči znova pomagati. Toda demoni ne nameravajo zlahka zapustiti tega sveta …

Guillermo del Toro presents Mama, a supernatural thriller that tells the haunting tale of two little girls who disappeared into the woods the day that their parents were killed. When they are rescued years later and begin a new life, they find that someone or something still wants to come tuck them in at night.

A man has a fantastical nightmare involving, among other things, a grinning malevolent moon.

Two sisters on Mexican vacation are trapped in a shark observation cage at the bottom of the ocean, with oxygen running low and great whites circling nearby, they have less than an hour of air left to figure out how to get to the surface.

A train arrives at Perrache station. We see the view from aboard the train.

Three men are sitting around a table, two of them playing a game of Écarté. When the game is over, a domestic serves drinks.

Down the gangway, photographers leave the deck of a riverboat in large numbers.

Lumière Brothers film automobiles driving at the Champs-Elysées.

Nero, seated on a throne, has slaves summoned. Each drinks poison and dies, the second even though he can see the corpse of his predecessor.