After his classmate and crush is diagnosed with a pancreatic disease, an average high schooler sets out to make the most of her final days.

Oppenheimer je biografski film o američkom fizičaru J. Robertu Oppenheimeru, koji je prozvan „ocem atomske bombe“. Oppenheimer je bio glavni čovjek Operacije Manhattan, akcije američkih vlasti da stvore nuklearnu bombu i time dobiju prevlast u Drugom svjetskom ratu, a film pokazuje taj proces od entuzijazma do veselja zbog uspjeha i zabrinutosti zbog rezultata.

Godina je 1947. Iznimno inteligentni mladić John Nash dobiva stipendiju za studij na Princetonu. Ostale studente osim učenja zanimaju i druge stvari, poput zavođenja pripadnica suprotnoga spola, ali marljivi Nash bavi se samo učenjem. Njegov je jedini pravi prijatelj Charles Herman. Marljivi Nash ubrzo razvije teoriju koja će presudno utjecati na ekonomiju, a pedesetih godina radi za Vladu u vojno-istraživačkom laboratoriju. S vremenom postaje sve jasnije kako je genijalni Nash shizofreničar koji mnoge stvari umišlja. Veliku podršku pruža mu dražesna Alicia, isprva studentica, a potom supruga.

Two teens facing personal struggles form a powerful bond as they embark on a cathartic journey chronicling the wonders of Indiana.

Film o misteriji i sumnji koji govori o Grace (Nicole Kidman), koja sama u izoliranoj viktorijanskoj kući odgaja svoju djecu u skladu sa strogim vjerskim pravilima. Djeca pate od čudne bolesti: ne mogu izravno primiti svjetlo dana. Tri nova sluge koja se pridružuju obiteljskom životu moraju naučiti jedno vitalno pravilo: kuća će uvijek biti u tami; nikada se neće otvoriti vrata osim ako su prethodna zatvorena. Strogi poredak koji je Grace do tada nametnula bit će osporavan. Grace, djeca i oni oko njih učinit će neočekivani i konačni korak.

Televizijskom voditelju vremenske prognoze, zvijezdi malih ekrana Philu Connorsu (B. Murray), dojadilo je ići po treći put u provincijski gradić Punxsutawney. Naime, 2. veljače mora popratiti lokalni običaj, sviščevo "predviđanje" trajanja zime. Nakon obavljena posla on sa snimateljem i Ritom (A. McDowell), simpatičnom mladom novinarkom, krene natrag u Pittsburgh, no zbog oluje oni se vrate u gradić. Iako uvjeren da je ovo samo sitnica koja ga je spriječila da se vrati, Philu se sljedeći dan dogodi nešto o čemu nije ni pomišljao: jučerašnji dan se ponovio, potpuno isti kakav je bio. A tako i sljedeći, i sljedeći, i sljedeći... Očajan i preneražen, Phil će pokušati sve poduzeti ne bi li se stvari vratile u normalu...

Au revoir les enfants tells a heartbreaking story of friendship and devastating loss concerning two boys living in Nazi-occupied France. At a provincial Catholic boarding school, the precocious youths enjoy true camaraderie—until a secret is revealed. Based on events from writer-director Malle’s own childhood, the film is a subtle, precisely observed tale of courage, cowardice, and tragic awakening.

An aged tailor recalls his life as the schoolteacher of a small village in Northern Germany that was struck by a series of strange events in the year leading up to WWI.

Ana and Helen, two divorced women, were close friends as teenagers. Today, amidst the corona virus pandemic and in quarantine, they get in touch after 20 years via internet. Through video conference calls, memories, sensations and emotions reflourishes.

In the middle of a performance of the play "Le Cocu", a bad boulevard comedy at a Parisian theatre, Yannick gets up and interrupts the show to take the evening back in hand.

Na temelju posrednih dokaza, nedužni Londonac uhićen je zbog zločina serijskog silovatelja koji davi svoje žrtve.

Charley Brewster, a high school student, accidentally discovers the true and creepy nature of Jerry Dandrige, his dashing and enigmatic new neighbor; but no one seems willing to believe him.

Živjeti u Barbielandu znači biti savršeno biće na savršenom mjestu. Osim ako nemaš potpunu egzistencijalnu krizu. Ili si Ken. Vodeće uloge imaju nominirani za Oscara Margot Robbie kao Barbie i Ryan Gosling kao Ken. Impresivnu zvjezdanu glumačku postave čine legendarna glumica i oskarovka Helen Mirren, glumice America Ferrara i Kate McKinnon, Michael Cera, Will Ferrell i Emma Mackey. U filmu se, naime, pojavljuje i glazbena zvijezda Dua Lipa koja je u ulozi Mermaid Barbie, dok je Issa Rae President Barbie te mnoge druge slavne osobe iz svijeta showbiza.

Pennsylvania, 1993. After getting caught with another girl, teenager Cameron Post is sent to a conversion therapy center run by the strict Dr. Lydia Marsh and her brother, Reverend Rick, whose treatment consists in repenting for feeling “same sex attraction.” Cameron befriends fellow sinners Jane and Adam, thus creating a new family to deal with the surrounding intolerance.

A group of graduate students and scientists uncover an ancient canister in an abandoned church, but when they open it, they inadvertently unleash a strange liquid and an evil force on all of humanity.

When Eun-soo gets lost in a country road, he meets a mysterious girl and is led to her fairytale ike house in the middle of the forest. There, Eun-soo is trapped with the girl and her siblings who never age. Eun-soo finally discovers a way out which is written on a fairy tale book. But the book tells a story of none other than himself!

Matt Turner uspješan je američki bankar koji svoju karijeru razvija u Berlinu i nastoji spojiti zahtjevan posao s obiteljskim životom. Ne ide mu baš najbolje, ali barem obećaje da će danas odvesti djecu u školu. Dok se ujutro vozi kroz Berlin, zvoni mu telefon i tajanstveni glas ga obavještava da se ispod njegovog sjedala nalazi bomba spremna da eksplodira čim netko ustane iz sjedala i izađe. On i njegova djeca bit će dignuti u zrak ako ne počne brzo i točno izvršavati dodijeljeni zadatak. Zarobljen u svom automobilu i punom brzinom, Matt kreće u bjesomučnu vožnju gradom, tijekom koje mora slijediti sve luđe i opasnije upute, a uz to policija mu je za petama. Protiv svih, protiv vremena i protiv bombe koja otkucava, pokušat će spasiti djecu i otkriti tko s njim igra ovu smrtonosnu igru.

Hunter, a newly pregnant housewife, finds herself increasingly compelled to consume dangerous objects. As her husband and his family tighten their control over her life, she must confront the dark secret behind her new obsession.

Miguel (Luis Miguel Cintra) is lucky that his income will only level off if he neglects his business as a financier, and his wife and family will be well supported. Why? Because he has begun hearing noises that no one else hears, noises that bother him a great deal, and that make it impossible for him to bear human society. His wife (Jessica Weiss) is thoroughly put out by this radically changed behavior in her formerly good husband, but though she considers leaving him, she stays by his side. Deep in the mountains, Cecelia (Rita Dias), a devout, pure young cowherd, has been brutally raped by an old man. Her boyfriend (Pedro Hestnes) has killed the rapist, and fled the area. As a result of the rape, Cecelia is pregnant. One day, while driving in the mountains, Miguel gives Cecelia's boyfriend a ride. The two of them chance upon her sitting amid the rocks with her infant baby.

Paolo Cioffa, as Christmas approaches, is ready to leave on a cruise with his mistress Magda Venni, freed by his wife Francesca Zanchi and his son Federico, who is about to go skiing.