Three World War II buddies promise to meet at a specified place and time 10 years after the war. They keep their word only to discover how far apart they've grown. But the reunion sparks memories of youthful dreams that haven't been fulfilled -- and slowly, the three men reevaluate their lives and try to find a way to renew their friendship.
Lo Ka Yiu, a young ad designer who is sentenced to jail for manslaughter, has gotten himself in trouble with the corrupted wardens and fellow inmates of Triad background. Chung Tin Ching, a veteran inmate and Yiu's mentor, is forced to confront his comrade's enemies time and again, leading up to the final showdown with the head of security.
Nani is a flower decorator, madly in love with his neighbor Bindhu. He gets killed by the baddie, Sudeep, a powerful businessman. Nani comes back as a housefly to get his revenge.
Out on parole after 8 years inside Bill Hayward returns home to find his now 11 and 15 year old sons abandoned by their mother and fending for themselves. Unwilling to play Dad, an uncaring Bill is determined to move on.
When a high school football star is suddenly stricken with irreversible total blindness, he must decide whether to live a safe handicapped life or bravely return to the life he once knew and the sport he still loves.
A race-car driver who's down on her luck is invited by her ex-husband's wife to stay at their plush villa. The two women form a bond, and it's not long before their mutual dislike for the husband culminates into a plan to kill him. As it turns out, though, they're not alone in plotting murder
In 1825, English peer Lord John Morgan is cast adrift in the American West. Captured by Sioux Indians, Morgan is at first targeted for quick extinction, but the tribesmen sense that he is worthy of survival. He eventually passes the many necessary tests that will permit him to become a member of the tribe.
Based on a true historic figure, Yamada Nagamasa, a Japanese adventurer who went to Ayothaya in the 16th century and became a soldier in King Naresuan's army. After the war in Burma it's restless in Ayothaya, because of a mysterious group of men that terrorizes and plunders the city. Yamada goes after them and discovers that the men are rebelious Japanese samurai. Now he has to fight his own countrymen.
Kuzlo Avataru a akcie Hviezdnych vojen. Animovany sci-fi film Bitka o planetu Terra vysiel cele dva roky pred celosvetovym hitom Avatar, pritom mu moze smelo konkurovat i dnes! Originalny pribeh o planete, ktoru chce ludstvo kolonizovat, ale miestny druh se tomu brani, je doplneny o hravu animaciu plnu fantastickych napadov. Naviac ho doprevadza dokonala hudba. Nenechajte si ujst ozajstnu udalost vo svete sci-fi a nechajte sa okuzlit uzasnym svetom planety Terra!
Grace, Adam a Lee sa po vianočných sviatkoch strávených u matky v severnej Austrálii rozhodnú užiť si dva týždne voľna a navštívia Krokodílí zábavný park v Ainsley. Na ďalší deň si vyberú plavbu po rieke s heslom: "Poznajte divočinu, ulovte rybu." Lov rýb si veľmi neužijú, pretože sa z lovcov stane korisť jedného krokodíla. Musí sa dostať zo zložitej situácie a zostať nažive.
Počas vietnamskej vojny je americký vrtuľník, vyslaný na prieskum, ohrozený nepriateľom. Zmizne päť vojakov... Kým v Spojených štátoch sa po desiatich rokoch od konca vojny sa už iba spomína na mŕtvych a nezvestných, päť Američanov z vrtuľníka je stále držaných v neľudských podmienkach kdesi hlboko vo vietnamskej džungli. Bezcitný plukovník Yin, ktorý velí táboru, ich nepovažuje za vojnových zajatcov, ako to žiada príslušná konvencia, ale za sprostých zločincov, ktorí sa previnili voči vietnamskému ľudu. Podľa toho sa k nim aj správa. Kruté mučenie je na dennom poriadku. Yin je zameraný hlavne na plukovníka Braddocka, ktorý sa nechce podvoliť jeho vôli. Žiada od neho, aby podpísal, že súhlasí s tým, že Američania sa vo Vietname dopúšťali zločinov. Potom vraj jeho i ďalších zadržaných prepustia...
Mladý pár - Zakes a Beth - sa počas daždivej noci na diaľnici zrazí s maniakálnym vodičom kamiónu. Zadné dvere kamióna sa na krátky okamih otvoria a Zakes zahliadne niečo, čo vyzerá ako polonahá spútaná žena. Hoci si Zacke nie je úplne istý, čo videl, informuje o tom políciu a snaží sa na incident zabudnúť. Beth je však veľmi rozrušená ľahostajnosťou svojho priateľa, a keď sa dvojica zastaví na čerpacej stanici, rozčúlená odíde. Zacke horúčkovito prehľadáva okolie, ale po Beth niet ani stopy. Keď zrazu zbadá známe nákladné auto, ktoré odchádza od čerpacej stanice..... Čo ak vodič uniesol jeho priateľku? Vydá sa za ním a na nočnej, dažďom rozmočenej diaľnici sa začne riskantná hra na mačku a myš.
Špeciálne potápačské tímy majú za úlohu opravovať poškodené potrubia, ktorými sa rozvádza ropa a plyn po celom svete. Štyria potápači - Mitch, Engel, Hurst a Jones - sa tak spolu dostali do hĺbky viac ako 190 metrov. Poruchu opravia, ale v tom čase na hladine zúri búrka, ktorá ich loď potopí. Nikto z posádky neprežil. Vody je dosť, kyslíka je málo a čas sa kráti. Je na nich, aby sa zachránili.
In debt to their volatile drug dealer, best friends, Denise and Johnny, agree to a sketchy job to pay off their last hit. After breaking into a decrepit stash house to steal a bag of mysterious drugs, escape proves more troublesome, as the pair find themselves trapped inside with a madman. With no way out and not one to miss an opportunity, Johnny smokes the new drug and promptly travels into the past, triggering alarming new events in the future. Separated through time, Denise is left alone to confront her past, their dealer’s real identity, and her very own existence.
A group of humans arrive on Sirius 6-B to investigate an SOS signal sent out from the planet, which has been supposedly deserted since the destruction of the man-made weapons known as "screamers." Once the squad arrives, they find a group of human survivors eking out an existence in an old military outpost.
In Germany, as graduate student Katie Armstrong researches cannibal killer Oliver Hagen for her thesis, she becomes obsessed with her subject and ultimately plunges into a lifestyle similar to Hagen's and the thousands of people like him.
San Francisco becomes a target for waves of destructive meteors after a rogue comet orbits around the earth... For astronomer, Michelle Young, what was meant to be a once-in-a-lifetime celestial event, soon turns into her worst nightmare as thousands of meteors break the surface of the atmosphere and bombard the city of San Francisco.
A traveling couple end up in an abandoned Nebraska town inhabited by a cult of murderous children who worship a demon that lives in the local cornfields.
While on a flight home from Colombia, the plane that Dr. Carrie Ross and her daughter are on is attacked by bullet ants whose sting is the most painful and deadliest on the planet. Joining forces with air marshal Ethan Hart, Dr. Ross, an entomologist, tries desperately to save the flight from disaster. In the end, their struggle brings them closer together and offers the couple hope for the future.