In 1993, Max was 13 when he was offered his first camera. For 25 years he will not stop filming. The bunch of friends, the loves, the successes, the failures. From the 90s to the 2010s, it is the portrait of a whole generation that is emerging through its objective.

Ruonių gyvenimas nėra lengvas. Kažkada Motulė Gamta nusprendė, kad šie mieli gyvūnai bus vienas pagrindinių maisto šaltinių rykliams ir ši tvarka galioja daugybę metų. Visus tuos metus ruoniai nuolankiai susitaikydavo su nusistovėjusia tvarka ir visomis išgalėmis stengdavosi tiesiog nepapulti į nasrus didžiausiems savo priešams. Tačiau kai vienas ryklys supietauja Bendžį – geriausią ruonio Kvino draugą – pastarajam trūksta kantrybė. Kvinas nusprendžia imtis priemonių ir smogti rykliams atgal. Žinoma, iš pradžių kiti ruoniai palaiko tai pokštu. Tačiau Kvinas nusiteikęs rimtai. Prikalbinęs kelis drąsius ir šiek tiek išprotėjusius savo draugus, jis kreipiasi pagalbos į kažkada kariuomenėje tarnavusį ruonį Klagartą – kad paruoštų juos kovai.

Inviting the ex-wife to a family reunion when the none-too-secure new wife will be there hardly seems to be a recipe for success, and true to form, bodies have begun to stack up by the end of this cinematic update of a classic Agatha Christie tale. Luckily for the extended clan gathered at a sumptuous waterfront estate in Northern France, Inspector Martin Bataille is on hand to find out not only "who done it" but why.

Pjeras Levaseras – vienas turtingiausių pasaulio žmonių. Jis gali sau leisti viską, išskyrus skyrybas, nes kontrolinis akcijų paketas priklauso jo žmonai. Todėl Pjerui gyvenimą praskaidrinusi ilgakojė paukštytė tegali būti jo slapta meilužė. Vienok į laikraščius patenka kompromituojančios paparacių nuotraukos, kuriose milijonierius užfiksuotas su drauguže. Tiesa, nuotraukose matėsi ir atsitiktinio praeivio veidas. Pjerui tai tapo gelbėjimosi šiaudu. Suvertęs kaltę ant niekuo dėto žmogaus, Pjeras nenumatė, kuo gi viskas gali baigtis.

Maya is living the ultimate fashionistas dream: she is working as a stylist for one of the French trend setters, in the capital of haute-couture: Paris. One of the IT girls of fashion, shes following her dreams until one night, when her life takes a sudden turn: shes being deported back to Morocco, after being stopped for over speeding, because her Visa expired some time ago. So in no more than 24 hours, shes deported back to her family and original country. The strong cultural shock and the judgmental differences are pushing the woman to obtain back her place in the city of dreams and her dreams, no matter the costs. But that doesn't mean she will have to return alone, as she finds other things also among her way back to the city.

Michel Ressac wins a dinner with cyclist legend Eddy Merckx in an advertising campaign to promote the sales of sofas and hopes that he can do his own father, who is a huge cycling fan, a favour. But unfortunately he arrives too late at the dinner. Ressac then tries to reclaim his prize and win his family's sympathy back...

Žavios, kerinčios ir šiek tiek paslaptingos. Paryžius gatvėmis žingsniuojančios moterys atrodo lyg iš mados žurnalo, tačiau po blizgančiais paviršiais kiekviena jų turi (ne)paprastą savo kasdienybę. Vienuolika moterų. Visos jos labai skirtingos ir individualios, tačiau jas sieja ir šis tas bendro. Tai šiuolaikinės moters rūpesčiai ir išgyvenimai. Taip pat tai, kad į juos geriausia yra žvelgti su šypsena. Per 28 dienas, tiek trunka filmo veiksmas, daugybė atsitiktinumų susieja herojų gyvenimus, kurie tampa nenuspėjami. Paryžietės išgyvena problemas ir džiaugsmus, meilę ir draugystę, nusivylimus ir naujas pramogas. Šią komediją privalo pamatyti kiekviena moteris, tačiau ji ne ką mažiau aktuali ir smalsiems vyrams. Juostos režisierė apie moterų gyvenimą pačiu linksmiausiu būdu žada atskleisti tai, apie ką jos papasakoja tik dienoraščiui ir, retsykiais, ištikimiausioms draugėms. Linksmai, ironiškai ir be užuolankų.

France, 1965 - An aging mamma's boy becomes the replacement leader of a rowdy group of teenage boy scouts who make his life miserable.

Lucas is an up-and-coming singer ready to do anything to be on top of the French pop scene.

Isabelle, HR of a large cruise company, made the mistake of choosing her boss as a lover. Before embarking on the maiden voyage of the new flagship of the fleet, though, he decided to disembark from their relationship! Some women take their revenge by poison, firearm, or slander. Isabelle chooses Remy a flamboyant, unemployed ne'er-do-well who flunked out in life on land, but after all is said and done, might have better luck at sea... She recruits him as leader of her plot and on this Palace of the Seas, Remy will first prove to be the worst nightmare of the CEO and Richard, the Cruise Director...then, little by little, he will change his life and that of all those who cross his path...

Michel Vaillant is 1 of pilots, undisputed champion in rallying in all circuits in the world. His success arouses admiration and envy. Ruth Wong, director of Team Leader, is determined to break his streak and avenge the memory of his father, founder of Leader. She is capable of anything to achieve her goal.

A woman at the age of 50 moves back in with her parents after her husband leave her for a younger woman.

Amel ir Numas – du nieko bendra neturintys skirtingų socialinių sluoksnių ir rasių trisdešimtmečiai, kuriuos netikėtai suvedė likimas. Pagrindinė veikėja Amel vadovauja kavinių tinklui. Jos karjera sparčiai kyla aukštyn. Trisdešimtmetis Numas gyvena iš atsitiktinių darbų ir net nesvajoja apie karjerą. Jųdviejų santykiai ar romanas yra neįsivaizduojami. Tačiau ką daryti, kai, nepaisant visko, priešingybės traukia viena kitą? Tačiau kelias į kito širdį nėra rožėmis klotas. Amel ir Numas slepia romaną, nes negali patikėti savo jausmais. O dar kai į santykius įsiterpia šeimos, draugai ir kolegos, skelbiami karai, prasideda kivirčai. Atsidūrę tarp socialinių skirtumų ir aistros liepsnų, kurią pusę jie pasirinks? Ar meilė nugalės viską?

Muzafar and Feruz are two easy going shepherds from Taboulistan, a tiny country in Asia that is unknown to the rest of the world. To alert the world to his country’s existence, the son of Taboulistan’s president decides to instigate a program of publicity terrorism. To that end, he recruits our two naive shepherds, their mission: to destroy the Eiffel Tower! But the France that Muzafar and Feruz discover is far from what they had expected...

Thirty-year-old Ben is about to marry Juliette. His quiet, ordered life will fall to pieces when he meets up again with the person he secretly wants to see the most: Vanessa, the high school bombshell who never so much as looked in his direction. She's back in Paris, and the only person she now knows is him…

Samantha, who works in a chicken factory in Saint-Étienne, loses her job. She lives with her best-friend Céline. She is also her little sister Kim's guardian and must find another job quickly or run the risk of losing her sister. She meets Paul, a lawyer who would like to raise a child with his partner. As a result, he asks Samantha if she would like to be hired as his surrogate.

Arthur, 15, has a crush on Ouassima, who does not even look at him... While he has never been upset, she goes out with Matt, the handsome kid from college. To get closer to her, Arthur gathers a group of single losers and offers to give them lessons in fishing, at 10 euros per lesson. In the changing rooms of the swimming pool, a long intimate and collective learning begins on "girls and love: instructions for use".

Sandrine and Alice are two sisters who, in their thirties, decide the time has come to attempt a reconciliation with their mother.

Alphonse Brown, who firmly believes he is the bastard son of James Brown, meets up with his best friend Scotch after Brown gets out of jail. On their way to Paris to begin careers as recording artists, the pair stumbles across a potent type of marijuana that was engineered by the Nazis. Their decision to begin selling the stuff leads to a variety of people chasing after them.