More than just a biography, this film explores Bruce Lee's global impact to see how he has influenced all areas of popular culture including fitness, cinema, music, sport, dance, video games and philosophy. A journey across the United States, Asia and Europe, takes Shannon Lee on a trip back to her father's roots in Hong Kong and China. With unique access to the family's photographic archive, home movies and all material owned by the Bruce Lee Foundation.

Tai filmas apie Marc-Andre Leclerc, 23 metų kanadietį, kuris nuo pilnametystės užsiimė alpinizmu. Jis nesiekė išpopuliarėti dėka šio ekstremalaus pomėgio ir į kalnus leisdavosi vienui vienas. Jis mėgo užkariauti nepasiekiamas aukštumas ir mėgautis nuostabiais vaizdais, kurie jam galėjo atsiverti iš kalnų aukštybių. Jis žavėjosi nuostabia gamta...

Ye Xiang Lun, a talented piano player is a new student at the prestigious Tamkang School. On his first day, he meets Lu Xiao Yu, a pretty girl playing a mysterious piece of music.

Naktinio Hamburgo gatvėmis visu greičiu lekia mašina. Tiesiai į sieną. 40-metis turkas Cahitas, pasišlykštėjimą savo gyvenimu malšinantis alkoholiu, taip nusprendė baigti gyvenimą. Tačiau nepasisekė: jis liko gyvas ir suknežintas. Cahitas patenka į kliniką, ir susipažįsta su jauna turke Sibele. Norėdama išvengti konservatyvių tėvų primestų vedybų, Sibele įkalba Cahitą fiktyviai santuokai. Dabar ji gavo taip trokštamą laisvę ir galimybę džiaugtis gyvenimu. Dramatiška dviejų žmonių santykių istorija, kurioje susipina tragizmas, komiški ir melodramatiški momentai, tradicijų ir šiuolaikinio gyvenimo, Rytų ir Vakarų konfliktai. Šis jauno turkų kilmės vokiečių režisieriaus Fatiho Akino filmas tapo atgimstančio Vokietijos kino ženklu, pelniusiu pagrindinį Berlyno festivalio prizą „Aukso lokį” ir kino publikos simpatijas daugelyje šalių.

Three young Irish women struggle to maintain their spirits while they endure dehumanizing abuse as inmates of a Magdalene Sisters Asylum.

A friendship is formed between an ex-gangster, and two groups of hitmen - those who want to protect him and those who were sent to kill him.

Ouyang Feng is a heartbroken and cynical man who spends his days in the desert, connecting expert swordsmen with those seeking revenge and willing to pay for it. Throughout five seasons in exile, Ouyang spins tales of his clients' unrequited loves and unusual acts of bravery.

A sinful martial arts expert wants to start a new tranquil life, only to be hunted by a determined detective and his former master.

The South African multi-award winning film about a young South African boy from the ghetto named Tsotsi, meaning Gangster. Tsotsi, who left home as a child to get away from helpless parents, finds a baby in the back seat of a car that he has just stolen. He decides that it his responsibility to take care of the baby and in the process learns that maybe the gangster life isn’t the best way.

The Tang emperor is betrayed by one of his generals, who installs himself as emperor in the East Capital. The son of one of his slave workers escapes to the Shaolin Temple, learns kung fu, and sets out to kill the traitor who killed his father.

Detective Sergeant Ma Jun, known for dispensing his own brand of justice during arrests, teams up with an undercover cop, Wilson, to try and bring down three merciless Vietnamese brothers running a smuggling ring in the months before mainland China's takeover of Hong Kong. Jun pursues the gang tirelessly, sometimes ignoring police protocols. A showdown is inevitable!

A Hong Kong cop named Kit busts a major gangster only to find his cover blown and his main witness gone. The gangster, in retaliation, has him kidnapped and put in a Thai jail with a false criminal identity. Lowly prison guard Chai, with his extraordinary fighting skills, guards Kit and prevents his escape. The prison guard’s daughter suffers from a rare form of leukemia and Kit is the only donor who can save her. The prison guard discovers Kit’s real identity and helps him to escape in return for his agreeing to save his daughter. Together, Kit and Chai must face and take down the gangster and his minions.

1976 m. Džibutyje Somalio maištininkai paėmė įkaitais autobusą su 21 prancūzų mokiniu ir juo įstrigo pasienyje, neutralioje teritorijoje. Vykstant deryboms, Prancūzija atsiuntė savo specialiųjų pajėgų dalinį, kuris paruošė ir įvykdė šturmo operaciją.

A young man learns the fighting techniques of Sanda from a coach. The two become best friends as the young man prepares to enter an underground tournament, competing against some of the top fighters of the world.

Ling Wu Chung decides to hide from the chaotic world. Before leaving, he visits his friends, a tribe of snake-wielding women warriors. However, he finds that the tribe have been attacked, and their leader Yam Ying Ying has been abducted.

A rich playboy gets blown up by a gangster when he flirts with the gangster's wife. Through a series of circumstances, his professor makes him a synthetic body that allows him to change into anything he wants.

As the Civil War spills our nation’s blood, Capt. John Hayes (Randolph Scott) fights on a vital but little-known battlefront. He aims to ship gold to Union banks through a small Colorado town, defying Southern sympathizers who aim to stop him at any cost.

A young Englishwoman is drawn to an island in the Black Sea in an attempt to discover her mysterious connection to a remove convent--a crumbling edifice that has been constructed over a labyrinth of Lovecraftian horrors.

The arrival of a newborn girl causes the gradual disintegration of the Cairn family; particularly for 9-year-old Joshua, an eccentric boy whose proper upbringing and refined tastes both take a sinister turn.

Cynical hit man Mick is tiring of his job and asks his boss George for time off. However, George gives him the assignment of his life, prompting Mick's soul-searching to reach new heights. Mick is asked to kill sultry Fiona, who owes George money and claims she wants to die. But as Mick spends time with her, he finds himself falling for her.