On the morning of June 6, 1944, thousands of ships reached the French coast of Normandy as part of an Allied operation to take back France from the Germans. For the next 85 days, U.S., British, and Canadian soldiers engaged in conflicts of unimaginable violence, conquering and liberating the region's cities, but at the cost of hundreds of thousands of lives. From the D-Day invasion to the final Nazi surrender in Argentan, this is the definitive story of the three-month Battle of Normandy as it's never been seen before.

Songs from Tsongas is a live video and album by the English rock band Yes, released on DVD in 2005 and CD and Blu-ray in 2014 by Image Entertainment. It was recorded at the Tsongas Arena in Lowell, Massachusetts on 15 May 2004 during the band's 2004 tour in celebration of their 35th anniversary. It is the band's last live album to feature original singer Jon Anderson.

在与红骷髅的殊死决斗后,美国队长(克里斯·埃文斯 Chris Evans 饰)驾驶着失控的飞机坠毁在茫茫冰原之上。最后的关头,他向佩吉·卡特(海莉·阿特维尔 Hayley Atwell 饰)告别,彼此生死相别。一年后,佩吉被安排在清冷的部门,完全不受重用。虽然她向上司自荐,怎奈对方完全不拿她当回事儿。某天晚上,佩吉被留在办公室加班,这时电话响起,对方说已经锁定十二宫的位置,对方携带杀伤力强大的武器,请求特工局派出探员支持。佩吉没有报告上司,而是独自一人前往目的地。夜幕之下,这位果敢女子勇闯虎穴……


雷神之锤惊现世间。辽阔蛮荒的美国沙漠地带,神盾局特工卡尔森(克拉克·格雷格 Clark Gregg 饰)独自驾车前往雷神之锤的所在地。夜幕降临,他把车停在一家加油站内。加油的同时,他走进便利店挑选商品。就在他为选择而烦恼时,一声怒吼突然传来。两名持枪歹徒闯进便利店,用枪指着美丽的女店员,命令他将钱交出,并质问外面的车是谁的。卡尔森从容露面,他把车钥匙扔了过去,还貌似大脑短路一般交出手枪。卡尔森按照歹徒指示把手枪滑了过去,而就在此时,意想不到的事情发生了……

Unleashing his inquisitive, intense comedic style, Rogan explores everything from raising kids and Santa Claus to pot gummies and talking to dolphins.

故事发生在1961年的美国南部,早熟的女孩莱维伦(达科塔·范宁 Dakota Fanning 饰)和奶奶拉米(派珀·劳瑞 Piper Laurie 饰)相依为命,有时候,莱维伦也会回到父亲的身边,可是这个男人暴躁的脾气的粗鲁的举动总让她遍体鳞伤。通过父亲新女友,莱维伦第一次领略了音乐带给她的奇妙感受,从此走上了追逐音乐的道路。 一次偶然中,莱维伦结识了名叫查尔斯(阿非莫·奥米拉 Afemo Omilami 饰)的黑人园丁,两人十分投缘。和男孩巴迪(科迪·汉福德 Cody Hanford 饰)在农舍躲雨时,两人初尝了禁果,莱维伦因此被父亲一顿暴打。为了筹钱购买猫王演唱会的门票,莱维伦出卖了自己的歌声,没想到换来的却是轻薄和冒犯,生活第一次向莱维伦露出了真正残酷的一面。

An intimate view of the panorama of African wildlife, giving a sense of what it is really like to be there, and in a dramatic climax makes a poignant plea for conservation. Filmed in Zaire, Kenya and Tanzania, the film takes the viewer from deep inside an anthill, to the majestic giraffes suckling their young. African storms, dung beetle ritual dances, duels for supremacy, feeding time, and playtime all end as the animals disappear one by one while the sound of a rifle shatters the existing magic of life. Winner of the Academy Award for Documentary Short Subject, 1976.

A man and a woman find their orbits repeatedly colliding over the course of 12 years, four planets, three dimensions and one space cult.

Dode Hoek (Blind Spot) is the story of Jan Verbeeck, the uncompromising commissioner of the Antwerp drug squad. Known as Mr. Zero Tolerance, he is hugely popular with the people and the media. The country is thrown into commotion when he announces that he is leaving the police force just before the elections to join the extreme right party, VPV. On his last day as a policeman, he leads an investigation that takes him to Charleroi where a raid on a drug lab sets in motion a series of unforeseeable and fatal events.

  在晴朗明媚的一天,羊村正举行防御系统揭幕仪式,这是慢羊羊村长的最新发明,该系统可以抵制上千伏的电压。谁知这时灰太狼突然出现搅局,不久前他发明了羊味罐头,由此成为当今最炙手可热的科学家,可是没能抓到小羊依然是他心中隐隐的伤痛。灰太狼操纵天气控制器与羊羊特工队展开殊死搏斗。受伤的喜羊羊偶然结识了熊猫旺财,而对方的真实身份是灭绝了许久的蛇。受挫的灰太狼专心升级天气控制器,却忽略了老婆和灰灰的感受,而他的失误也导致天气控制器失控。危难时刻,青青草原的各位意外发现久远以前蛇族发明的诺亚神舟。可是为了启动神舟,必须得到蛇族的帮助。为此,羊羊特工队和机械喜羊羊踏上凶险莫测的冒险旅程……   本片为《喜羊羊与灰太狼》系列第五部剧场版动画。

Brave hero Parsifal, orphan and raised among wolves, must recover the Holy Grail from the hands of the evil wizard Klingsor, a Barbarian chieftain who killed his father, and thus save the wounded Amfortas, ruler of the Grail kingdom. Kundria, a beautiful and seductive houri, and even the Seven Deadly Sins will try to stop Parsifal and his noble quest.


This Best Short Subject Academy Award winning film begins in the spring of 1940, just before the Nazi occupation of the Benelux countries, and ends immediately after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. It chronicles how the people of "Main Street America", the country's military forces, and its industrial base were completely transformed when the decision was made to gear up for war. Original footage is interspersed with contemporary newsreels and stock footage.

Our three hapless heroes - Igor, Artyom, and Sauna - return for the third lesson from St. Valentine. This time they must learn the true value of fatherhood, but this time the kids are grown up...