Sam Bowden witnesses a rape committed by Max Cady and testifies against him. When released after 8 years in prison, Cady begins stalking Bowden and his family but is always clever enough not to violate the law.
The story of three men with a shared dream: James Bond franchise producers Albert R. Broccoli and Harry Saltzman, and Bond creator and author Ian Fleming. It’s the thrilling and inspiring narrative behind the longest running film franchise in cinema history, which began in 1962.
With help from his friends, a Memphis pimp in a mid-life crisis attempts to become a successful hip-hop emcee.
Hyakkimaru, a warrior on a quest to reclaim 48 of his body parts which were each taken by a demon, is joined by Dororo, a thief on a quest to avenge the death of her parents.
Youthful martial arts master Lung is searching for his missing brother, when he is mistaken for a criminal on the run. He must prove his innocence by solving the case himself, while local lawmen and merciless mercenaries are hot on his trail.
Set in 1934 Siam, the story involves a young pregnant woman named Nualchan who's searching for her missing husband. She comes to stay in the spooky rural mansion of a widow, Runjuan.
A young man searches for the "master" to obtain the final level of martial arts mastery known as the glow. Along the way he must fight an evil martial arts expert and rescue a beautiful singer from an obsessed music promoter.
Four guys working for a small grocer in trouble, declare war on a new giant neighborhood supermarket by attempting several coups. A film about the big store taking over the business of smaller stores.
Taivanyje gimęs Angas Lee laukė 15-ojo gimtadienio, kai 1969 m. rugpjūčio 15-18 d. White Lake miestelyje netoli Niujorko praūžė roko, sekso orgijų, alkoholio, narkotinių haliucinacijų, nudistų ir taikos siekiančių hipių uraganas. Apie Vudstoko festivalį, sukvietusį 500 tūkst. muzikos gerbėjų, būsimasis režisierius sužinojo iš cenzūruotos amerikiečių TV naujienų laidos. Tik užaugęs jis suvokė tikrąją Vudstoko svarbą ir jo neįkainojamą palikimą. Praėjus 30 metų po Vudstoko Angas Lee, dalyvaudamas TV pokalbių laidoje, susipažino su Eliotu Tiberiu. Šis jam padovanojo savo autobiografinę knygą, kurioje išsamiai aprašė, kaip visai atsitiktinai ir netyčia padėjo organizuoti pirmąjį Vudstoko festivalį šalia tėvų motelio esančioje kaimyno 300 akrų ploto pievoje. Perskaitęs gautą knygą, dviejų Venecijos "Auksinių liūtų" savininkas pajuto nenumaldomą norą sugrįžti į legendinį laikotarpį.
Jis nėra itin patrauklus. Ir net, kai užgesta šviesos, jis vis tiek… nėra itin patrauklus. Tačiau jis parsidavinėja moterims ir tai turbūt geriausia, ką moteris gali nusipirkti už 10$. Per kelias savaites paprastam baseinų valytojui ir žuvyčių specialistui Deuceui Bigallow (Rob Schneider) reikia surinkti 6000$, kad išvengtų didelių nemalonumų, kurių prisidarė apversdamas gerai apmokamo žigolo apartamentus. Savo darbe negaudamas tokių pinigų, jis ryžtasi pats išmėginti žigolo profesiją. Nelabai žinodamas, ką reiškia šis žodis, Deuceas Bigallow pradeda naują savo karjeros etapą. Dažniausiai jam tenka susitikti su įvairių trūkumų turinčiomis moterimis, kurioms įtinka ir pelno jų palankumą.
Jackie Chan plays the part of the class clown in a shaolin temple whose deadliest secret is stolen. All is lost until Jackie's character discovers dancing blue ghosts with bright red hair who haunt the library.
Po laivo avarijos nindzės išgelbėja ir užaugina kūdikį, pavadinę jį Huru. Žinoma, visas nindzių klanas tikisi, kad berniukas taps pačiu gabiausiu mokiniu ir kad legenda apie baltąjį karį taps tikrove… Tačiau paaugęs berniukas nesijaučia esąs gabus mokinys ir netrokšta juo tapti. Brolis negaili patyčių ir tevadina storuliu, kvailiu, nevykėliu. Huru susidraugauja su geriausiu nindzių mokytoju ir pakeičia savo nuomonę apie gyvenimą – tampa tikru kovotoju.
After their mother ends up in jail, two sisters turn to train robbery in order to support their family.
A pair of high school rappers have two major goals - make music and get hot girls. The best way to get both is to throw the biggest and best house party ever! The night of the party, one of the boys is grounded by his parents, so it's up to his best friend to break him out of his house confinement and get the party started.
After learning of his brother's death during a mission in Romania, a former soldier joins two allies to hunt down a mysterious enemy and take his revenge.
Two co-dependent sisters, a recovering sex addict and a lonely lesbian who work as hotel maids in Fresno, go to ludicrous lengths to cover up an accidental crime.
After moving back to her family home to care for her dying mother, a nurse haunted by her childhood memories must struggle with an evil force in the house.
John McKenna is a spiritual being who is able to transform into bear, wolf or eagle. He lives in the forests of Tanglewood and has dedicated his life to protect them. One day a gang of evil lumberjacks led by Travis Thorne arrive Tanglewood to chop the forest down. McKenna cannot let this happen, and together with his new friends - Lords of the Tanglewood, a band of children who love to play in the forest - he battles against Thorne and his evil gang.
A group of coeds from a small conservative college break out of their shells when their marching band bus breaks down in Fort Lauderdale during Spring Break.
"I will try to be normal" 12-year-old Ace Ventura Jr. promises. Thats cool, except whats normal for him is finding missing mutts, kidnapped kitties or gone gators and creating hilarious chaos every step of the way.