In the middle of Yosemite National Park towers El Capitan, a huge block of granite whose smoothest side, the Dawn Wall, is said to be the most difficult rock climb in the world. Tommy Caldwell didn’t see inhospitable terrain, but rather a puzzle almost a kilometer tall. In The Dawn Wall, we follow him and Kevin Jorgeson in their historic ascent to the summit.

Louis C.K. is back on HBO in an ALL-NEW hour of raw no-holds-barred stand-up comedy! The creator and star of the 2006 comedy series Lucky Louie, performs in front of a live audience in LA at the Henry Fonda Theater. Louis C.K. covers issues near and dear to his heart like marriage, lying to your spouse, having kids and losing your privacy, and obligatory sex among husbands and wives.

A filmmaker stands trial when a costume assistant on his movie accuses him of rape

A journey through the masterpieces and obsessions of the Genius of the Impressionism, down the River Seine, from Le Havre to Paris and then up the river towards Argenteuil, Poissy, Vétheuil, Giverny – ending in Paris. A tour of the Museums displaying Monet's masterpieces: the Orangerie Museum, the Marmottan Museum, the Orsay Museum, ending in Monet's house and gardens at Giverny.

Prasad and Sreeja are a couple planning to set up a new life in Kasargod. On a bus journey they end up being robbed by a thief also named Prasad and this lands them up in a police station.

A WWII pilot, bombardier, and radioman find themselves adrift on a lifeboat without food or water after being forced to ditch their plane during a scouting mission.

This is a story about a city guy Nikolai, who will have to go instead of his friend on a rural business trip. A series of funny events, meetings and the beauty of the Yakut village encourage Nikolai to make an important decision in his life…

A dark domestic drama about the familial ties that bind and the ties that really bind.

Trial by Fire on Texasiin sijoittuva, tositapahtumiin perustuva elokuva kuolemaantuomitusta vangista, Cameron Todd Willingham, ja houstonilaisesta kahden lapsen äidistä, joka taistelee kuolemaantuomitun vapauttamisen puolesta. 12 vankeusvuoden aikana Elizabeth Gilbert havaitsee, että rikostutkinnassa oli käytetty kyseenalaisia kuulustelumetodeja ja tehty epäloogisia päätelmiä.

Kaiji Ito moves to Japan after graduating from high school. Unable to find a job and frustrated with society at large, Kaiji spends his days gambling, vandalizing cars, and drinking booze. Two years later and his life is no better. A debt collector named Endo arrives to collect money owed. The debt collector offers two choices to Kaiji: spend 10 years paying off his loan or board a gambling boat for one night to repay his debt & possibly make a boat load of money. Could the debt collector Endo actually be setting up Kaiji? One way or another, for Kaiji it's going to be the night of his life.

A young girl suffers a terrifying nightmare of a vampire with blazing golden eyes. Eighteen years later, it is revealed to be a hellish prophecy when a strange package containing an empty coffin mysteriously turns up at a nearby lake.

An act of civil disobedience turns into a standoff with police when homeless people in Cincinnati take over the public library to seek shelter from the bitter cold.

As alien invaders plot to conquer the Earth, two Boy Scouts steal a mini-submarine and discover Gamera in their midst. Transported to the alien's spaceship, the Scouts are menaced by the evil inhabitants, including Viras, a squid-like monster that grows to colossal size to battle Gamera.

A young camgirl discovers that she’s inexplicably been replaced on her site with an exact replica of herself.

1960-luvun San Franciscoon sijoittuva ja tositapahtumiin perustuva BIRTH OF THE DRAGON kertoo Bruce Leen elämästä ennen kuin hänestä tuli maailmanlaajuinen ilmiö. Elokuva on saanut innoituksensa eeppisestä ja edelleenkin kiistellystä kamppailusta nousevan tähden Bruce Leen ja kung fu -mestari Wong Jack Manin välillä – kamppailusta, joka synnytti legendan.

Michal is 32 years old. She became religious 12 years ago, and only now is she getting married. A month before the wedding, while checking out the catering for the event, the groom has a change of heart and the wedding is called off. Michal feels she’s unable to go back to ordinary life, to the usual course of matchmaking. She feels this is the moment to change something very basic in her personality. A simple belief that God is good and sweet; that He wants to give and is only waiting for her to wish it. Michal goes on a month-long journey lasting up to the planned wedding day: “I have the venue, the dress, the apartment; God can easily come up with my groom.”

A man impersonates a nanny to infiltrate a millionaire's household and steal his fortune.

Nuoren katutaikurin on huolehdittava pikkusiskostaan heidän äitinsä kuoleman jälkeen, joten hän alkaa myydä huumeita pystyäkseen elättämään heitä. Kun hän joutuu vaikeuksiin huumevälittäjänsä kanssa ja hänen sisarensa kidnapataan, hänen on turvauduttava kekseliäisyyteensä ja taikurintaitoihinsa pelastaakseen sisarensa.

Will on menestyvä nuori asianajaja, joka on kohta tulossa isäksi. Hän on jo kosinut raskaana olevaa Samathaa ja nyt Will lähtee Seattlesta Chicagoon pyytämään perinteitä kunnioittaen Samanthan isältä Tomilta tämän tyttären kättä. Tom on entinen merijalkaväen sotilas, todellinen alfauros, joka työskentelee hyväpalkkaisena konsulttina aseteollisuudessa, eikä arvosta Williä kovinkaan korkealle. Samaan aikaan kun Will tapaa Tomin alkaa tapahtua kummia. Outo mysrky riehuu länsirannikolla, missä Samantha asuu, ja Eurooppaa iskee käsittämätön lämpöaalto. Pian kaikki tietoliikenneyhteydet kaatuvat ja sähköverkko katoaa. Tomin isän- ja sotilasvaistot heräävät ja hän päättää lähteä Seattleen takaamaan tyttärensä turvallisuuden - pitkin hampain hän pyytää lopulta Willin mukaansa. Alkaa epätoivoinen vaellus mantereen halki vihamieliseksi muuttuneessa maailmassa.

Three friends pledge a fraternity that's deadly serious about its secret rituals, turning their rush into a race for survival.