An exploration of technologically developing nations and the effect the transition to Western-style modernization has had on them.
Uta — the most beloved singer in the world. Her voice, which she sings with while concealing her true identity, has been described as “otherworldly.” She will appear in public for the first time at a live concert. As the venue fills with all kinds of Uta fans — excited pirates, the Navy watching closely, and the Straw Hats led by Luffy who simply came to enjoy her sonorous performance — the voice that the whole world has been waiting for is about to resound.
Šįkart bušmenas Ksiko keliauja ieškoti savo vaikų, kuriuos netyčia išsivežė brakonieriai. Vaikai norėjo atsigerti ir įkrito į jų vandens cisterną. Laimė, kad ji buvo pustuštė… Vaikų tėtis, puikus pėdsekys, beieškodamas savo atžalėlių, sutiko įnoringą poniutę iš Amerikos ir keistuolį zoologijos mokslų daktarą. Negana to, po dykumą blaškosi du priešiškų valstybių kareiviai ir paeiliui ima vienas kitą į nelaisvę. Žodžiu, Kalahario dykumoje vėl karšta.
A cop investigates whether the man convicted of murdering his daughter is really guilty.
Awkward teenager Charlie Bartlett has trouble fitting in at a new high school. Charlie needs some friends fast, and decides that the best way to find them is to appoint himself the resident psychiatrist. He becomes one of the most popular guys in school by doling out advice and, occasionally, medication, to the student body.
Four African-American Vietnam veterans return to Vietnam. They are in search of the remains of their fallen squad leader and the promise of buried treasure. These heroes battle forces of humanity and nature while confronted by the lasting ravages of the immorality of the Vietnam War.
Sherlock Holmes investigates when young women around London turn up murdered, each with a finger severed. Scotland Yard suspects a madman, but Holmes believes the killings to be part of a diabolical plot.
A group of sinners involved in interconnected tales of murder, revenge, deceit and adultery all meet at the Gates of Hell.
Mike, after his release from a psychiatric hospital, teams up with his old pal Reggie to hunt down the Tall Man, who is at it again. A mysterious, beautiful girl has also become part of Mike's dreams, and they must find her before the Tall Man does.
Arnoldas Schwarzeneggeris vaidina Rusijos policininką Ivaną Danko, išsiųstą į Ameriką gaudyti Gruzijos narkotikų prekeivio Viktoro Rostavilio, kuris pabėgo nužudęs savo partnerį. Amerikoje Rostavilio nusikaltimus jau tiria Čikagos detektyvas Artis (akt. James Belushi). Kai nusikaltėlis sulaikomas Amerikoje, Ivanas daro viską, kad nugabentų jį į Rusiją ir nuteistų pagal vietos įstatymus. Tai įplieskia konfliktą su detektyvu Arčiu, bet netrukus Rostavilis pabėga ir du iš skirtingų šalių kilę teisėsaugininkai turi suvienyti jėgas bei pamiršti nesutarimus, kad kartu sugautų nusikaltėlį.
Vieniša motina Karen savo trylikamečiui sūnui Endžiui nuperka žaislą su dirbtiniu intelektu – jis reaguoja į vaiko kuriamas istorijas ir fantaziją, mokosi ir tobulėja. Endis iškart įsimyli naująjį žaislą, pavadina jį Čakiu ir praktiškai užmiršta viską aplink. Tačiau vieną dieną kažkas nutinka ir Čakis pasikeičia. Vietoje juoko ir džiaugsmo Karen ir Endžio namuose įsivyrauja sąmyšis, nerimas ir, galų gale, įsiviešpatauja tikras siaubas...
When a teenager suddenly disappears without a trace, the case is assigned to an alcoholic police officer who maintains a complicated relationship with his own troubled teenage son, suspected of drug trafficking.
Gregas ir Pem Fakeriai po bendro gyvenimo dešimtmečio augina penkerių metų truputį pašėlusius dvynius ir laukiasi dar vienos atžalos. Su uošviu Džeku Gregas taip pat sutaria pakenčiamai – nors Pem tėvas, reikia pripažinti, į žentą, dirbantį medicinos "broliuku", kartais vis dar pažvelgia įtariai. Deja, gyvenimas ne visuomet būna rožėmis klotas. Gregą ima kamuoti banalūs finansiniai klausimai. Praktiškai kasdien auga dvynių poreikiai, pakeliui trečias vaikelis – slaugo darbas nebegali pilnai išmaitinti šeimos. Ieškodamas išeities, Gregas sukerta rankomis su viena farmacijos kompanija dėl nedidelio darbelio. Kalbant atvirai, ne visai legalaus darbelio.
When civil engineer Siddharth is arrested for a murder on the basis of a pictorial evidence, cops discover his lookalike Aditya and realize they have only 48 hours to solve the case.
When the son of a successful judge is killed by two police officers and the system sets them free, a hardened veteran detective finds some incriminating files on the officers and the judge teams up with another mourning father to take the law into his own hands.
A savage tale of female power, inspired by the mating rituals of the female Australian Red Back Spider.
Students from Miskatonic University decide to spend the night in the Winthrop house, a spot widely believed to have been haunted for the past 300 years, ever since Joshua Winthrop was horribly murdered and mutilated by the hideous creature born of his wife.
A married woman with a lovely daughter lives a carefree life, until she meets her ex-lover at a friend’s wedding. They haven’t seen each other in ten years, but they begin an affair.
Under the watchful gaze of his young assistant, the artist Mark Rothko takes on his greatest challenge yet: to create a definitive series of paintings for the Philip Johnson-designed Four Seasons restaurant in architect Mies van der Rohe’s iconic Seagram Building. Award-winning stage and screen actor Alfred Molina reprises his critically acclaimed performance as the American abstract expressionist painter Mark Rothko in playwright John Logan’s Tony Award-winning 2010 play Red. Molina is joined by rising star Alfred Enoch (How to Get Away With Murder) as Rothko’s assistant Ken. Original Broadway director Michael Grandage returns to direct this 2018 West End revival, the first U.K. production since the play’s 2009 world premiere at the Donmar Warehouse.
In a Cyberpunk overcrowded world, two sisters are separated by the uprising of the population against the one child policy.