Mickey and his friends take a close look at important street safety situations and tips.

Анимационный дорожный фильм, снятый через обширный и бесплодный ландшафт равнины Налларбор в Австралии

Скандальную известность Стюарту Ли принесла постановка оперы «Джерри Спрингер», которая так возмутила христианскую общественность, что она потребовала судить режиссера по статье «богохульство». Ответом Ли стало выступление «90s Comedian», в котором он описал свой собственный опыт общения с Христом.

During the Thirty Years' War, the camp-follower Anna Fierling, called "Mother Courage", travels the length and breadth of Europe with her covered wagon. She does not care if it's Catholics or Protestants she trades with as long as business thrives. She loses her three children as a result of the war: bold and spirited Eilif, sincere and upright Swiss Cheese and mute Katrin, who saves the children of Halle by beating a drum on a farmstead roof In wartime, the Fierling children's virtues prove to be deadly. Yet, Mother Courage, remains incorrigible. She will not have anyone "spoil the war" for her and so sets out once more after the soldiers with her wagon.

A wealthy couple hires their cousin to be the surrogate for the child they are unable to have on their own, but chaos ensues when the woman holds the baby hostage for ransom. In this vicious game of cat and mouse, unlikely alliances are forged and nothing is ever what it seems.

Спасая тонувшего в ледяной воде, солдат Балашов получает воспаление легких и вскоре попадает в военный госпиталь. Молодой доктор Голубев ставит неверный диагноз, в результате чего назначенный курс лечения не дает положительных результатов. Поняв свою ошибку, Голубев предлагает хирургическое вмешательство, однако недоверие к нему со стороны главного врача госпиталя отдаляет момент принятия твердого решения и ставит жизнь больного под угрозу…

Short film built from photographs, sped up like a traditional stop motion and is meant to be an evocation of the English Eerie and Folk Horror.

Grim desperately needs one more soul to win his work competition, but his last scheduled collection at a rigorous bike race turns his world upside-down. At the finish line, he learns that life is not always about the trophy at the end of the race.

Инопланетная сущность сеет хаос в американской глуши. Фантастический хоррор о тайнах параллельных измерений

Based on the true story of Louis "Red" Deutsch. A New Jersey bar-owner is plagued with prank phone calls that prompt him to flip into psychotic, profanity-laden rages.

Two friends are trapped in a house were a couple of murders are waiting.

Told entirely without dialogue, Hush Hush follows a conservative newlywed couple whose failed attempts at intimacy lead them down separate paths of sexual self-discovery.

The laughs begin when the bell rings! When it comes to playtime, cartoon favourites Tom and Jerry are serious students of fun and games. But whether he’s in a classroom or on the schoolyard, there’s one lesson Jerry just can’t seem to learn: he’s never going to catch that mouse!

A body-builder's internal monologue grows more intense as he flexes in front of a mirror.

Red, a shy orphan who spent most of his childhood in a girly bar, grew up to be the town's best fixer. When a rich kid was gunned down in a drug bust that went wrong, Red was hired by Art, a spoiled socialite, to fix the mess.

Даже вернувшись в родной дом, ты не застрахован от домыслов, осуждения и расправы.

A documentary crew film the final days of a dying man suffering from congestive heart failure, accompanied by his exuberant friend.