Hiába ragyognak fel a karácsonyi fények, Charlie Brown számára borongós marad a decemberi égbolt. Lucy tanácsára elvállalja a betlehemi játék rendezését, ami remek alkalomnak tűnik, hogy kizökkenjen az ünnephez csöppet sem illő hangulatából. A betlehemezéshez persze elengedhetetlen a karácsonyfa, csakhogy a többiek kicsúfolják az apró, csenevész fát, amivel Charlie Brown beállít - egészen addig, míg végre hatni kezd a karácsony igazi szelleme...
Director Michael Apted revisits the same group of British-born adults after a 7 year wait. The subjects are interviewed as to the changes that have occurred in their lives during the last seven years.
Turkey, cranberries, pumpkin pie... and the Peanuts gang to share them with. This is going to be the greatest Thanksgiving ever! The fun begins when Peppermint Patty invites herself and her pals to Charlie Brown's house for a REALLY big turkey party. Good grief! All our hero can cook is cold cereal and maybe toast. Is Charlie Brown doomed? Not when Linus, Snoopy and Woodstock chip in to save the (Thanksgiving) Day. With such good friends, Charlie Brown - and all of us - have so many reasons to be thankful.
Amagane Rinne had an accident and died while hurrying to school. She suddenly arrived in an awkward school... in Hell, filled with demons. While she is struggling and wishing to go back to the world whence she came from, she makes friends with her demon schoolmates and develops an uncommon bond.
When the nephews come to Donald's house in their Halloween costumes he dumps water on them and laughs at his trick. A witch sees this and decides to help the kids. By magic she gives Donald a bad time and the kids finally get their treats.
Ronny Chieng ("The Daily Show," "Crazy Rich Asians") takes center stage in this stand-up special and riffs on modern American life and more.
Kenyában egy angol házaspár, George és Joy Adamson találnak egy oroszlánkölyköt. Elzát megpróbálják visszavinni eredeti élőhelyére az afrikai szavannára, mielőtt a kormány rájönne, hogy náluk van, és az álltakertbe zárnák.
Mickey is challenged by his nephews to tell a scary story on Halloween night, but his stories are mostly fun and silly, until he is finally pushed to tell a truly terrifying tale.
Four children learn the origins of Halloween customs while trying to save the life of their friend.
With the school election looming, Linus is talked into running for school president. With Lucy and Charlie Brown as his campaign manager and Snoopy and Woodstock assisting, he stands a decent chance of victory. Soon however, he makes unrealistic promises and learns the hard way that preaching about the Great Pumpkin can not be considered a sound campaign strategy.
It's the night of Peppermint Patty’s New Year’s Eve bash, but Charlie Brown has to write a book report about War and Peace. Hoping to join the fun for a special dance with the Little Red-Haired Girl, he tries desperately to finish in time.
Traudl Junge 1943-tól a náci birodalom összeomlásáig volt Adolf Hitler egyik személyi titkárnője. Dolgozott a főhadiszálláson a Farkaslakban, az obersalzburgi Berghofban és a berlini különvonaton. 1944-ben szemtanúja a sikertelen Stauffenberg-merényletnek; a háború utolsó napjait és a Führer öngyilkosságát a Führerbunkerben, a körbezárt fővárosban élte át. Hitler Traudl Jungenek diktálta le végrendeletét. Ebben a filmben nyilatkozik először Traudl Junge nyilvánosan az életéről, vall önmagáról. Beszél müncheni gyerekkoráról, a véletlenekről és az életkörülményekről, amik először Berlinbe "A Führer Kancelláriájába" majd később mint személyi titkárnőt a Farkaslakba vezették.
Charlie Brown, Linus, Patty és Marcie külföldi cserediákokként Franciaországba utaznak. Velük van Snoopy és Woodstock is. Miközben mindenki nagyon izgatott az utazás miatt, Charlie levelet kap egy titokzatos francia lánytól...
It's Halloween for Fat Albert and the Junkyard Gang, and everyone's all set for trick-or-treating. While searching for costumes a store clerk kicks them out, leaving the gang to comes up with their own home-made costumes. Then they are off to the movies to scare old Searchlight Johnson, then more hijinks with Mudfoot Brown, and old lady Bickwell. As you can probably guess, things don't go too well and they learn their lessons... Searchlight catches them up to no good in the theatre and throws them out. Mudfoot Brown eats most of their candy, and old lady Bickwell turns out to have the best Halloween treats in town.
The king needs a new queen, and Esther has been chosen! But she's about to find out that being queen is going to take more courage than she ever imagined! When a small town girl wakes up with the weight of the world on her shoulders and the fate of her people in her hands, can she find the courage to do what's right?
An edit of Game of Death using unreleased footage. Hai Tien, a retired martial artist, is confronted by a underground Korean gang to retrieve an item in a five-level pagoda under the guard of skilled martial artists. When he refuses, his sister and brother are kidnapped. Now, Hai Tien and a group of other martial artists fight their way up the pagoda.
Spooney Melodies were a series of live-action musical shorts produced by the Leon Schlesinger Studios during the 1930s that capitalized on the popularity of organ music played in Palace-style movie theaters and were intended to be played as the short before the main feature. This short film is the only surviving example of the series, which was something of a precursor to the animated "Merrie Melodies" cartoons that followed later.
After Charlie Brown spots a girl briefly shown in a sports event broadcasting, he is smitten enough to go in search of her with the help of Linus. Unfortunately in his search, he has his usual amount of luck. As Charlie Brown is watching a football game, he spots a girl in the stands that he immediately attaches himself to. When the game ends, he is desperate to find her, so he enlists Linus to help him and, because of his absolute nervousness, to do the talking for him. However, that move could wind up spelling doom for the love-starved Charlie Brown once they finally find her.
A rookie CBI officer must enlist the help of an incarcerated criminal in order to catch a serial child killer, who has recently escaped police custody.
Az Egy troll New Yorkban című film történetének helyszíne a Trollok Birodalma, ahol mindenkinek gonosznak kell lennie és tilos virágot nevelni! Stanley megszegi a parancsot és titokban kertészkedni kezd. Amikor tettére fény derül, az emberek egyik legnagyobb betondzsungelébe, New Yorkba száműzik. A kedves kis troll azonban remekül érzi magát a fákkal és virágokkal benépesített Central Parkban. Hamarosan barátai is akadnak, Rosie és Gus személyében. A két gyerek szüleik távollétében kiszöknek a parkba és számos kalandot élnek át Stanley-vel.