本部纪录片是导演迈克尔·艾普特从1964年开始拍摄的纪录片系列的第五部。迈克尔·艾普特在1964年为英国BBC电视台拍摄了记录片《7 Up》,采访来自英国不同阶层的十四个七岁的小孩子,他们有的来自孤儿院有的是上层社会的小孩。此后每隔七年,艾普特都会重新采访当年的这些孩子,倾听他们的梦想,畅谈他们的生活。这时他们都已经是35岁的中年人,成家立业。艾普特再次追踪他们的生活,记录他们的事业是否成功,爱情是否美满。七年,岁月的痕迹已悄然爬上每一个人的面庞。 再次时隔七年,命运之手是垂青于谁,还是跟我们所有人,开了场偌大的玩笑。
Amagane Rinne had an accident and died while hurrying to school. She suddenly arrived in an awkward school... in Hell, filled with demons. While she is struggling and wishing to go back to the world whence she came from, she makes friends with her demon schoolmates and develops an uncommon bond.
又是一年万圣节来到,丑陋的老巫婆海瑟骑着扫帚横行天际,以丑脸和张扬邪恶的声音吓唬栖息黑暗中的小动物。不过她却无意中被一个南瓜头吓坏了,仔细一看,原来南瓜头是唐老鸭(克拉伦斯·纳什 Clarence Nash 配音)三个小外甥扮成的。三个小家伙穿上节日的服装,正满心欢喜地去找唐大叔要糖果,结果反被坏心眼的唐大叔戏弄了一番。海瑟巫婆同情小家伙们的遭遇,决定帮帮他们,最终也让唐老鸭给耍了。 巫婆十分生气,她和小鸭子们一起配置了神奇的药物,并团结一心对付唐老鸭。虽然老巫婆的魔法十分强大,可是固执的唐老鸭抵死不愿交出糖果,一场万圣节糖果大战就此展开……
喜剧演员、《每日秀》记者、《摘金奇缘》演员钱信伊推出自己的首个 Netflix 喜剧特辑《亚洲笑星闹美国》。钱信伊出生于马来西亚,在曼彻斯特、新罕布什尔、新加坡和澳大利亚长大,他大谈特谈自己迄今为止在美国的旅程。从评估消费主义的影响,到亚裔美国总统的办事效率有多高,钱在《钱信伊:亚洲笑星闹美国》中分享了他认为使美国变得强大的真正原因。《钱信伊:亚洲笑星闹美国》将于 2019 年 12 月 17 日在 Netflix 面向全球上线。
故事开始于1937年,年轻的乔伊(弗吉尼亚·麦肯娜 Virginia McKenna 饰)前往肯尼亚度假,在肯尼亚热带森林里,乔伊目睹了各种各样的珍奇异兽,这些灵动的生命深深的吸引了乔伊,她果断的和丈夫离了婚,嫁给了当地的禁猎监督管乔治(比尔·特拉弗斯 Bill Travers 饰),就此留在了这片神奇的土地之上。 一天,乔治在巡逻期间遭到了一头母狮的攻击,为了保命,乔治不得不开枪击毙了母狮,之后,他发现母狮留下了三只无人照料的小狮子,于是,乔治将其中两只比较健康的送到了动物园,剩下一只体弱多病的留给了乔伊照料,夫妻两人给它取名艾尔莎,就这样,艾尔莎成为了两人真正的孩子。
Mickey is challenged by his nephews to tell a scary story on Halloween night, but his stories are mostly fun and silly, until he is finally pushed to tell a truly terrifying tale.
Four children learn the origins of Halloween customs while trying to save the life of their friend.
这是一部90分钟的资料文献片,采访的当前希特勒三个私人秘书之一的托德尔·金斯(1920-2002)在1942年至1945年间跟随阿道夫的经历,她把希特勒形容成“快乐的老板和父亲式的朋友”。金斯女士以第一见证人的身份描述了当年第三帝国内的日常生活,包括那些被人们憎恨又恐惧希特勒和伊娃等,她也转录了希特勒最后的愿望和遗嘱,还有那些效忠第三帝国自杀的追随者们。 第52届柏林国际电影节(2002) 大观单元观众奖 André Heller 第15届欧洲电影奖(2002) 最佳纪录片奖(提名) André Heller
It's Halloween for Fat Albert and the Junkyard Gang, and everyone's all set for trick-or-treating. While searching for costumes a store clerk kicks them out, leaving the gang to comes up with their own home-made costumes. Then they are off to the movies to scare old Searchlight Johnson, then more hijinks with Mudfoot Brown, and old lady Bickwell. As you can probably guess, things don't go too well and they learn their lessons... Searchlight catches them up to no good in the theatre and throws them out. Mudfoot Brown eats most of their candy, and old lady Bickwell turns out to have the best Halloween treats in town.
The king needs a new queen, and Esther has been chosen! But she's about to find out that being queen is going to take more courage than she ever imagined! When a small town girl wakes up with the weight of the world on her shoulders and the fate of her people in her hands, can she find the courage to do what's right?
An edit of Game of Death using unreleased footage. Hai Tien, a retired martial artist, is confronted by a underground Korean gang to retrieve an item in a five-level pagoda under the guard of skilled martial artists. When he refuses, his sister and brother are kidnapped. Now, Hai Tien and a group of other martial artists fight their way up the pagoda.
Spooney Melodies were a series of live-action musical shorts produced by the Leon Schlesinger Studios during the 1930s that capitalized on the popularity of organ music played in Palace-style movie theaters and were intended to be played as the short before the main feature. This short film is the only surviving example of the series, which was something of a precursor to the animated "Merrie Melodies" cartoons that followed later.
A rookie CBI officer must enlist the help of an incarcerated criminal in order to catch a serial child killer, who has recently escaped police custody.
A friendly troll with a magic green thumb grows one flower too many for the queen, whose laws require all trolls to be mean ugly and scare humans whenever possible. As a punishment, he is exiled to a world of concrete, where he should live a life of proper trolldom: Manhattan.