Marty je povprečni gimnazijec. Njegov prijatelj, ekscentrični znanstvenik dr. Brown izumi časovni stroj, s katerim se Marty po naključju znajde v letu 1955. Da je stvar še hujša, tam naleti na svojega očeta v najstniških letih in na svojo mamo. Če Martyju ne bo uspelo stvari postaviti na svoje mesto, bo enostavno izginil. Naloga zanj ne bo pretežka, saj če sredi petdesetih obvladaš rolkanje, poznaš vse najnovejše hite, hkrati pa obvladaš kitarske rife prihodnosti, ne moreš biti drugega kot frajer.

Zgodba spremlja ameriškega znanstvenika J. Roberta Oppenheimerja in njegovo vlogo pri razvoju atomske bombe. Znanstvenika Oppenheimerja je upodobil Cillian Murphy, njegovo ženo Katherine »Kitty« Oppenheimer, ki je biologinja in botaničarka, pa igralka Emily Blunt. Oskarjevec Matt Damon je upodobil generala Leslieja Grovesa ml., direktorja projekta Manhattan, igralec Robert Downey Jr. pa je ustanovni komisar ameriške komisije za jedrsko energijo Lewis Strauss.

V novi razburljivi filmski zgodbi Varuhi galaksije je naša najljubša družba neprilagojenih videti nekoliko drugače. Peter Quill, ki še vedno žaluje zaradi izgube Gamore, mora zbrati svojo ekipo za obrambo vesolja in zaščito enega od svojih. Misija, ki bi lahko, če ne bi bila uspešno zaključena, pripeljala do konca Varuhov, kot jih poznamo.

Maria, Henry in njuni trije otroci prispejo na zimske počitnice na Tajskem, kjer si obetajo nekaj prelepih dni v paradižu. Toda na jutro 26. decembra, ko družina po božičnem praznovanju prejšnjega dne počiva ob bazenu, se iz središča zemlje dvigne strašljivo grmenje. Mario strah povsem ohromi, ko zagleda gromozansko gmoto črne vode, ki se približuje hotelu … Čudovite počitnice se v nekaj sekundah spremenijo v nočno moro, ko potres na morju povzroči velikanski cunami, ta obalna letovišča zravna z zemljo. Ločeni in ujeti v kaosu ene od največjih naravnih nesreč sodobnega časa poskušajo preživeli najti družinske člane, toda v poplavi zbeganih in prestrašenih množic so najbolj temeljne civilizacijske norme postavljene pred veliko preizkušnjo.

In Los Angeles, a gang of bank robbers who call themselves The Ex-Presidents commit their crimes while wearing masks of Reagan, Carter, Nixon and Johnson. Believing that the members of the gang could be surfers, the F.B.I. sends young agent Johnny Utah to the beach undercover to mix with the surfers and gather information.

Siblings Lucy, Edmund, Susan and Peter step through a magical wardrobe and find the land of Narnia. There, they discover a charming, once peaceful kingdom that has been plunged into eternal winter by the evil White Witch, Jadis. Aided by the wise and magnificent lion, Aslan, the children lead Narnia into a spectacular, climactic battle to be free of the Witch's glacial powers forever.

12-year-old David is accidentally knocked out in the forest near his home, but when he awakens eight years have passed. His family is overjoyed to have him back, but is just as perplexed as he is that he hasn't aged. When a NASA scientist discovers a UFO nearby, David gets the chance to unravel the mystery and recover the life he lost.

One of the most controversial men of his age, Alexander Hamilton was a gifted statesman brought down by the fatal flaws of stubbornness, extreme candor and arrogance. His life and career were marked by a stunning rise to power, scandal and tragedy. But his contributions survive. As Secretary of the Treasury during the tumultuous early years of the republic, Hamilton led the transformation of the young country into industrial powerhouse.

John in Jane Smith sta zakonca iz predmestja, ki živita na videz precej dolgočasno življenje. Toda vsak od njiju ima veliko skrivnost: gospod in gospa Smith sta v resnici dobro plačana in izjemno učinkovita profesionalna morilca, ki delata za konkurenčni agenciji. Gospod in gospa Smith odkrijeta novo iskro v svojem življenju, ko ju najamejo, da se znebita drug drugega. Takrat se začne prava zabava...

Faced with his own mortality, an ingenious alchemist tried to perfect an invention that would provide him with the key to eternal life. It was called the Cronos device. When he died more than 400 years later, he took the secrets of this remarkable device to the grave with him. Now, an elderly antiques dealer has found the hellish machine hidden in a statue and learns about its incredible powers. The more he uses the device, the younger he becomes...but nothing comes without a price. Life after death is just the beginning as this nerve-shattering thriller unfolds and the fountain of youth turns bloody.

When an alien race and factions within Starfleet attempt to take over a planet that has "regenerative" properties, it falls upon Captain Picard and the crew of the Enterprise to defend the planet's people as well as the very ideals upon which the Federation itself was founded.

Film predstavi usodno ljubezensko zgodbo med čustveno najstnico Bello in skrivnostnim lepotcem Edwardom. Ta presenečenemu dekletu razkrije, da pripada družini vampirjev, ki se je odpovedala človeški krvi, a Edward kljub temu živi v strahu, da bi lahko zbližanje z Belle v njem prebudilo krvoločni nagon. Toda ko v mesto pripotuje podivjana trojica nomadskih vampirjev, je resnična ljubezen edino, kar lahko ustavi njihov morilski pohod.

Oboroženi z vsemi orožji, ki jih lahko dobijo in veščinami za njihovo uporabo, so Plačanci zadnja obrambna črta na svetu in ekipa, ki jo pokličejo, ko odpovejo vse druge možnosti. Toda novi člani ekipe z novimi slogi in taktikami bodo dali "novi krvi" povsem nov pomen, ko se zoperstavijo nevarnemu teroristu, ko ta poskuša zanetiti tretjo svetovno vojno.

It tells of the events before the film, in which monster hunter Gabriel Van Helsing travels to London to investigate a series of horrific, and decidedly supernatural murders, being committed by the mad scientist Dr. Jekyll, in the form of his evil alter-ego, Mr. Hyde.

Tensions rise within an asbestos cleaning crew as they work in an abandoned mental hospital with a horrific past that seems to be coming back.

For years, Blade has fought against the vampires in the cover of the night. But now, after falling into the crosshairs of the FBI, he is forced out into the daylight, where he is driven to join forces with a clan of human vampire hunters he never knew existed—The Nightstalkers. Together with Abigail and Hannibal, two deftly trained Nightstalkers, Blade follows a trail of blood to the ancient creature that is also hunting him—the original vampire, Dracula.

The tyrant Gedren seeks the total power in a world of barbarism. She raids the city Hablac and kills the keeper of a talisman that gives her great power. Red Sonja, sister of the keeper, sets out with her magic sword to overthrow Gedren.

After falling from the Twin Towers, Kong lies in a coma for ten years. When his heart begins to fail, scientists engineer an artificial heart, and a giant female ape is captured to serve as a source for a blood transfusion. When Kong awakens following his heart transplant, he senses the nearby presence of the female ape and the two escape to wreak havoc together.

Immortals Connor and Duncan Macleod join forces against a man from Connor's distant past in the highlands of Scotland, Kell, an immensely powerful immortal who leads an army of equally powerful and deadly immortal swordsmen and assassins. No immortal alive has been able to defeat Kell yet, and neither Connor nor Duncan are skilled enough themselves to take him on and live. The two of them eventually come to one inevitable conclusion; one of them must die so that the combined power of both the Highlanders can bring down Kell for good. There can be only one... the question is, who will it be?

In the year 2024, the ozone layer is believed to have been destroyed, and it's up to MacLeod and Ramirez to set things right. Opposition comes from both the planet Ziest (MacLeod and Ramirez's homeworld) and a corporation profiting from the supposed lack of ozone. Also, flashbacks show the story behind MacLeod and Ramirez's exile from Ziest.