Igor, aged 15, and his father Roger deal in housing and peddling illicit labor in the outlying districts of Liege, Belgium. Scams, lies and swindling rule their lives. When one of his father’s illegal workers gets injured on the job and asks Igor to promise to take care of his wife and baby, Igor finds himself at a crossroad. He wants to keep the promise, but the price would be to betray his father.
Filmová adaptácia medzinárodného bestselleru alžírskeho spisovateľa Yasmina Khadrau, ktorý bol preložený do viac než štyridsiatich jazykov, sugetívne vykresľuje morálnu dilemu arabsko-izraelského chirurga, potýkajúceho sa s obvineniami jeho manželky zo samovražedného teroristického útoku. Keď objaví manželkin list na rozlúčku, zrúti sa mu celý doterajší svet. Čelí zložitým životným otázkam, stráca doterajšie ilúzie a začína si uvedomovať, že doteraz žil v umelo vytvorenej realite, ktorej súčasťou bola neznáme žena.
Jedného dňa objaví manažér starnúcej rockovej hviezdy list, ktorý pred 40 rokmi Dannymu Collinsovi napísali John Lennon a Yoko Ono. Okrem iného v ňom uviedli: „Zostaň verný sám sebe, zostaň verný svojej hudbe!“ List, ktorý bol pôvodne myslený ako nezištná pomoc v turbulentných časoch slávy a úspechu, teraz Dannymu pripomenie, že ešte stále je čas na druhú šancu. Ak už nie v kariére, tak aspoň v súkromnom živote... Film vznikol podľa skutočnej udalosti – John Lennon so svojou družkou naozaj taký list napísali – folkovému spevákovi Stevemu Tilstonovi. Pôvodne sa o sfilmovaní uvažovalo už v roku 2010, kedy mal fiktívneho Dannyho Collinsa stelesniť Steve Carell a o niečo neskôr Jeremy Renner. Až osobné zainteresovanie Al Pacina, ktorého výkon je dominantný, podnietilo vznik divácky príťažlivého filmu.
When the beloved cellist of a world-renowned string quartet is diagnosed with a life threatening illness, the group's future suddenly hangs in the balance as suppressed emotions, competing egos and uncontrollable passions threaten to derail years of friendship and collaboration. As they are about to play their 25th anniversary concert — quite possibly their last — only their intimate bond and the power of music can preserve their legacy.
Two outsiders, both shaped by the circumstances that have brought them together, forge a deep and lasting love.
Titus Andronicus returns from the wars and sees his sons and daughters taken from him, one by one. Shakespeare's goriest and earliest tragedy.
Malý Theo Carter sa nedokáže vyrovnať s tým, že sa s rodinou presťahovali do iného mesta a jeho pracovne vyťažený otec nemá na neho a jeho brata Nicka veľa času. Theo si veľmi želá mať psa. Jeho otec Michael pochopí Theove pocity, keď spoločne uvidia v kine dojemný film Red Dog o legendárnom austrálskom túlavom psovi. Večer sa otec synovi prizná, že pes, podľa ktorého film nakrútili, bol kedysi jeho, a porozpráva mu svoj príbeh.
Crystal, a rich party girl, finds a little girl's letter to Santa asking for a new mother, and she vows to win over the father and daughter before the holidays.
In Oklahoma, Agnes, a lonely waitress living in an isolated and dilapidated roadside motel, meets Peter, a quiet and mysterious man with whom she establishes a peculiar relationship.
Lt. Dave Robicheaux, a detective in New Iberia, Louisiana, is trying to link the murder of a local hooker to New Orleans mobster Julie (Baby Feet) Balboni, who is co-producer of a Civil War film. At the same time, after Elrod Sykes, the star of the film, reports finding another corpse in the Atchafalaya Swamp near the movie set, Robicheaux starts another investigation, believing the corpse to be the remains of a black man who he saw being murdered 35 years before.
Príbeh filmu je zasadený do roku 2041, keď ľudstvo používa veľmi vyspelé technológie a ústava všetkým občanom garantuje právo na „jeden celý život“. Po neprirodzenej smrti, ako je napríklad autonehoda alebo teroristický útok, tak môže byť človek obnovený zo svojej digitálnej zálohy. Stačí si každé dva dni pravidelne vytvárať digitálnu zálohu svojej osobnosti – „bod obnovy“. Ale zaslúži si vôbec ľudstvo právo na druhú šancu?
In a small italian town everyone's waiting for the event of the year: the living chess game with a near town.
The story of a young writer's transformation when her past invades her present.
In the jungles of Ecuador, blood taints the waters. A multinational conglomerate's unholy alliance with a bloodthirsty military regime has resulted in a massacre. Only the rebel Francisco Franco and his determined wife Mia can prove the truth. To settle a personal debt, former CIA agent Jack Begosian takes on the freelance assignment to rescue Francisco and risks everything in a brutal battle to expose the cover-up.
Michel dreams of a perfect meeting with the woman of his dreams, entirely due to chance, as his parents and grandparents experienced. Vincent, Michel's contrast, is completely different. He is more the man of the direct approach and he follows his...! The two childhood friends Michel and Vincent, with completely opposite views when it comes to women, soon discover the limits of their respective techniques when they meet Angèle and Nathalie.
Based on a real WWII vet and family man turned bank robber. Disillusioned by his post war circumstances, Eddie Boyd is torn between the need to provide for his young family and an unfulfilled dream to head to Hollywood to become a star. He discovers a way to do both, robbing banks Hollywood style, but his dream leads him down a path of danger and tragedy.
A private detective is hired to find a missing stripper but the job turns complicated when everyone he questions ends up dead. From the mean streets of Los Angeles to the desolate desert of New Mexico, Cruz must contend with a brutal Russian Boxer, three brash LAPD detectives, an aged billionaire looking for the Big Bang, and the billionaire's stunningly gorgeous wife. The solution to the mystery will cost ten lives, net $30 million and just might explain - well - everything.
Adolfo reunites with his old teacher, Father Benito, to confess him the crimes he committed when he was a young boy just to save the soul of the people he loved.
Maggie je upätá slobodná matka z New Yorku, ktorá vyučuje písanie na vysokej škole. V snahe obnoviť vzťah so svojou problémovou dospievajúcou dcérou Summer sa rozhodne vziať ju na výlet do toskánskej dediny, kam v mladosti často chodievala. Po príchode Maggie náhodne narazí na Lucu, svojho bývalého milenca, ktorý je stále slobodný a žije so svojou matkou Carmen. Summer je v Taliansku smutno a Carmen má zasa svoje tajné plány, o ktorých jej syn nevie. Impulzívne teda ukradnú Lucovo auto a vydajú sa na cestu do Ríma. Maggie a Luca ich rýchlo prenasledujú. Začína sa cesta plná dobrodružstva, na ktorej sa mnohé veci ohľadom ich vzťahov vyjasnia...
In a dystopian future, where corporate brands have created a disillusioned population, one man's effort to unlock the truth behind the conspiracy leads to an epic battle with hidden forces that control the world.