马里奥(马西莫•特罗西 Massimo Troisi 饰)是一个渔民的儿子,他并不喜欢大海,却当上了邮递员,专门负责小岛上信件的发送。小岛上住着智利诗人聂鲁达(菲利浦•诺瓦雷 Philippe Noiret 饰)和他的妻子。聂鲁达被流放至此地,他擅长写诗,才华横溢。马里奥每天都收发很多聂鲁达的信件。在频繁的接触中,马里奥越发崇拜这个诗人,他热衷于跟聂鲁达讨论诗,学习诗。当爱上岛上的美丽姑娘后,马里奥经常跟聂鲁达倾诉心事,并最终用诗打动了姑娘的芳心,二人结成伉俪。直到聂鲁达离开小岛,马里奥仍然坚持着对诗的热爱。他继续写诗,正打算在工人集会上读诗,却遭致了意想不到的灾难。

Conceived and filmed at London's O2 Arena in September 2019 the film follows a team of scientists as they investigate the source of a paranormal anomaly appearing around the world. Blurring the lines between narrative and concert film, virtual and reality, Muse's most theatrical tour to date launches the viewer through a supernatural spectacle, questioning the world around us.

《意大利一天》是雷德利-斯科特(Ridley Scott)项目的意大利版,由加布里埃尔-萨尔瓦托雷斯(Gabriele Salvatores)策划:意大利人被要求在 2013 年 10 月 26 日的 24 小时内,以任何方式(照相机、智能手机、摄像机)发送拍摄的视频。视频内容可以是愿望、梦想、恐惧、反思,也可以是当天发生的任何重要事件,甚至可以是您从家中窗户看到的景象。在马西莫-菲奥基(Massimo Fiocchi)和基娅拉-格里齐奥蒂(Chiara Griziotti)的协调下,由 40 名评选员组成的团队共收到 44197 个视频、2200 多个小时的图像、632 个经过编辑的视频。

在一系列喜剧性的场景之后,两位好朋友,Saverio(Benigni饰)和Mario(Troisi饰)突然发现自己置身于1492年,正骑马行走在意大利乡间。Saverio很乐观,而Mario则想要赶快回家,直到他遇到了适龄女子Pia(Amanda Sandrelli饰)。然后,Saverio提议,他们应该去阻止哥伦布航行到新大陆,这样美洲就永远不会被发现,美洲土著人也不会遭遇灭顶之灾。除这个计划之外,中间还有一些小插曲,比如Saverio向达芬奇解释了几种现代机器。

Vincenzo, a 30 years old apathetic and lazy man who still lives with his mother, has no job and no desire to improve. He meets Anna and fell in love with her but to keep the relationship alive he has to learn to accept more responsibility.


Tommaso goes incredible lengths to win back the love of his former girlfriend Cecilia, but sometimes things change in the most unexpected way.

Antonio is the humble servant of a rich family governed by the Marquis Gastone. He is a young man madly in love with Lulu, but she betrays him, and he desperately enlist in the foreign legion.



Ryan Trecartin’s film A Family Finds Entertainment is a camp extravaganza of epic proportions. Starring Trecartin’s family and friends, and the artist himself in a plethora of outrageous roles, A Family Finds Entertainment chronicles the story of mixed up teenager Skippy and his adventures in ‘coming out’. In this over the top celebration of queerness, Trecartin’s film mines the bizarre and endearing in an unabashed pastiche of ‘bad tv’ tropes. Cheesy video special effects, dress-up chess costumes, desperate scripts, and ‘after school special’ melodrama combine in the fluency of youth-culture lingo, reflecting a generation both damaged and affirmed by media consumption.

  男友微劈腿、女儿微叛逆,工作面临道德困境,身兼土地测量员与单亲妈妈的露西亚生活充满压力。一天眼前出现一位神秘蓝袍外国女子,她如影相随,全世界却好像只有露西亚看得见她。原本以为卡到阴,没想到女子自称是圣母玛利亚,现身只为有事相求。请神容易送神难,何况这神还是自己跑来纠缠!露西亚万般闪躲,甚至开始怀疑人生,当一切抵抗宣示无效,她不禁开始好奇,眼前女子究竟是她在危机中看见的幻影,或是前来解放她疲惫心灵的奇蹟?   义大利喜剧名导吉亚尼札纳西,巧妙将圣母与环保结合,荒唐笑闹之中捕捉人生里的魔幻时刻,《蜂蜜之夏》义大利影后艾芭罗尔瓦雀再现变色龙演技,精准切换神经质、脆弱与坚强等多重面向,〈好莱坞报导〉盛赞本片宛如一颗隐藏的钻石,兼具戏剧、娱乐又扣人心弦,勇夺坎城导演双周最佳欧洲电影奖。

Western lawman Bat Masterson sets out to prove a man standing trial for murder is innocent.


Jess Wade is innocently accused of having stolen a cannon from the Mexican revolutionary forces. He tries to find the real culprits, a gang of criminals.


A London aristocrat (Rupert Everett) rents out rooms in his posh estate to a pair of Italians who are wooing two wealthy British gals (Elle Macpherson, Judith Godrèche).