Film govori o dvojici muškaraca, Piscu i Profesoru koji predvođeni misterioznim Stalkerom putuju u područje poznato pod imenom Zona gdje se nalazi soba koja navodno ostvaruje sve želje. Svaki od njih ima svoje razloge zašto se želi domoći te sobe. Pisac tamo želi naći nadahnuće dok Profesor želi osvojiti Nobelovu nagradu. Stalker im otkriva da prošla osoba koja je stigla do Sobe stekla puno novaca kako je i poželjela, ali se objesila jer Soba ne ostvaruje samo izrečene želje, već i one podsvjesne.

During the late 1980s, two detectives in a South Korean province attempt to solve the nation's first series of rape-and-murder cases.

Ishaan Awasthi is an eight-year-old whose world is filled with wonders that no one else seems to appreciate. Colours, fish, dogs, and kites don't seem important to the adults, who are much more interested in things like homework, marks, and neatness. Ishaan cannot seem to get anything right in class; he is then sent to boarding school, where his life changes forever.

The life of boxer Jake LaMotta, whose violence and temper that led him to the top in the ring destroyed his life outside of it.

Nekada beskućnik, Christopher Gardner promijenit će svoj život i osnovati vlastitu brokersku kuću.

The wife of a famous composer survives a car accident that kills her husband and daughter. Now alone, she shakes off her old identity and explores her newfound freedom but finds that she is unbreakably bound to other humans, including her husband’s mistress, whose existence she never suspected.

Following the tragic death of her teenage son, Manuela travels from Madrid to Barcelona in an attempt to contact the long-estranged father the boy never knew. She reunites with an old friend, an outspoken transgender sex worker, and befriends a troubled actress and a pregnant, HIV-positive nun.

A fatalistic car crash in Mexico city sets off a chain of events in the lives of three people: a supermodel, a young man wanting to run off with his sister-in-law, and a homeless man. Their lives are catapulted into unforeseen situations instigated by the seemingly inconsequential destiny of a dog.

Greg is coasting through senior year of high school as anonymously as possible, avoiding social interactions like the plague while secretly making spirited, bizarre films with Earl, his only friend. But both his anonymity and friendship threaten to unravel when his mother forces him to befriend a classmate with leukemia.

Razorna opasnost izranja iz dubine mora, a sudbina i budućnost ljudskoga roda u rukama su jednoga čovjeka. Ponekad, izdaja vlastite zemlje može spasiti čitav svijet. Sovjetski Savez stvorio je smrtonosno oružje koje bi moglo označiti početak novog svjetskog poretka. Tehnološki usavršena nuklearna podmornica novi je adut sovjetskog arsenala, no kapetan podmornice, Marko Ramius, odluči prebjeći kako bi spriječio rat svjetskih velesila. Američka mornarica uvjerena je da ih podmornica koja putuje prema njima planira napasti, no CIA-in analitičar Jack Ryan pokušava uvjeriti američke snage da se ne radi o prijetnji američkoj sigurnosti. S druge strane, Sovjeti nipošto nisu spremni prepustiti svoje posljednje ratno čudo Amerikancima pa nastoje uništiti 'Crveni listopad' po svaku cijenu.

With his eye on a lovely aristocrat, a gifted illusionist named Eisenheim uses his powers to win her away from her betrothed, a crown prince. But Eisenheim's scheme creates tumult within the monarchy and ignites the suspicion of a dogged inspector.

Roger Murtaugh je iskusni policajac kojemu do mirovine nedostaje tek nekoliko godina, detektiv s dosjeom bez mrlje i toplim domom, koji sav posao radi po pravilima. Martin Riggs njegova je potpuna suprotnost, nezaustavljiva mašina za ubijanje, neukrotivi avanturist koji se od smrti supruge čini još nestabilnijim. Sada su njih dvojica prisiljena raditi zajedno, istražujući ubojstvo prostitutke koja je bila kći Rogerova prijatelja. Istraga ih vodi do međunarodne skupine visoko pozicioniranih kriminalaca...

Hector se opušta ispred svoje nove seoske kuće i gleda obližnja brda kroz dalekozor kad ugleda nagu ženu između stabala. Kreće prema njoj no napadne ga osoba glave zamotane u groteskni, ružičasti zavoj. Sklanja se u laboratorij na vrhu brda, gdje ga usamljeni stanar uvede u čudnu znanstvenu napravu.

With his wife Elizabeth on life support after a boating accident, Hawaiian land baron Matt King takes his daughters on a trip from Oahu to Kauai to confront a young real estate broker, who was having an affair with Elizabeth before her misfortune.

A young woman returns a lonely widow’s lost purse, leading to an unlikely relationship between the two — until the young woman discovers the widow might not be all that she seems.

A young Greek woman falls in love with a non-Greek and struggles to get her family to accept him while she comes to terms with her heritage and cultural identity.

Odlučni spriječiti Annabelle da izazove još kaosa, Ed i Lorraine Warren odnesu demonsku lutku u zaključanu sobu s artefaktima u svojoj kući. Ali Annabelle u sobi probudi zle duhove koji imaju jednu metu: kćer Warrenovih.

Tasya Vos, an elite corporate assassin, uses brain-implant technology to take control of other people’s bodies to terminate high profile targets. As she sinks deeper into her latest assignment, Vos becomes trapped inside a mind that threatens to obliterate her.

In her many years as a social worker, Emily Jenkins believes she has seen it all, until she meets 10-year-old Lilith and the girl's cruel parents. Emily's worst fears are confirmed when the parents try to harm the child, and so Emily assumes custody of Lilith while she looks for a foster family. However, Emily soon finds that dark forces surround the seemingly innocent girl, and the more she tries to protect Lilith, the more horrors she encounters.

Silvestarska večer na luksuznom brodu pretvori se borbu za opstanak kada brod počne tonuti.