Human traffickers wipe out a young girl's family and village. She then seeks revenge on those responsible, eventually becoming first the hunted then turning into the hunters with the mercenary hired to eliminate her.

The history of Sound City and their huge recording device; exploring how digital change has allowed 'people that have no place' in music to become stars. It follows former Nirvana drummer and Foo Fighter David Grohl as he attempts to resurrect the studio back to former glories.

Advait visits Goa where he meets Sara, a free-spirited girl who lives life unshackled. Opposites attract and all goes well until life turns upside down. Years later, Advait is on a killing spree with cops Aghase and Michael in his way.

Danų krovininio laivo įgulą užgrobia Somalio piratai, kurie vėliau derasi su Kopenhagos teisėsauga.

Kartą trylikametis Endis mokyklinės užduoties atlikimui į porininkus gauna aukštą rudaplaukį atlėpausį bendramokslį, iš kurio tyčiojasi visi, kas netingi. Endis tose patyčiose nedalyvauja, tačiau ir neprotestuoja, nors tai jam ir nepatinka. Užduoties parengimo metu vaikinai susidraugauja ir pradeda vienas kitą palaikyti. Viskas verčiasi aukštyn kojomis.

Buvęs vagis Arkinas įsibrauna į uzmiescio kotedzą pas savo darbdavį ir nori jį apvogti. Tačiau patekęs į vidų po kurio laiko supranta, kad yra dar kazkas kuris zudo zmones dėl malonumo. Tuomet Arkinas bando isgelbėti seimą kurią norėjo apsvarinti.

Follows a group of war-torn Templar knights who are put to the test against a strange beast that stalks the lands of England. This battle is what Myths and Legends are made of. An independent fan film.

Dvi merginos pateko į iš kalėjimo pasprukusių žiauruolių gaujos spąstus. Išprievartavę, nukankinę ir nužudę vieną auką chuliganai suranda prieglobstį artimiausiuose namuose, nežinodami, kad jie priklauso nukentėjusios merginos tėvams. Kai pastarieji išsiaiškina žudikų asmenybes, negaišdami nei minutės laiko pareiškimams policijai, nusprendžia surengti asmeninį teismą ir negailestingai atkeršyti išgamoms.

Based on the 2017 movie "The Thousand Faces of Dunjia". Zhou Tong, a constable in Luosha Town, has been obsessed with Wuyin Clan since childhood. He lived a peaceful life together with Zhou Shouyi, the magistrate of Luosha Town. Unexpectedly, they were framed by Jia Ming, the son of a squire in the township, and his father, Jia Youwei. Zhou Tong's father was wronged and jailed. Zhou Tong escaped fortunately. On the way, he met an elder of the Wuyin Clan who passed on the "Jia" in his body to Zhou Tong. Zhou Tong wanted to rescue his father with the power of "Jia", but could only watch his father be killed by the villain Bifang.

The Seasoning House - where young girls are prostituted to the military. An orphaned deaf mute is enslaved to care for them. She moves between the walls and crawlspaces, planning her escape. Planning her ingenious and brutal revenge.

In 1868 during the late Qing Dynasty, rampant corruption on the Imperial Court inflicts much suffering in people's lives. For years, the Black Tiger’s fearsome boss Lei Gong has been trying to get rid of the leader of the Northern Sea. One of his latest recruits is Fei, a fearless fighter who takes the Northern Sea leader’s head after a fierce fight. Just as Lei Gong believes he has total control of the port, a new gang called the Orphans rises in power. Led by Fei’s childhood friend Huo, the Orphans are out to eliminate all the criminal power from the port…

A horror movie/buddy comedy about Joey and his undead friend Bart who comes back from the dead as a revenant: an articulate zombie that needs to drink blood to arrest the decomposition of his body.

Beieškodami reto video įrašo, trys pasamdyti įsilaužėliai patenka į paslaptingą vasarnamį. Šeimininką vagišiai randa prie įjungto televizoriaus. Jis negyvas jau kelios dienos, o paslaptingas jo palikimas, senų video kasečių kolekcija, guli šalia. Ieškodami reikalingos kasetės, draugai peržiūrinėja jas vieną po kitos. Kiekvienas įrašas panardina juos į naują košmarą - ant tiek realų, kad regis viskas vyksta iš tiesų ir visai šalia. Kiekviena istorija baisesnė už ankstesnę. O kažkur netoliese, su kiekviena minute, vis labiau bunda Jis - nesuvokiamas bei negailestingas BLOGIS.

During a bitter family feud, Jodie Hatfield, and her boyfriend Ricky McCoy, decide to leave town to avoid being found out, but are soon caught in the act. Wanting vengeance, he seeks out the monster Pumpkinhead, and resurrects it seek revenge on the family. Despite being warned away by the ghost of Ed Harley, his vengeance plan starts out, and the Hatfield family is soon under siege by the powerful demon. Not accepting the legend of the creature and believing their arch-rivals are the real cause, the two families attempt to go to war, only to be stopped when Pumpkinhead attacks the Hatfield house. Putting aside their differences, they band together to stave off the creature before it's vengeance pact is completed.

Try to keep up as comedian Todd Glass delivers rapid-fire stand-up that bounces from his heart attack to his coming out to how to eat a Kit Kat.

On the 6th December 1995, three Essex gang members were brutally murdered in cold blood. It’s now early 1997 and whoever killed the three men have yet to be brought to justice. An associate of the men, still mourning the loss of his friends, is convinced that it’s only a matter of time before he’s next. For him, the only way out is to go back in and work his way back up the criminal ladder. The higher he gets, the more violent the jobs become, his quest for power turning into an obsession. With life and family on the line can he hold his nerve together one last time in order to get out alive?

Striptizo šokėja Betė Reimer Las Vegase susipažįsta su lošėju ir kortų sukčiumi Dinku. Dinkas pasiūlo merginai tapti jo asistente ir iš lošimo praturtėti. Betė sutinka ir netrukus porai pradeda beprotiškai sektis. Vis dėlto Betė padaro neatsargų statymą – ji įsimyli Dinką. Jei apie šiuos jausmus sužinotų Dinko žmona, buvusi šou žvaigždė Tulip, ji be gailesčio susidorotų su konkurente ir sėkmingasis Betės ir Dinko tandemas iširtų. Ar pasiseks Betei šiame pavojingame meilės trikampio žaidime?

Po Europą keliaujantys šeši turistai ryžtasi aplankyti neeilinį miestą - Pripetę, kur gyveno Černobylio atominės elektrinės darbuotojai. Nusisamdę gidą, jie ima apžiūrinėti apleistą miestą. Kai vienoje nuotraukoje jie netyčia pastebi neaiškų objektą, draugai nusprendžia, kad mieste vaidenasi. Tačiau netrukus jie supras, kad iš tikro jie siaubingai apsiriko...

A single mom and her child are carjacked by a bank robber who has no intention of letting them go.

Mayhem and death follow when an earthquake traps a group of tourists in a Chilean town.