A mother's worst nightmare comes true when her teenage daughter goes missing.

Shin-ae moves to her recently late husband’s hometown. Despite her efforts to settle in this unfamiliar and too-normal place, she finds that she can’t fit in. After a sudden tragedy, Shin-ae turns to Christianity to relieve her pain, but when even this is not permitted, she wages a war against God.

When a man is diagnosed with terminal cancer, he takes custody of his misanthropic teenage son, for whom quality time means getting high, engaging in small-time prostitution, and avoiding his father.

The true story of fraudulent Washington, D.C. journalist Stephen Glass, who rose to meteoric heights as a young writer in his 20s, becoming a staff writer at The New Republic for three years. Looking for a short cut to fame, Glass concocted sources, quotes and even entire stories, but his deception did not go unnoticed forever, and eventually, his world came crumbling down.

Moscow, 1930s. A prominent writer's works are suddenly censored by the Soviet state and the premiere of his theatrical play about Pontius Pilate is canceled. He's kicked out of the Soviet Writer's Union, and quickly turns into an outcast with no means to survive. Inspired by Margarita - his lover, he begins working on a new novel in which all the characters are satirically reinterpreted from his life. The novel's central character is Woland - a mystical dark force who visits Moscow to revenge all those who caused the writer's downfall. As the Master sinks himself deeper and deeper into his novel, adding himself and Margarita as characters, he gradually stops noticing as the border between reality and his imagination fades away.

When reporter Rachel Armstrong writes a story that reveals the identity of a covert CIA operative, the government demands that Rachel reveal her source. She defies the special prosecutor and is thrown in jail. Meanwhile, her attorney, Albert Burnside argues her case all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Australian journalist Guy Hamilton travels to Indonesia to cover civil strife in 1965. There—on the eve of an attempted coup—he befriends a Chinese Australian photographer with a deep connection to and vast knowledge of the Indonesian people, and also falls in love with a British national.

Gaetano and Delia, a separated couple, try to pick up the pieces of their broken love, recalling all the faults and the mistakes which led them to where they are now.

A young Englishman is dispatched to Sarawak to become part of the British colonial government. He encounters some unorthodox local traditions, and finds himself faced with tough decisions of the heart involving the beautiful Selima, the unwitting object of his affections.

1948 m. Los Andželas skendėjo nuo rasistinių problemų. II-ojo pasaulinio karo veteranas Easy Rawlinsas ieško darbo, todėl sutikęs baltaodį Dewittą Albrightą, priima jo pasiūlymą už 100$ surasti kažkur pradingusią arba besislapstančią moterį Daphne Monet. Kažkada seniai jis yra dirbęs privačiu detektyvu, tačiau dabar netgi savo ginklo nebeturi. O to daikto tikrai prireiks, nes greitai paaiškėja, kad ieškoma moteris yra turtingiausio Los Andželo gangsterio meilužė, kurią persekioja dar keletas ginkluotų žmonių. Easy`is net negalėjo įsivaizduoti į kokią istoriją jis įsivėlė.

By the year 2056, an epidemic of organ failures has devastated the planet. The megacorporation GeneCo provides organ transplants on a payment plan - and those who can’t fulfill their plans have their organs repossessed. In the midst of this, a sickly teenager discovers a shocking secret about herself, her father, and their connection to GeneCo.

The incredibly spoiled and overprivileged students of Camden College are a backdrop for an unusual love triangle between a drug dealer, a virgin and a bisexual classmate.

A computer programmer's dream job at a hot Portland-based firm turns nightmarish when he discovers his boss has a secret and ruthless means of dispatching anti-trust problems.

Three young women were sentenced to death in the infamous Manson murder case, but when the death penalty was lifted, their sentence became life imprisonment. One young graduate student was sent in to teach them – and through her we witness their transformations as they face the reality of their horrific crimes.

Vienintelė jėga valdanti pasaulį – pinigai. Dideli pinigai. Kartais jie nukrenta tiesiai iš dangaus. Sam‘o ir Leslie laukia likimą apverčiantis sprendimas ir tikri išbandymai. Visada pavojingos Čikagos gatvės, vis giliau įtraukiantis nusikaltėlių pasaulis: smurtas, godumas ir siaubas. Vienas pavojingiausių nusikaltėlių lydės kiekvieną Sam‘o ir Leslie žingsį niekada nemiegančiame pinigų pasaulyje. Kiek toli gali nuvesti desperatiškas išlikimo žygis?

A film about Mark David Chapman in the days leading up to the infamous murder of Beatle John Lennon.

Soon-Ae (Seo-Young) opens a butcher's shop. The butcher's shop is popular due to its flavorful meat. Most of the store's customers are male. Meanwhile, man’s body is found at a hotel near the butcher's shop. The man was brutally murdered. Soon, more murders are found with similarities to the first murder. One day, Detective Kim (Kim Min-Jun) stops by the butcher's shop and meets Soon-Ae. Since then, Detective Kim keeps a watch on Soon-Ae.

In this eerie hospital chiller, a medical student wakes up in an isolation room, gravely ill with no idea how she got there or how to get out. Trying to make sense of her plight and save herself, she finds the hospital staff distinctly unhelpful.

An idyllic small town is rocked when Aubrey Fleming, a bright and promising young woman, is abducted and tortured by a sadistic serial killer. When she manages to escape, the traumatized girl who regains consciousness in the hospital insists that she is not who they think she is and that the real Aubrey Fleming is still in mortal danger.

Pitka – amerikietis berniukas, paliktas prie Indijos šventyklos vartų ir išaugintas šventų žmonių: sielos vadovų, kitaip vadinamų guru. Suaugęs Pitka sugrįžta į tėvynę – Jungtines Valstijas. Pasaulį žmonių, apsėstų paviršutiniško savęs tobulinimo ir sielos ramybės paieškų. Paklausa visokio plauko sielovadininkams didžiulė, tad Pitka netrunka susikurti „meilės guru“ reputaciją. Poros bando išsaugoti santuoką, vienišiai ieško antrosios pusės – ir visiems jiems Pitka padeda. Tikrasis išbandymas ateina, kuomet guru paprašomas „sulipdyti“ atšalusią žinomo ledo ritulininko ir jo žmonos santuoką. Žmona, kerštaudama vyrui, susitikinėja su jo varžovu – kitu ledo ritulininku, tuo tarpu nelaimingas vyras tėra blankus savo paties šešėlis ir kelia pavojų, kad jo komanda nepasieks iškeltų tikslų NHL lygoje. Užduotis Pitkai – sutaikyti porelę, kad mėgaudamasis šeimynine laime, ledo ritulininkas atvestų savo komandą į visų laukiamą pergalę.