Join your favourite DreamWorks friends for these four holiday specials. Watch as those zany zoosters from Madagascar save Christmas, Donkey puts on a carolling Christmas Shrek-tacular, and Po prepares for his favourite holiday, the Winter Feast.

A friend of Fred's, Alejo Otero, invites the Scooby gang to Veracruz, Mexico. There they find a monster, El Chupacabra, terrorizing the town.

From sharing his unique views on family, race and religion to detailing an online rift that blew up, Brazilian comedian Yuri Marçal isn't holding back.

Jay Austin wants to sell you a used car, but watch out! Many victims have fallen prey to his smiling face and hasty promises. Austin does everything his way until his dishonesty and manipulation are exposed. Like many men, he becomes disgusted by the masks he wears and the lies he tells. In every man's life, there can be a turning point. When Jay makes his turn, he never looks back.

Užkietėjusį romantiką Denielį ir tvirtą pragmatikę Natašą suveda atsitiktinumas. Bent jau taip galvoja Nataša. Denielis įsitikinęs, kad dėl to kaltas likimas. Siekdamas tai įrodyti, vaikinas pažada, kad vos per vieną dieną Nataša jį įsimylės. Ko Denielis nežino – kad Nataša yra imigrantė iš Jamaikos, su šeima leidžianti paskutinę savo dieną Niujorke. Mergina desperatišai ieško išeities, kuri leistų jai pasilikti JAV...

When aspiring musical superstar Sam is forced to join her cousin's struggling, underdog praise team in the lead-up to a national championship competition, she sees an opportunity to finally make her dreams come true.

Before going on vacation, self-involved psychiatrist Dr. Leo Marvin has the misfortune of taking on a new patient: Bob Wiley. An exemplar of neediness and a compendium of phobias, Bob follows Marvin to his family's country house. Dr. Marvin tries to get him to leave; the trouble is, everyone loves Bob. As his oblivious patient makes himself at home, Dr. Marvin loses his professional composure and, before long, may be ready for the loony bin himself.

An airline pilot and his wife are forced to face the consequences of her alcoholism when her addictions threaten her life and their daughter's safety. While the woman enters detox, her husband must face the truth of his enabling behavior.

Mailsas Loganas – profesionalus vagis. Šį kartą jo grobis – septyniolikos milijonų dolerių vertės briliantas. Tačiau kalėjimo išvengti nepavyko. Grįžęs po trejų metų nelaisvės, toje vietoje, kur paslėpė brangenybes, Mailsas pamato pastatytą didžiulį pastatą, kuriame įsikūręs policijos departamentas. Taigi, legendinis vagis prisistato policininku ir… netrukus pagarsėja kaip itin gerai dirbantis detektyvas. Vagių meistriškumo išmanymas veda jį į svaiginančią karjerą policijoje.

When Ah Bu, a girl from a small fishing town in Taiwan, finds a glass bottle with a romantic message, she travels to Hong Kong to find her prince charming. As it turns out, her prince charming, Albert, happens to be gay. But all is not lost when Ah Bu meets the dashing Chi Wu. Meanwhile, Ah Bu's boyfriend from Taiwan comes looking for her, as the action and romance follow Ah Bu back to Taiwan.

A gang of young thieves flee Paris during the violent aftermath of a political election, only to hole up at an Inn run by neo-Nazis.

Erlas ir Henkas yra Policijos akademijos atstumtieji. Erlas Montgomeris yra įžūlus Policijos akademijos auklėtinis, kuris šiaip taip įsidarbina "Nacionalinio saugumo" apsaugos darbuotoju. Henkas, Erlo neteisingai apkaltintas moraliniu spaudimu, – išmetamas iš akademijos ir taip pat įsidarbina "Nacionalinio saugumo" darbuotoju. Likimo valia jiedu abu turi atskleisti sudėtingą kontrabandininkų operaciją.

A broadway playwright is burning the candle at both ends. He is dealing with pressure from a production nearing premiere, a wife who is leaving him, and 5 children 4 of which belong to her.

Kažkur Anglijos provincijoje šeima ruošiasi laidotuvėms. Atsisveikinti su velioniu, šeimos patriarchu, atvažiuoja visas būrys giminaičių. Iš Niujorko atskrenda vyresnysis sūnus – garsus rašytojas. Tačiau namuose jo laukia pavydus jaunesnysis brolis, taip pat svajojantis išgarsėti ir jau parašęs romaną. Laidotuvės virsta šeimos skandalais, praeities nuoskaudų prisiminimais ir įtarimais, kad velionis galėjo būti nužudytas...

When her little sister claims she sees the dead, Alia consults a psychic, who opens her own eyes to the vengeful ghosts haunting their childhood home.

An acclaimed college hoops coach is demoted to a junior varsity team after a public meltdown.

A spoof of buddy cop movies where two very different cops are forced to team up on a new reality based T.V. cop show.

Cedric the Entertainer plays Jake, a seemingly regular guy who has no idea who he is after being hit over the head by mysterious assailants. When he finds himself entangled in a government conspiracy, Jake and his pursuers become convinced that he is an undercover agent.