Two Soviet partisans leave their starving band to get supplies from a nearby farm. The Germans have reached the farm first, so the pair must go on a journey deep into occupied territory, a voyage that will also take them deep into their souls.

After losing a finger in a work accident, an Italian worker becomes increasingly involved in political and revolutionary groups.

Inuyasha and his brother, Sesshomaru, each inherited a sword from their father after his death. However, their father had a third sword, named Sounga, that he sealed away. Seven hundreds years after his death, Sounga awakens and threatens mankind's very existence. How will the children of the Great Dog Demon stop this unimaginable power?

Police officer Asger Holm, demoted to desk work as an alarm dispatcher, answers a call from a panicked woman who claims to have been kidnapped. Confined to the police station and with the phone as his only tool, Asger races against time to get help and find her.

Смештени у педесетим годинама XX века, у гламурозном послератном Лондону, реномирани кројач и модни креатор Рејнолдс Вудкок (Данијел Деј - Луис) и његова сестра Сирил (Лесли Манвил) су у жижи високе моде и праве одела за краљевску породицу, филмске звезде и хаљине за имућне даме, са посебним и препознатљивим стилом “Вудкок модне куће”. Многе жене пролазе кроз живот Рејнолдса Вудкока, пружајући овом нежењи друштво и инспирацију, све док не упозна младу девојку јаке воље, Алму (Вики Крипс), која убрзо постаје саставни део његовог живота, као муза и љубавница. Схватиће да је одједном, његов испланиран и контролисан живот који је био пажљиво скројен, сада уздрмала љубав. Са својим најновијим филмом.

Three American brothers who have not spoken to each other in a year set off on a train voyage across India with a plan to find themselves and bond with each other -- to become brothers again like they used to be. Their "spiritual quest", however, veers rapidly off-course (due to events involving over-the-counter pain killers, Indian cough syrup, and pepper spray).

A woman is desperate to find the cure to her daughter's illness. She takes a job at a call center, only to be haunted by the ghost in it.

A group of people are standing along the platform of a railway station in La Ciotat, waiting for a train. One is seen coming, at some distance, and eventually stops at the platform. Doors of the railway-cars open and attendants help passengers off and on. Popular legend has it that, when this film was shown, the first-night audience fled the café in terror, fearing being run over by the "approaching" train. This legend has since been identified as promotional embellishment, though there is evidence to suggest that people were astounded at the capabilities of the Lumières' cinématographe.

An American-born Chinese economics professor accompanies her boyfriend to Singapore for his best friend's wedding, only to get thrust into the lives of Asia's rich and famous.

Свадбена ноћ младе иде по злу када је њена нова ексцентрична фамилија присили да учествује у застрашујућој игри.

Early morning silence is broken by screeching tires as a helicopter bears down on a speeding vehicle. Taking a quick corner, the team tumbles out into the woods as their car pulls away. Now they must make their way through the thick of nature and thick gunfire to accomplish their mission. Not a single word of dialogue is spoken throughout the entire film. Instead, the music, sounds, images and deeply truthful acting turn a simple plot into an intense experience. Passion and intrigue keep building to the very end.

Eve used to be one of the most famous rose creators in the world. Today, her company is on the verge of bankruptcy. On top of that, her secretary Vera has hired three outcasts with absolutely no gardening skills. Though they have nothing in common, they come up with the most crazy plan that could change their lives forever...

Прогањана својом прошлошћу, медицинска сестра путује из Енглеске у удаљено ирско село 1862. да би истражила наводно чудесан пост младе девојке.

Six vignettes pit an assortment of characters against each other in everyday situations.

Bickering couple Monique and Antoine are interrupted by bisexual burglar Bob while fighting in a bar. With husband and wife in need of cash, Bob teaches them the most efficient house burglary methods. Monique is attracted to the charismatic thief, but Bob is more interested in Antoine, who eventually succumbs to his attentions. As the trio continues living together, Monique grows unhappy about being ignored by both men.

Young-hee, an actress reeling in the aftermath of an affair with a married film director, escapes to Hamburg. But when she returns to Korea and meets with friends for drinks, startling confessions emerge.

Joel, a caustic 1980s film critic for a national horror magazine, finds himself unwittingly trapped in a self-help group for serial killers. With no other choice, Joel attempts to blend in with his homicidal surroundings or risk becoming the next victim.

Једне чаробне вечери раних осамдесетих година у Варшави, Златна и Сребрна, изгладнеле сестре сирене које се хране људским срцима, излазе из мора у потрази за пленом. Убрзо се придружују еротичној тачки у једној дискотеци, користећи своју моћ трансформације за извођење плеса који њихов наступ чини јединственим. Оне називају своју тачку "Завођење". Њихов план је да привремено остану у људском облику како би стекле земаљска искуства, али ствари се компликују када Сребрна почне да гаји осећања према бас гитаристи који учествује у њеној тачки, што покреће гротескан и прелеп ланац догађаја. Поетично и визуелно екстравагантно испитивање женствености и девојаштва одвија се у треперавој, магичној атмосфери, која се из карневалске преокреће у настрану путену.

Five years after a zombie outbreak, the men and women of R-Division hunt down and destroy the undead. When they see signs of a second outbreak, they fear humanity may not survive.

Ichiro Miki is a child living in the industrial district of Kawasaki, where his parents' constant struggle to make ends meet often leaves the schoolboy alone. Constantly teased by a bully nicknamed Gabara, his only friends are toy consultant Shinpei and fellow classmate Sachiko. Ichiro turns to escapist dreams of Monster Island where he befriends the equally bullied Minilla.