Princess Leia is captured and held hostage by the evil Imperial forces in their effort to take over the galactic Empire. Venturesome Luke Skywalker and dashing captain Han Solo team together with the loveable robot duo R2-D2 and C-3PO to rescue the beautiful princess and restore peace and justice in the Empire.

Pluto lost its status as a planet in 2006. It is no longer the ninth and last planet in the solar system, which greatly annoys Pierre-Olivier. Jérôme wants to reveal his feelings to the one he loves, Nicolas and Steve are looking for a name for their punk band, Émilie is organizing a party despite herself? An almost normal day on this little piece of the planet. Played by young people aged 15 and 16, West of Pluto follows the existence of a dozen teenagers from the suburbs over 24 hours. This crossover which mixes humor and drama reflects their concerns and their way of seeing the world. A disturbingly realistic portrait, the film plunges into the heart of adolescence, this intense and fascinating period when everyone tries to exist among others and tries to make sense of the absurdity of everyday life.

Devout Christians Töre and Märeta send their only daughter, the virginal Karin, and their foster daughter, the unrepentant Ingeri, to deliver candles to a distant church. On their way through the woods, the girls encounter a group of savage goat herders who brutally rape and murder Karin as Ingeri remains hidden. When the killers unwittingly seek refuge in the farmhouse of Töre and Märeta, Töre plots a fitting revenge.

Mojster psiholoških dram Rekvijem za sanje in Rokoborec se potopi v um ambiciozne baletke Nine, ki si želi v naslednji predstavi zagotoviti glavno vlogo. Toda kmalu spozna, da dvolični direktor baletne hiše od nje pričakuje intimne usluge, težave ji povzroča radoživa konkurentka Lily, doma pa jo dodatno obremenjuje zahtevna mama. Fizični napori in psihološki stres Nino pahne v vrtinec samouničujočega iskanja popolnega baletnega nastopa.

Animirani film temelji na Nintendovi franšizi video iger Mario. Vodovodar po imenu Mario s svojim bratom Luigijem potuje skozi podzemni labirint in poskuša rešiti ujeto princeso.

Film je umeščen deset let po dogodkih iz prvega dela in se začne z zgodbo o družini Sully. Odkar se je odločil trajno prenesti človeško zavest v telo Avatarja in postati novi vodja naroda Na’vi, Jake Sully s svojo družino živi na Pandori. Z Neytiri sta ustvarila družino in dobila otroke. Kolonizacijske sile se vrnejo na Pandoro, da bi oživile prvotno iskanje, zaradi česar Jake in Neytiri pobegneta iz svojega doma in raziskujeta doslej še neznane dele Pandore, da bi srečala ljudstvo Metkayine, klan domorodcev, ki živijo obdani z morjem.

Spopad največjih filmskih pošasti, neustrašnega Godzile in gigantskega Konga, se čaka že od leta 1962, ko sta se prvič srečala na velikih platnih. Kralj pošasti in kralj Otoka Lobanj se bosta spopadla v boju za premoč in pošastno superiornost. Dve najmočnejši sili narave bosta na velika platna zagotovo prinesli najbolj spektakularno bitko vseh časov.

While vacationing with a friend in Paris, an American girl is kidnapped by a gang of human traffickers intent on selling her into forced prostitution. Working against the clock, her ex-spy father must pull out all the stops to save her. But with his best years possibly behind him, the job may be more than he can handle.

V številnih misijah in proti nemogočim pričakovanjem so Dom Toretto (Vin Diesel) in njegova družina preigrali in pregnali vsakega sovražnika na svoji poti. Zdaj se soočajo z najhujšim nasprotnikom, kar so jih kadarkoli srečali: grozljivo grožnjo, ki prihaja iz senc preteklosti, ki jo napaja krvno maščevanje in je odločena, da bo za vedno razbila družino in uničila vse in vsakogar, kar Dom ljubi.

Nevestina poročna noč se srhljivo skazi, ko jo primoženo sorodstvo prisili, da sodeluje v grozljivi igri. Eno od najbolj hvaljenih grozljivk leta 2019 odlikujejo temačen humor, pameten scenarij s satiričnimi podtoni in prebojen nastop glavne igralke Samare Weaving, v vlogi peklenske tašče pa se izkaže Andie MacDowell.

A sincere police officer is killed by a liquor dealer. Years later, his twin sons set out to avenge their father's death.

Zgodba se odvija v ZDA v ne tako oddaljeni prihodnosti in se začne, ko se en del držav odcepi od unije in je sedaj sestavljena le iz frakcij. Skupina novinarjev se odpravi na potovanje po ZDA sredi vse hujše državljanske vojne, ki je zajela celotno državo, med tem naletijo na številne izzive, ki ogrožajo njihova življenja. Hkrati se vlada spreminja v distopični režim, radikalne oborožene skupine pa pogosto sodelujejo v političnem nasilju. Film raziskuje globoke delitve v ameriški družbi in predstavlja temačno in nekoliko preroško vizijo prihodnosti.

A razor-wielding serial killer is on the loose, murdering those around Peter Neal, an American mystery author in Italy to promote his newest novel.

Martin, who believes himself to be a vampire, goes to live with his elderly and hostile cousin in a small Pennsylvania town where he tries to redeem his blood-craving urges.

A ventriloquist is at the mercy of his vicious dummy while he tries to renew a romance with his high school sweetheart.

Strike is a young city drug pusher under the tutelage of drug lord Rodney Little. When a night manager at a fast-food restaurant is found with four bullets in his body, Strike’s older brother turns himself in as the killer. Detective Rocco Klein doesn’t buy the story, however, setting out to find the truth, and it seems that all the fingers point toward Strike & Rodney.

In 1970, three children are born at the height of a total eclipse. Due to the sun and moon blocking Saturn, which controls emotions, they have become heartless killers ten years later, and are able to escape detection because of their youthful and innocent facades. A boy and his teenage sister become endangered when they stumble onto the bloody truth.

The arrival in a small mountain town of a dissheveled stranger launches a series of murders committed by some sort of animal. As the town doctor and his daughter attempt to help the stranger, the sheriff investigates the murders; and they uncover a sinister experiment involving two rogue scientists, a car accident victim, his wife and children, and a serum that causes a man to turn into a ravaging werewolf.

A man investigates the grisly crimes that occurred in a former insane asylum, unsettling the locals who all seem to have something to hide.

An illegal race that takes place over the United States and nothing will stop this bunch of racers except for the occasional cop or a damsel in distress. Jackie Chan's car is not in this one, but many new cars make up for that. Who will win? Who will crash? Who will not even finish? Sit down and buckle up for the ride of your life.