This documentary recounts the life and work of one of most famous, and yet reviled, German film directors in history, Leni Riefenstahl. The film recounts the rise of her career from a dancer, to a movie actor to the most important film director in Nazi Germany who directed such famous propaganda films as Triumph of the Will and Olympiad. The film also explores her later activities after Nazi Germany's defeat in 1945 and her disgrace for being so associated with it which includes her amazingly active life over the age of 90.

RETURN tells the story of a retired Green Beret who embarks on a healing journey from Montana to Vietnam. There he retraces his steps, shares his wartime experiences with his son, treats his Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and seeks out the mountain tribespeople he once lived with and fought alongside as a Special Forces officer.

Eyüp decides to cross mount Ararat looking for his aunt in Yerevan after following a madman's words. His aunt has also been expecting someone to come from behind this mount for many years. Eyüp cannot be sure about the woman he finds behind the blue door, whether it is his aunt or not because they can't understand each other.

This video album captures all the excitement and heavy metal energy that made Krokus a top international band. With over 10 million records sold, the '80s hard rock gods are still the most successful Swiss band ever making it big in the USA and England. 10 Great Songs including Our Love (the uncensored version), Ballroom Blitz, Eat the Rich, Ready to Rock and Screaming in the Night.

A family who are uncomfortable together, but worry about each other goes on a sudden camping trip. A group of youths who have no idea about their future and live crumpled lives go on a trip. A single person who thinks it's alright to be alone goes on a trip as well.

Overview of the Alexandre III bridge during the World Exhibition in Paris.

This three-part film explores homosexuality in communist China.

A religious procession during the Holy Week in Seville, Spain.

A young, female filmmaker looks through her camera for an object to film. She wants to film the private live of an ordinary person and starts following Guy. He is very irritated about this girl following him, always looking through her camera, never showing herself. She does not even say her name but follows him even home to his bedroom. He tries to get rid of her but she does not stop. After a while he gets used to the camera and the girl behind it and tries to get involved with her. First she protects herself with her camera but cannot keep the barrier up. When their feelings and Guy's actions become too confusing for them Guy disappears mysteriously.

It's December 2012, the night of the apocalypse, and Luke just got dumped. This is the story of one boy's journey for connection, hope, and love, hours before the world ends.

Twee beste vriendinnen verstoppen zich na sluitingstijd in een luxe warenhuis om 's nachts een schoolverslag te schrijven. De serieuze Renske wil meteen aan het verslag beginnen, terwijl de populaire Eva heel andere plannen heeft. Eva wil feesten en helemaal los gaan: alle merkkleren passen, een parfumgevecht houden en elkaar sexy opmaken met de duurste make-up. Renske is daarentegen heel netjes opgevoed en durft dat allemaal niet, maar Eva laat zich niet tegenhouden. Dan wordt Renske's grootste nachtmerrie werkelijkheid... Tijdens het smullen van de aardbeientaarten worden ze betrapt door een reusachtige nachtbewaker. Betekent dit het einde van hun nachtelijke avontuur of kunnen ze de volgende morgen toch nog ongestraft vluchten?

A Black teenager discovers that he has superpowers during a life-or-death encounter with a police officer

Papa John and his son Beau order some pizza on a Sunday night.