一艘隶属美国的核潜艇在关岛附近消失,后经日本方面证实该潜艇已因事故遇难,而防卫军在调查过程中竟然还在海底发现巨大生物的存在。与此同时,新泻妙高山、鹿儿岛池田湖、小笠原诸岛等地接连发生强烈的地震和人员伤亡事件,关于50年前那头大闹日本的哥斯拉的恐怖记忆相继在人们的脑中复苏。 BS电视台女记者立花由里(新山千春 饰)近期正与同事调查接二连三的怪兽事件,从一个神秘老人的口中得知,所谓哥斯拉其实是太平洋战争中丧生的人们的冤魂聚集而成的怪兽,核潜艇事故引起的核泄漏似乎意外将哥斯拉唤醒。与它一同苏醒的还有被称为护国神兽的巴拉哥、摩斯拉、基多拉。日本本土面临空前的灾难……


Middleton prepares for its bicentennial, and Grey House is to be the party venue. Good witch Cassie is remodeling it as B&B. her first and only guest, Nick Chasen, claims to be a distant relative. He produces papers to prove he's the heir of the builder, colonial era captain Hamblin, while the Grey lady was his mistress and stole it. Police chief and lover Jake Russell goes all the way to motivate her to fight and disprove the claim before she's effectively disowned. Brandon is dared to pass a rascals-initiation by local brat Steve and Duke. George's gardening skills lead to romance.

曾获得绘画大奖的青年木股英雄(忍成修吾 饰),却在某天失心发狂,杀死了担任他模特的女友富江(酒井美纪 饰)。木股的朋友秀日和青山巧(妻夫木聪 饰)目睹这一切,并帮忙搬运掩埋尸体。三人相约保守这个秘密,却不知道更为恐怖的事情还未到来。三人在酒吧散心期间,原本应该死去的富江竟离奇地出现在包间内,木股不堪承受巨大的精神压力,旋即于洗手间内自杀。秀日尝试找到富江的尸体,结果却因此变得愈加疯狂。与此同时,富江又频繁周旋青山身边。这个神秘恐怖的女孩将三个男生相继逼向崩溃的边缘……

Franjinha, the inventor kid in Monica's gang, tired of reading the comics, invents a new device to read the stories: a kind of a story-processor, that swallows the printed pages and projects the scenes in movement, on the wall.

A community is under siege as three Belmont Highschool coed students go missing with no trace of their whereabouts. The pressure is on the police to capture the culprits responsible. Scouring the school hallways in search of clues, undercover female detective Maggie Rawdon (Jessica Sonnerborn) enters Belmont High as a transfer student in an attempt to solve the hideous disappearance of the students. Maggie makes a few new friends, and gets invited to a private rave in the country. Just as the group begins to suspect that they've taken a wrong turn, however, the trap is sprung and Maggie finds out firsthand what fate has befallen the missing girls.


When '80s B-movie icon Tim Thomerson wakes up one day to realize the acting roles are not coming his way any more, he sets out on a quest to find his former co-star Lance Henriksen to discover his secret of Hollywood longevity and gets more than he bargained for in the process.


The deconstruction of the Avatar scenes and sets

  荷拔韦斯医生和他的助手丹凯恩再次尝试使死人复活,他们找来密斯科汤尼克医学院大屠杀的死人肢体,这次要把丹前任女友的心脏,放进“组装完美”的身体里,试图重造他的女友,但却发生意想不到的结果,而希尔医生只剩下一只头颅回来复仇。   这第二部比第一部更加变本加厉的离奇夸张:接在小狗身上的人手、眼球和手指组合的恶心怪物以及插上两只蝙蝠翅膀而会飞的人头等都让观看影片的观众张大了嘴,尤其影片最后的高潮部分“拼凑美女”更是让我们沉醉于无限的惊恐与恶心当中。

由板球无线和DoorDash为您呈现的第35届Royal Rumble将于东部时间2022年1月29日晚8点(北京时间1月30日早9点,垫场秀8点)于密苏里州圣路易斯市的美国中心巨蛋(The Dome at America's Center)举行!

The movie is a fictionalized account of a disgruntled cop who has been wrongly implicated in a torture video that went viral. It begins on his last night of duty, as he is about to leave for abroad for better job prospects.

《超电影版sd高达三国传》是以人气高达系列出发的高达拟人化作品,作品主要讲述SD高达在他们特定的世界里的战斗故事。 SD高达是以人气高达系列出发的高达拟人化作品,作品主要讲述SD高达在他们特定的世界里的战斗故事。本次的剧场版以“三国志”为基础,讲述在传说中的大陆三璃纱,义勇军刘备高达,关羽高达,张飞高达的战斗故事。

A watershed program in Australian television, The Dream aired every night for the 15 nights of the Sydney Olympic Games. Roy and HG engaged in loosely scripted banter, hilarious athlete interviews, and most famously a reinterpretation of Gymnastics, Greco-Roman Wrestling, Weight-lifting and Diving with their own distinctive commentary style.

  赫伯特(杰弗里•寇姆 Jeffrey Combs 饰)医生正在秘密从事一项的人体研究,那就是使死亡的有机体复活。就在他的实验正要成功之际,意外发生了。由于某种原因加上赫伯特医生的疏忽,他的实验对象突然复活并偷溜进了居民区大开杀戒。为此,赫伯特医生最终被判刑十三年。   狱中的赫伯特并没有停止他的实验,他偷偷利用老鼠做实验。无奈当年警察查封了他的所有实验成果,赫伯特在监狱中一直没有取得什么进展。有一天,年轻的医学博士霍华德(杰森•巴瑞 Jason Barry 饰)来到了监狱工作,他指定赫伯特做作为自己的助手。原来,霍华德的姐姐就死于赫伯特当年的实验对象之手,他这次来就是要和赫伯特一起完成当年的研究。当他们将当年的试剂注入一具犯人尸体的骨髓时,当年恐怖的一幕再次上演。 ©豆瓣

When a team of unlikely heroes hijacks a steam-powered battle wagon, a daring young wizard (Marek) steals the final piece of the all-powerful Darkspore and embarks on a desperate quest to deliver the cursed artifact to the gods for safe keeping; but when they are caught in a death race between a ruthless team of elite mercenaries and a trinity of demons, Marek must learn to believe in herself before her friends are killed and the Darkspore is lost, to stop the evil necromancer (Szorlok) from uniting the Darkspore and flooding the living world with his legions of undead.

A beautiful blonde joins a small group of men running an oil station in the Sahara Desert and starts the emotions soaring.

外出就餐 5 剧情紧承上一部“戏剧营”,讲述了扎克和和新男友本奇前往同志度假村享受二人世界。饱览各色男体的本奇食指大动,向扎克提出各有各玩的开放性周末提议……