After being released from prison, Dr. Nise da Silveira is back at work in a psychiatric hospital on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro where she refuses to employ the new and violent electroshock in the treatment of schizophrenics. Ridiculed by doctors, she is forced to take on the abandoned Sector for Occupational Therapy, where she would start a revolution through paintings, animals and love.

A tribute to Naples, this film presents six episodes: a clown exploited by a gangster, a pizza seller losing her husband’s ring, a child's funeral, a gambler beaten by a kid, a prostitute's unusual wedding, and a "wisdom seller" offering advice.

A boy with a massive facial skull deformity and his biker gang mother attempt to live as normal a life as possible under the circumstances.

After being hired to find an ex-con's former girlfriend, Philip Marlowe is drawn into a deeply complex web of mystery and deceit.

A movie star helps a young singer-actress find fame, even as age and alcoholism send his own career into a downward spiral.

Sebastian, a young man, has decided to follow instructions intended for someone else, without knowing where they will take him. Something else he does not know is that Gerard Dorez, a cop on a knife-edge, is tailing him. When he reaches his destination, Sebastian falls into a degenerate, clandestine world of mental chaos behind closed doors in which men gamble on the lives of others men.

1919 metai... Karas baigėsi, dabar naktinis Paryžiaus gyvenimas kupinas aistros ir nekontroliuojamų norų. "Rotonda" kavinėje, menininkų būstinėje, mes galime surasti staliuką, kuris neturi lygių visoje istorijoje: už jo sėdi Pikaso, Rivera, Kokto, Sutinas, Urtilo ir Modiglianis. Tai dar nepasakota istorija apie nuožmią konkurenciją tarp Modilianio ir Pikaso. Dviejų žmonių pavydą kursto jų talentas, jų puikybė, jų aistros. Be to, tai istorija apie didžiausią nelaimingą meilę meno istorijoje.

It's a catastrophe! A flood has hit our planet and an unusual group of people are all that remains. Led by Ferdinand, a modern day Noah, this little group have managed to defy the furiously raging elements. People and animals alike are dragged through this incredible whirlpool of an adventure.

A privileged rich debutante and a cynical struggling entertainer share a turbulent, but strong childhood friendship over the years.

The brief life of Jean Michel Basquiat, a world renowned New York street artist struggling with fame, drugs and his identity.

Raudonplaukė mergaitė gyvena vienkiemyje kalnuose kartu su tėvais, kurie nuolat kažkuo užsiėmę. Grįžusi iš mokyklos, dienas ji leidžia savo kambaryje arba klajodama slėniais. Tačiau kartą mergaitė miške sutinka jauną lapę. Vienišė pajunta, kad laputė gali būti jos drauge. Tačiau ši pasprunka. Vildamasi sutikti rudąją draugę, mergaitė klaidžioja po pievas ir girias, jos ieškodama. Taip praeina ruduo, žiema, ateina pavasaris. Vieną dieną mergaitė vėl susitinka savo draugę lapę, tačiau jau apsupty mažų lapiukų.

Soon-to-be-wed graduate student Finn Dodd develops cold feet when she suspects her fiancé is cheating on her. In order to clear her head, Finn visits her grandmother, Hy, and great aunt, Glady Joe Cleary, in Grasse, Calif. There, Finn learns that Hy and Glady Joe are members of a group of passionate quilters, and over the course of her visit she is regaled with tales of love and life by women who have collected rich experiences and much wisdom.

A look at the lives of two teenage girls - inseparable friends Ginger and Rosa -- growing up in 1960s London as the Cuban Missile Crisis looms, and the pivotal event the comes to redefine their relationship.

Fracchia is desperate: he has to sell a house with at least five bathrooms within three days or his boss will fire him. Incredibly, he and his pal Filini manage to find the perfect house, a castle in Transylvania owned by some count Vlad... things get even worse when they meet the Count and his sister, who has a crush on Fracchia and decides to marry him!

Dėl neatsargaus pokšto, suprasto kaip rasistinė juodaodžiams studentams taikoma pastaba, gerbiamam profesoriui Kolmanui Silkui tenka išeiti iš koledžo. Dėl to jo žmoną ištinka mirtinas širdies priepuolis. Nelaimės palaužtas profesorius bergždžiai mėgina susigrąžinti reputaciją.Pažintis su jaunąja Faunia suteikia jam ramybės. Kolmanas beatodairiškai pasineria į naujus santykius ir netrukus jis ir įspūdinga, nesuvaldoma moteris, kurios rūpesčius sunkina dar ir pamišęs vyras, pamilsta vienas kitą. Bet jų santykiams kyla pavojus, kai paaiškėja, kad juos sieja ne tik aistra, bet ir tamsios paslaptys, kurias taip ilgai saugojo širdyse...

Pagrindiniai filmo herojai yra broliai dvyniai, kurių vienas yra sėkmingas filosofijos dėstytojas. O kitas visiška priešingybė jam, tikras nevykėlis, kuris nieko neveikia tik augina marihuaną. Vieną kartą dėstytojas privalo grįžti į savo gimtinę pas brolį į Oklahomą. Brolis jį įtrauks į pavojingą aferą prieš vietinį narkotikų magnatą...

Lea and her husband Marc have known Francis and his wife Karine for a very long time. Over the years, each one of them has been assigned a specific role. The balance and dynamic of the group is blown up when Lea decides to write a novel, which turns into an immediate bestseller…

Single and middle-aged, beautiful Irene (Margarita Buy) is wholly devoted to her job as an inspector of luxury hotels. Constantly on the road, she indulges in expensive pleasures at impeccable resorts, but always incognito and alone, soon escaping to the next exotic destination with her checklist and laptop in tow. When her best friend and ex, Andrea (Stefano Accorsi), who has always been a source of emotional support, suddenly becomes unavailable, Irene is thrown into a deep existential crisis. "Luxury is a form of deceit," she is told by a fellow traveller in the fog of a steam room, and thus begins Irene's quest to bring more meaning into her life.

Tara and Maya are two inseparable friends in India. Their tastes, habits, and hobbies are the same. Years later, the two have matured, but have maintained their friendship. Tara gets married to the local prince, Raj Singh, who soon succeeds the throne as the sole heir. After the marriage, Raj gets bored of Tara and starts seeking another female to satisfy his sexual needs. He notices Maya and is instantly attracted to her. He has her included as one of his courtesans, and is intimate with her. Watch what happens when Tara finds out and the extent she will go to keep her marriage intact.

FTB agentas ir nesąžiningas žvalgybos agentas, kuriems pavesta sunaikinti vienas kitą, netrukus sužino, kad veikia daug didesnis priešas. Vaidina Antonio Banderas, Lucy Liu.