France's darling comedian came back in force on the boards in the fall of 2009 with this hour and a half show, inspired by her experience of motherhood and her daily life as a young mother .
Stratený čas opisuje pozoruhodný milostný príbeh odohrávajúci sa uprostred hrôz nemeckého koncentračného tábora v Poľsku v roku 1944. Táto neuveriteľná vášeň živí odvahu poľského väzňa, ktorému sa podarí zachrániť svoju židovskú priateľku. Napriek všetkému sa im podarí utiecť z tábora a prežiť zradnú cestu na slobodu. V chaose na konci vojny ich však násilne rozdelia a obaja sú presvedčení, že ten druhý zomrel. Po viac ako tridsiatich rokoch sa šťastne vydatá päťdesiatdvaročná žena v New Yorku náhodou dozvie, že jej bývalý poľský milenec stále žije. A musí ho opäť vidieť.
Michel, päťdesiatročný muž, grafický návrhár, sa rozhodol zmeniť mestský životný štýl a pokračovať v dobrodružstve. Fascinovaný leteckou poštou sníva o Jean Mermore, keď je na skútri. Jedného dňa uvidí Michel obrázok kajaku…
An insurance agent and his new secretary become locked in the grip of romance and competition as they train together for a speed-typing contest.
Alex so svojou sestrou prevádzkuje spoločnosť, ktorá poskytuje vskutku "špeciálne" služby: rozbíja partnerské vzťahy na objednávku! Jedného dňa si ich najme bohatý muž, ktorý nie je spokojný so ženíchom svojej dcéry. Dvojica "obchodníkov so šťastím" má však na svoju úlohu len týždeň. Hra o čas a lásku môže začať. Romain Duris a Vanessa Paradis v romantickej komédii o tom, že každá životná istota je relatívna a láska si nedá rozkazovať.
Famille : Groupe de personnes réunies par des liens de parenté et un fort sentiment de solidarité morale et matérielle. Quand Alain a épousé Nathalie, il ne savait pas qu'il épouserait aussi sa famille. Ce samedi, comme toutes les semaines, ils sont invités à dîner chez son beau-frère, Jean-Pierre à Créteil. C'est vrai, Alain en a marre de ces dîners familiaux, mais il ne sait pas encore ce qui l'attend véritablement ce soir-là... Ni les jours qui suivent
In 1953, a sensitive French boy finds out from a neighbor that his family's Jewish. François Grimbert becomes a physician, and gradually peels the layers of his buried family history which resulted in his difficult upbringing, raised as Catholic by his "Aryan" appearing parents. His athletic father labored to stamp out stereotypical Jewish characteristics he perceived in his son, to keep the family's many secrets, as most relatives fought in World War II, and later were hauled off to labor and death camps by the Gestapo.
38-year-old Alice has everything to become the next editor-in-chief of Rebelle magazine except for her uptight image. But when the young and charming Balthazar, barely 20, crosses Alice's path, she realizes that he holds the key to her promotion.
A French woman mourning over the death of her husband three years prior is courted by a Swedish co-worker.
Yann Madec, long-time best mate of Frank Drevil, the star skipper of Global System Insurance, sees his dream come true when he replaces the injured Frank at the last minute for the start of the Vendée Globe. Nine days into the race and leading, Yann is forced to stop in Cape Verde to repair his broken center-board. Back in the race, Yann discovers a stowaway on board, a Senegalese teenager named Moussa. Faced with the risk of disqualification because of Moussa’s presence, Yann hesitates… Their encounter leads to the most unforgettable round-the-world race ever.
A few days before the baccalaureate, a high school student decides to settle accounts with the most cowardly teacher in the school.
Emile is fifteen. He lives in Montargis, between a sweet-crazy father and a mother who has always dyed his hair blond, because, it seems, he is more beautiful like that. When the girl who pleases him more than anything invites him to Venice for the holidays, he is overjoyed. Only problem, his parents decide to accompany him - This is the story of a teenager born into an unclassifiable family, the story of a first love, miraculous and fragile. This is the story of an initiatory and incredible journey where life often takes unawares, but where Venice, it will be at the rendezvous.
Valentina, ambiciózna študentka, študuje literatúru na parížskej Sorbonne a pripravuje sa na záverečné skúšky. Žiadny oddych, žiadne voľno, žiadne večierky, takmer žiadny spánok a predovšetkým... žiadna láska! Verí, že to je jediný spôsob, ako prejsť skúškou. Jedného dňa sa však stane niečo, s čím nepočítala. Stretne charizmatického hudobníka Neda - a bláznivo sa zamiluje. V tejto chvíli stojí pred osudovým rozhodnutím: zahodí roky obrovského študijného úsilia, alebo odmietne lásku? Alebo sa dajú obidve veci zosúladiť?
Julien Monnier has a serious problem. Though he's a brilliant couples counselor, he can't keep a woman in his life for more than two weeks. Indeed, ever since his childhood, Julien jinxes every woman who falls in love with him. But it's not just any small jinx. It's the kind that sends you to the hospital several times a week, that destroys your professional life or that turns your friends into enemies. Julien is strictly speaking a true black cat for women. Joanna Sorini will soon learn this at her expense the day she meets him. A career that's just taking off, a love life that finally seems to be taking a good turn, all that may just change.
In a small Parisian building, a diverse group of people crosses paths, likes and observes each other, without always seeing each other.
There is one thing that Nicole, who is soon turning fifty, would have loved to be spared, is to learn that the symptoms that have been ruining her life for some time are not those of a latent menopause, but those of a real pregnancy! What a drag…
40-year-old foreman Vital is chosen by Alix (25) as a guinea pig in the anonymous study she is carrying out in her father's factory. The boss's daughter soon finds herself falling under the spell of this reserved, enigmatic worker as he begins to open up to her, revealing his dreams of another life.
Thirty-somethings Michaël, Nabil and Sylvain head to New York to surprise their friend Samia on her birthday, secretly arranged with the help of another friend, Gabrielle. The two women had moved to NYC two years previously to try their luck. Samia shares a fabulous loft with a renowned American actress and works as her assistant. Gabrielle has a more mundane job in a small retirement home. Transposed to New York, the close bonds formed over the years between the five friends from a housing project on the outskirts of Paris take on a different aspect. The laughter and emotion is dictated by the adventures they share during their stay, from the daily lives of the women to the discovery of this cult city.
A young woman's friendship with a drug-dealing drifter evolves into a lesbian romance.