Freddie is an inept bank clerk with no future. His only hobby is collecting butterflies, which gives him a feeling of power and control that is otherwise totally missing from his life. He comes into a large sum of money and buys himself a country house. Still unable to make himself at ease socially, he starts to plan on acquiring a girlfriend - in the same manner as he collects butterflies. He prepares the cellar of the house to be a collecting jar and stalks his victim over several days.
The accidental mix-up of four identical plaid overnight bags leads to a series of increasingly wild and wacky situations.
Michael Dorsey on lahjakas näyttelijä, mutta hänen vaativa luonteensa ja temperamenttisuutensa ovat suututtaneet New Yorkin tuottajat. Nyt hän ei enää koskaan saa töitä, ainakaan agenttinsa mukaan. Se ei kuitenkaan käy päinsä, sillä Michael tarvitsee kipeästi rahaa. Saadakseen tarvitsemansa 8 000 dollaria hän on valmis elämänsä rooliin.
Bart's chance encounter with the enigmatic Vienna leads to a whirlwind weekend together. The two fall fast and hard, but both carry secrets that could be their undoing or the chance for a fresh start.
Toimittajat Martin Schibbye ja Johan Persson pistävät kaiken peliin ylittäessään Somalian ja Etiopian välisen rajan. Heidän tarkoituksenaan on tutkia kuinka öljyn etsintä vaikuttaa paikallisväestöön ja todistaa seuraukset omiin silmiin. Viisi päivää myöhemmin he makaavat ammuttuina aavikolla ja uusi tarina saa alkunsa.
Doctor Hugo Hackenbush, Tony, and Stuffy try and save Judy's farm by winning a big race with her horse. There are a few problems. Hackenbush runs a high priced clinic for the wealthy who don't know he has his degree in Veterinary Medicine.
In his third theatre program the Dutch comedian Hans Teeuwen plays with empty wine bottles, little girls and himself. Poetic, absurd, false and genuine.
Military cadets take extreme measures to ensure the future of their academy when its existence is threatened by local condo developers.
Each Christmas, Santa and his vast army of highly trained elves produce gifts and distribute them around the world in one night. However, when one of 600 million children to receive a gift from Santa on Christmas Eve is missed, it is deemed ‘acceptable’ to all but one—Arthur. Arthur Claus is Santa’s misfit son who executes an unauthorised rookie mission to get the last present half way around the globe before dawn on Christmas morning.
Toisen maailmansodan jälkeisinä vuosina Preston Tucker haaveilee tyylikkäämmän auton kehittämisestä, mutta tiellä on esteitä, joita pystyttää etenkin autoteollisuus.
A mix of documentary and scripted footage on the Bowery, New York City's skid row. Against a backdrop of men (and a few women) drinking in bars, talking and arguing, and sleeping on sidewalks, we have the story of Ray.
Follows a group of war-torn Templar knights who are put to the test against a strange beast that stalks the lands of England. This battle is what Myths and Legends are made of. An independent fan film.
Michelle Williams on kolmekymppinen Margot, joka asuu melko onnellisessa avioliitossa sympaattisen aloittelevan keittokirjailijan Loun kanssa. Margot on tavannut työmatkalla Danielin, komean ja hieman mystisen taiteilijan, joka sattuu asumaan kadun toisella puolella. Mikään ei voi estää heidän suhdettaan kehittymästä kiihkeäksi romanssiksi. Katkeransuloinen mutta samalla hauska ja lämpimän humaani Take This Waltz onnistuu taitavasti välttämään romanttiset kliseet maalaten todenmakuisen ja epäsentimentaalisen kuvan nuorten aikuisten ihmissuhteista. Michelle Williams ja Seth Rogen tekevät kumpikin uransa ehdottomiin huippuihin lukeutuvat roolisuoritukset.
Eronnut ja keski-ikäinen Richard Jones odottaa rennon letkeää tulevaisuutta saapuessaan toimistoonsa viimeistä kertaa myytyään yrityksensä eteenpäin. Tyrmistyksekseen hän huomaa, että yrityskauppa on ollut vilpillinen, hänen yhtiönsä on nyt konkurssissa ja tulevaisuuden turvaksi suunniteltu eläkerahasto on pyyhkiytynyt jäljettömiin. Richard värvää ex-vaimonsa Katen avukseen jäljittämään petoksen tehnyttä bisnesmiestä hämärien kauppojen takana. Kissa-hiiri leikki johtaa lopulta Eurooppaan, jossa ex-aviopari joutuu keskelle takaa-ajojen, koruvarkauksien ja tunteidensa pyörremyrskyä.
The innocent summer affair began as a love story between two young people. Lera and Artem could not break it off, as well as they didn`t have enough of faith, patience and desire to overcome all the obstacles on their life path. The Locust Generation wants to have all at once. The Locust generation will sweep everything on its way. The affair began as a naive young love and passion will turn into a series of bloody assassinations.
Dr. Jack Hammond has best chances to become medical superintendent in the clinic. So he's completely absorbed in his work and has no understanding for his teenage son Chris' problems with school. By accident one of them drinks a brain-exchanging serum, and it switches their identities. This leads of course to extraordinary complications in school and at work, but also to insight in the problems and feelings of each other.
A drunken playboy stands to lose a wealthy inheritance when he falls for a woman that his family doesn't like.
Arthur loses his fortune for staying with Linda, right as the two were preparing to adopt a child. As their marriage suffers, Arthur plans for a way to get his money back, but first he must sober up and get a real job.
Komedia kahdesta tyypistä, jotka lähtevät risteilylle iskeäkseen tyttöjä - vain huomatakseen, että kyse on gay-risteilystä.
Having lived his entire life under the watchful eye of his overbearing mother, Albert must fend for himself when an unidentified automobile suddenly kills her. Free for the first time, Albert quickly responds to the bait dangling in front of him, putting his aggressors against one another in a race for his trust. Using his skills that make him a gifted fisherman, Albert turns the tables on his seemingly doomed fate, capturing the heart of the woman most eager to deceive him, and fooling the man most intent on destroying him.