Pisac Jack Torrance u stvaralačkoj je krizi. Kad dobije ponudu za posao pazikuće u osamljenom hotelu Overlook u planinama Colorada, to mu se učini dobrim rješenjem njegovih problema. Naime, tijekom zime hotel je zatvoren, te će on i njegova obitelj - supruga Wendy i mali sin Danny - nekoliko mjeseci biti njegovi jedini stanari. Uskoro snježna oluja odsiječe Torranceove od ostatka svijeta. Danny, koji je vidovit i ima sposobnost telepatskog komuniciranja - "isijavanja" - s onostranim svjetovima, uskoro otkrije da je hotel napučen duhovima, bivšim zaposlenicima i gostima, još s početka 20. stoljeća. Ne znajući za takve pojave, Jack počinje sve više piti, nezadovoljan je svojim pisanjem i nikako se ne može riješiti spisateljske blokade. Štoviše, postaje sve mrzovoljniji i agresivniji, pogotovo nakon druženja s gospodinom Gradyjem, bivšim pazikućom koji je ubio svoju suprugu i kćeri blizanke.

Cijeli život Edward Bloom je uvijek bio čovjek velikih apetita, ogromne strasti i visokih priča. U svojim kasnijim godinama ostaje velika misterija za njegova sina Williama. Sada, kako bi upoznao pravog muškarca, Will počinje sastavljati istinsku sliku oca iz flashbacka njegovih nevjerojatnih avantura.

Dok radi kao honorarac za ekscentrika, lutkar otkriva portal koji vodi izravno u um hvaljenoga glumca Johna Malkovicha.

An author returns to his hometown of Cognac for the first time in 35 years to help promote a distillery. Once there, he meets his first love’s son, Lucas. Memories come rushing back to him: irrepressible attraction, bodies becoming one in the heat of desire, a passion that can never be revealed… His first love’s name was Thomas. They were 17.

The true story of suburban housewife Gertrude Baniszewski, who kept a teenage girl locked in the basement of her Indiana home during the 1960s.

South Africa, 1978. Tim Jenkin and Stephen Lee, two white political activists from the African National Congress imprisoned by the apartheid regime, put a plan in motion to escape from the infamous Pretoria Prison.

Prof. Walter Vale (R. Jenkins) predaje na fakultetu već dvadeset godina isti predmet. Izvan fakulteta ni s kim se ne druži. Osim mjesta u kojemu živi, ima i stan u New Yorku, u koji rijetko dolazi. Ovaj put stiže zbog znanstvenog simpozija i u svojem stanu neočekivano zatekne mladi par, Sirijca Tareka (H. Sleiman) i Senegalku Zainab (D. Gurira). Neki im je prevarant iznajmio Walterov stan i uzeo novac. Tarek i Zainab namjeravaju otići, no kad shvati da nemaju kamo, Walter im ponudi da ostanu u stanu dok se ne snađu. Uz Tareka uči svirati bubanj i prvi put nakon dugo vremena osjeća da je u nečemu dobar. Međutim, u jednoj od policijskih krontrola uhite Tarika, koji je odrastao u Michiganu i gdje mu živi majka (H. Abbass). Zainab se ne usudi posjetiti ga, pa je Walter jedini čovjek preko kojega može komunicirati s vanjskim svijetom. Walter se nakon dugo vremena osjeća potrebnim i korisnim...

A search for love, meaning and bathroom solitude. Danny goes through a series of shared housing experiences in a succession of cities on the east coast of Australia. Together these vignettes form a narrative that is surprisingly reflective.

Sad, kad je slava došla i prošla, i Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stallone), nekadašnji Talijanski Pastuh, svoje večeri provodi pričajući stare priče gostima svoje restorana Adrian's, nazvanog po njegovoj pokojnoj ženi koju u tišini oplakuje. Njegov sin (Milo Ventimiglia) ne želi provoditi vrijeme s njim; zauzet je vlastitim životom. Vrijeme i udarci ponizili su Rockyja, deformirali mu šake, pogrbili ramena i oduzeli mu sve osim priča, no u srcu je još onaj stari. U srcu je još borac. Mason “The Line” Dixon okrunjeni je prvak u teškoj kategoriji poznat jedino po lakoći kojom je došao do titule. Kako se nikad nije dokazao, nikad suočio s dostojnim protivnikom, obožavatelji ga smatraju tehničarem bez srca, bez prave budućnosti u tom sportu... Sve dok ga računalna simulacija ne dovede u ring s Rockyjem Balboom u najboljim danima.

Jenna is a pregnant, unhappily married waitress in the deep south. She meets a newcomer to her town and falls into an unlikely relationship as a last attempt at happiness.

Lucy Harmon, an American teenager is arriving in the lush Tuscan countryside to be sculpted by a family friend who lives in a beautiful villa. Lucy visited there four years earlier and exchanged a kiss with an Italian boy with whom she hopes to become reacquainted.

Ean has a critical mission to return to the future to save everyone. However, she becomes trapped in the distant past while trying to prevent the escape of alien prisoners who are locked up in the bodies of humans. Meanwhile, Muruk, who helps Ean escape various predicaments, is unnerved when he begins sensing the presence of a strange being in his body. Traveling through the centuries, they are trying to prevent the explosion of the haava.

When the Earl of Gurney dies in a cross-dressing accident, his schizophrenic son, Jack, inherits the Gurney estate. Jack is not the average nobleman; he sings and dances across the estate and thinks he is Jesus reincarnated. Believing that Jack is mentally unfit to own the estate, the Gurney family plots to steal Jack's inheritance. As their outrageous schemes fail, the family strives to cure Jack of his bizarre behavior, with disastrous results.

The Middle Eastern oil industry is the backdrop of this tense drama, which weaves together numerous story lines. Bennett Holiday is an American lawyer in charge of facilitating a dubious merger of oil companies, while Bryan Woodman, a Switzerland-based energy analyst, experiences both personal tragedy and opportunity during a visit with Arabian royalty. Meanwhile, veteran CIA agent Bob Barnes uncovers an assassination plot with unsettling origins.

Na dugo očekivanom putovanju Europom, policajac iz New Yorka i njegova supruga frizerka trude se riješiti zbunjujuće ubojstvo na jahti milijardera.

Based on the popular Nickelodeon TV series Rugrats, this is the first full-length feature animated movie to star the little tots. It's the story of diaper-clad kids, told from a baby's point- of-view, and they were one of the hottest-selling toy franchises of the late '90s.

Prvi putnički space shuttle leti prema Mjesecu, no kompjuter koji upravlja svemirskim brodom zakaže pa se shuttle zaputi prema Suncu. Životi svih putnika su u opasnosti, no na scenu opet stupa Ted Striker (Robert Hays), koji, osim što pokušava obnoviti svoju vezu sa stjuardesom Elaine (Julie Hagerty), sada mora spasiti i ugrožene živote!

After a long period ofexile, Félix and Magui return to their country. Magui's fathers take them to one of the houses of the family. Félix resistance to adapt himself to the social reality of the country and the presence of "aliens" on the region start to trouble the chief of the family.

A woman in an unhappy relationship takes refuge with a friend's family on holiday in Tuscany.

After her father's death, Anna Peterson and her family move from Australia to her father's ancestral home in New Zealand.