Dr. Frankenstein and his monster both turn out to be alive, not killed as previously believed. Dr. Frankenstein wants to get out of the evil experiment business, but when a mad scientist, Dr. Pretorius, kidnaps his wife, Dr. Frankenstein agrees to help him create a new creature.

Working in Dr. Cranley's laboratory, scientist Jack Griffin was always given the latitude to conduct some of his own experiments. His sudden departure, however, has Cranley's daughter Flora worried about him. Griffin has taken a room at the nearby Lion's Head Inn, hoping to reverse an experiment he conducted on himself that made him invisible. But the experimental drug has also warped his mind, making him aggressive and dangerous. He's prepared to do whatever it takes to restore his appearance.

Tampering with life and death, Henry Frankenstein pieces together salvaged body parts to bring a human monster to life; the mad scientist's dreams are shattered by his creation's violent rage as the monster awakens to a world in which he is unwelcome.

După ce Jonathan Harker îl atacă pe Dracula în castelul său, vampirul călătorește într-un oraș din apropiere, unde vânează familia logodnicei lui Harker. Singurul care ar putea fi în măsură să îi protejeze este doctorul van Helsing, prieten și coleg cu Harker, care este hotărât să îl distrugă pe Dracula cu orice preț.

Adrift in the vast expanse of the ocean, a solitary boat carries three castaways—a man and two women. Stranded and devoid of any glimmer of rescue, they find solace in recounting the tales of their lives to one another. As they delve into their personal narratives, reminiscing about the circumstances that led them to this desolate predicament, they navigate through the depths of three distinct destinies. Bound by the confines of their shared space, every aspect of their existence becomes a boundary, underscoring their plight.

Dr. Bhaskar Bannerjee struggles with his patients' suffering and the darkness and poverty he confronts daily. He treats cancer patient Anand who upon learning of his impending death determines to use the time he has left to the absolute fullest.

After his brother's death, Larry Talbot returns home to his father and the family estate. Events soon take a turn for the worse when Larry is bitten by a werewolf.

Kresten, newly wed, is on the threshold of a great career success in his father-in-law´s company. But when the death of his own father takes him back to his poverty-stricken childhood home, far out in the country, his career plans fall apart. For one thing he has to deal with his loveable, backward brother, who is now all alone; for another, he meets a stunning woman who comes to the farm as a housekeeper, in disguise of her real profession as a call-girl.

Debt-ridden painter Michel is overcome with joy at discovering that he has just won 1 million florins in the Dutch lottery, but almost immediately, he discovers that his softhearted girlfriend, Béatrice, has given away his jacket containing the winning ticket to an elderly petty thief. Soon Michel, Beatrice and Michel's artistic rival, Prosper, are hurtling through the streets of Paris on the trail of the missing jacket.

After a string of abusive relationships, Wanda abandons her family and seeks solace in the company of a petty criminal.

Interpretarea legendarã a lui Boris Karloff a devenit un punct de referintã în analele istoriei cinematografice. În rolul mumiei Im-Ho-Tep, el este reînviat accidental dupã 3700 de ani de o echipã de arheologi britanici. Printr-un flashback din fosta lui viatã aflãm cã Im-Ho-Tep a fost un mare preot îmbãlsãmat de viu drept pedeapsã cã a încercat sã o reînvie pe vestala virginã pe care o iubea, dupã ce aceasta a fost sacrificatã. Din nou în viatã, el porneste în cãutarea iubirii pierdute. Astãzi, la 50 de ani de la lansare, Mumia, un film cu o atmosferã de vis, rãmâne o capodoperã nu numai a genului, ci a tuturor timpurilor.

Following his infamous championship as part of a marketing stunt for the film Ready to Rumble, David Arquette is widely known as the most hated man in pro-wrestling worldwide. Nearly 20 years after he "won" the initial title, through ups and downs in his career, with his family, and with his struggles with addiction, David Arquette seeks redemption by returning to the ring...for real this time.

La miezul nopții din Noaptea Walpurgis, un funcționar englez, Renfield, ajunge la castelul contelui Dracula din Munții Carpați. După ce a semnat actele pentru a prelua o mănăstire în ruine de lângă Londra, Dracula îl înnebunește pe Renfield și îi cere ascultare. Renfield îl escortează pe o navă a morții la Londra. De acolo, Contele este introdus în societatea vecinului său, dr. Seward, care conduce un azil. Dracula lucrează scurt timp cu prietena de familie Lucia Weston, apoi începe să o atace pe Eva Seward, fiica doctorului. Un expert vizitator în ocultism, Van Helsing, îl recunoaște pe Dracula și acolo începe o luptă pentru trupul și sufletul Evei.

British documentarian Nick Broomfield creates a follow-up piece to his 1992 documentary of the serial killer Aileen Wuornos, a highway prostitute who was convicted of killing six men in Florida between 1989 and 1990. Interviewing an increasingly mentally unstable Wuornos, Broomfield captures the distorted mind of a murderer whom the state of Florida deems of sound mind -- and therefore fit to execute. Throughout the film, Broomfield includes footage of his testimony at Wuornos' trial.

A young teacher on her way to a position in Transylvania helps a young man escape the shackles his mother has put on him. In so doing she innocently unleashes the horrors of the undead once again on the populace, including those at her school for ladies. Luckily for some, Dr. Van Helsing is already on his way.

Dragostea este infinită - este mai puternică decât moartea... 1897: Agentul imobiliar londonez Jonathen Harker călătorește în Transilvania, la castelul contelui Dracula. Clientul misterios caută un loc în Anglia, dar Harker habar nu are de ce. Motivul datează de peste 400 de ani, când crudul prinț muntenesc Vlad Țepeș (Dracula) s-a întors acasă dintr-o campanie și și-a pierdut iubita mireasă printr-o soartă tragică.

TV producer Pierre Delacroix becomes frustrated when network brass reject his sitcom idea. Hoping to get fired, Delacroix pitches the worst idea he can think of: a 21st century minstrel show. The network not only airs it, but it becomes a smash hit.

A mobster's daughter leads her boyfriend from the circus into bootlegging.

In 19th century Paris, a maniac abducts young women and injects them with ape blood in an attempt to prove ape-human kinship but constantly meets failure as the abducted women die.

Carpathian Count Alucard is invited to the U.S. by a young heiress. Her boyfriend and local officials are suspicious of the newcomer, who is interested in the "virile" soil of the new world.