Join narrator, Billy Bob Thornton, in taking a revealing look back at the life and legacy of the eight-time Pro Bowl quarterback.

On the eve of May Day, dark elemental forces begin to disturb the village of Devil's End as the Master summons the demon Azal: unexplained murders, a stone gargoyle come to life, and a nigh-impenetrable infernal energy dome. With the Master fully prepared to destroy the Earth, the Doctor and UNIT - aided by a benevolent practitioner of witchcraft - battle the wicked rites of a secret science wielded by an alien from another world.

Cold War thriller set in Iceland – a British agent and his Icelandic fiancee try to protect an electronic device from falling into the clutches of the KGB.

Overwhelmed by a "phantom itch" from his missing pinky toe, a man must come to terms with his situation or succumb completely to his obsession.

Fragments of several (mostly) silent films are shown. They're guided by quotes from, among others, Plato and Sappho and a soundtrack.


  改编自高桥秀实的著作,长谷川博己饰演的主角明明是一副连都水不敢碰的旱鸭子,却总是找借口的顽固哲学家小鸟游雄司。绫濑遥饰演在教游泳方面非常热情,但除此之外都很笨拙的古怪教练薄原静香。   雄司为大学哲学教授,害怕面对水,完全不会游泳,某天,他老是在人和水的关系上推三阻四,极力避开水。在强行劝说雄司入会的教练静香的教室里,和热闹的主妇们一起开始学习游泳,静香说:“比起陆地,水中更容易生存”,而雄司一边因为对水的恐惧而大吵大闹,但一边仍然继续上课。因为某个理由害怕水的雄司,开始了一进一退的日子。

The film portraits the stage previous to the outbreak of the Mexican Revolution, from the end of Porfirio Díaz´ government, the social volatility, the ephemeral government of Madero and the presence of the working class in the figures of Villa and Zapata, until the signing if the Constitution of 1917. All of this through moving images, filmed during those events mainly by the Alva brothers, filmmakers of that time. Those images let us perceive the contradictory and shuddered glance of the people of that period.

An actress who has just played the part of an old lady says that she would like to grow old like that character did.Sadly, she will not get her wish because she is terminally-ill.

When the Germans invade Poland during World War II, a family of Jews seeks refuge in a well. Based on real events, the three survivors moved to Buenos Aires in 1952.

A thrilling tale of two people going through major ups and downs; and then not knowing it particularly.

From the start, Vertov made himself known as an irreconcilable enemy of “acted films,” which he regarded as a violation of truth. At the peak of World War II, however, such lofty artistic principles proved impractical. Vertov’s poetic and patriotic For You, Front! is a fiction film with a script and two actors. In a letter to her fiancé, a soldier on the front, Saule asks if there is anything he needs from “our beloved Kazakhstan.” Yes there is, he replies: lead, which can be used to make bullets to kill the enemies of “our beloved country.”

As we grow up we form deep, long lasting bonds with the place we call home. But sometimes we are forced to let go of the places we know and love. I’m this short film, digital content creator Oliver Giles pays respects to the wonderful Northern California coast as he says goodbye to the home he grew up in.

Orville Wright's achievement of flying a powered aircraft for the first time in 1903 was the fulfillment of man's dream of taking to the skies. Narrated by Tom Baker, this fascinating film charts the rapid progress of the aeroplane from a contraption that could barely carry the weight of a man over a few hundred yards to a sleek machine capable of spanning the globe at supersonic speed.

A short film completely made in the span of five days. The story follows a boy named Leonidas. After finding his grandfather dead, Leonidas must survive while a killer is loose in his home.