《凉宫春日的激奏》是以动画声优演出为主的凉宫春日主题演唱会。 3月18日在大宫SONIC CITY HALL召开的现场演出活动“凉宫春日的激奏”,已经决定DVD化。发售日是7月27日,价格是6090日元。总经销店角川书店,销售元Movic,同时在Movic的邮购页面上受理预约。 这个实况录音活动,京都动画制作电视动画片《凉宫春日的忧郁》的声优多数参加。同时,还满载该作品中使用的音乐,登场人物们的舞蹈,剧中的高品质livescene等,不仅仅在作品内容,在音乐方面也有很高的人气支持。 实况录音活动中,平野绫、茅原实里、后藤邑子、杉田智和、小野大辅这些主要声优悉数上阵,此外又加上松冈由贵、桑谷夏子、白鸟由里、青木纱也香、白石稔、松元惠等配角声优,为大家奉献了一场歌声和舞蹈的舞台狂欢。

BTS perform their Japan concert at Tokyo Dome and Fukuoka Yahuoku Dome during their Love Yourself World Tour.

A short comedy spoof about Universal Monsters and their everyday unconventional work done at their very own talent agency for their movies.

STOP + Cop = "Stop" or "Slow down" ? Make the right choice. An interactice movie by Ken Arsyn.

On his journey towards becoming a film director, Cole discovers an insight that flips his perspective on his way of living.


Show of solo singer Niall Horan from his latest album: Flicker. Recorded at Studio 1 in Dublin, this intimate and sensitive performance shows a side of Niall barely seen and explored, all with the participation of the incredible orchestra.

  1999年,长峰博士在赤道附近发现了加欧斯的变异种,同时候在日本西南方的海中发现了加美拉的墓场。   时间回到1995年的东京,因为加欧斯来袭,比良坂绫奈一家人准备离开东京,此时加美拉受到加欧斯的攻击而落下,在加美拉起身时破坏了绫奈的家,而绫奈的父母来不及逃出。目睹父母身亡的绫奈,从此开始憎恨加美拉....   时间再拉回到1999年,居住在乡下亲戚家的绫奈饱受同学的欺负,有一天绫奈被同学叫到供奉一个东西叫做"柳星张"的神社,同学要绫奈将里面的东西给搬出来,此时世世代代守护着柳星张的守部家成员守部美雪见到此状,于是偷偷的去告知自己的哥哥龙成,龙成便到神社将绫奈的同学赶走,此时绫奈把东西搬出来,龙成便要求绫奈把东西给搬回去,但是在绫奈搬走东西的原处,两人发现了一个奇怪的东西,两人见状便吓得逃走,到了晚上,那个东西出现了变化,里面出现了一个东西...   而在此同时,加欧斯出现在东京涩谷上空,没多久之后一阵爆炸声,加欧斯被击中,并且坠落在涩谷车站,此时加美拉从空中降落....

Returning wounded from the war Maksym was overcome by self-doubt, in his physiological state. He is undergoing rehabilitation. He loses contact with his wife. He is tormented by dreams. In one of his dreams Maksym goes to the island to catch a lot of fish, as the paramedic advised him. Maksym takes a boat, net, dynamite from the best man and sails to the island.

现在是夏天,鸣人和帮派正在执行任务。 他们最新的任务是护送瀑布隐村的首领。 但是当卡卡西被召回木叶参加紧急上忍会议时,他把鸣人和帮派留在了后面。 与此同时,在一个失踪的忍者的带领下,对瀑布隐村发起了进攻,将其曾经最强的上忍处死。 这一切都是为了得到“英雄之水”,让你的脉轮倍增十倍,换来你的生命。 鸣人和这帮人被迫与敌人战斗,以消除瀑布隐村的威胁

While Aurora "Roe" Teagarden searches for her piece of the American dream, she decides to test the waters of the family business - real estate sales. Only thing is there's a dead body in the first house she shows. When a second body shows up in another home, Roe realizes there's more to real estate than she thought.

A psychotic man schemes to drive his sister mad so that he can claim her inheritance, but a deadly game of cat-and-mouse begins when an imposter intervenes.

革命历228年,E.U.联盟联军少校蕾拉·玛露卡尔(坂本真绫 配音)和中尉阿基德(入野自由 配音)在巴黎期间化险为夷,将企图绑架吉恩·史麦拉斯将军(石冢运升 配音)的11区日本少年成濑幸也(松冈祯丞 配音)、佐山流(日野聪 配音)和香坂彩乃(日笠阳子 配音)招募到W Zero部队。在另一边的帝国内,信·修加·夏音度(松风雅也 配音)成功篡位,被封为圣米迦勒骑士团的团长,即将迎来和阿基德的宿命重逢。E.U.联盟对成濑等人充满不信任感,时刻密切监视着他们。不久,联盟决意将W Zero部队空投至帝国的腹地华沙执行死亡任务。蕾拉坚持和阿基德以及新加入的三个战士同往,等待他们的是圣米迦勒骑士团的强敌……

Jura is 23 years old - and Lena is 23. They live in Budennovsk, play computer games, walk and learn. They live in a city where Shamil Basayev entered 23 years ago with militants, and know almost nothing about the events of that time.


Set in the 1800s, the film is about a "dacoit" tribe who take charge in fight for their rights and independence against the British.

A young couple move into a remote country house in the middle of a stone circle. They employ workmen who disturb an ancient menhir, unleashing a supernatural force.