Godinu dana nakon događaja iz prošlog nastavka, Batman, poručnik James Gordon i novi okružni tužitelj Harvey Dent uspješno dovode kriminalce iza rešetaka, sve dok se u gradu ne pojavi misteriozni sadistički kriminalac zvan Joker, koji počne stvarati novi val kaosa u Gothamu. Batmanova borba protiv Jokera veoma brzo prijeđe na osobnu razinu, što će Batmana prisiliti na velike kompromise kako bi ga uspio zaustaviti.

Ralph je već umoran od konstantnog života u sjeni Fix-It Felixa, „junaka“ njihove zajedničke igre u kojoj se obojica nalaze, a koji uvijek spašava dan. Ali nakon desetljeća provedenih gledajući kako Felix ubire svu slavu, Ralph odlučuje da mu je dosta stalno igrati negativca. Preuzima stvari u svoje ogromne ruke i kreće na putovanje kroz različite arkadne igre koje su uveseljavale generacije djece kako bi dokazao da i on ima ono što je potrebno da postane heroj. Na svom putovanju upoznaje žilavu narednicu Calhoun iz igrice „Heros Duty“, ali nakon što slučajno pusti opasnog neprijatelja koji će zaprijetiti kompletnoj arkadi, svijet male i živahne Vanellope von Schweetz iz igrice „Sugar Rush“ bit će najviše ugrožen. Hoće li Ralph ostvariti svoj san i spasiti dan prije nego bude prekasno?

Za virtualni godišnji odmor Doug izabere putovanje na Mars. Za vrijeme 'odmora' nešto je krenulo krivo te se liječnici trude izbrisati iz njegovog sjećanja ovo putovanje. Uvjeren da je tajni agent s Marsa, krene na put kako bi otkrio o čemu je riječ.

An investigator from the War Crimes Commission travels to Connecticut to find an infamous Nazi, who may be hiding out in a small town in the guise of a distinguished professor engaged to the Supreme Court Justice’s daughter.

A Vietnam veteran, Charles Rane, returns home after years in a POW camp and is treated as a hero. When thugs invade his home to steal the silver coins he received for his service, they mangle his hand and leave him and his family for dead. Rane survives and becomes obsessed with getting revenge. Aided by his loyal friend Johnny Vohden, Rane, now wielding a hook for a hand, sets out on his mission of vengeance.

Short animation film about the fear of singing in public

A day in the life of John Lennon, alive and well in modern-day New York City. The former Beatle squabbles with a security guard, commiserates with his best friend over lunch, and upsets a bully.

A runaway train, transporting deadly, toxic chemicals, is barreling down on Stanton, Pennsylvania, and proves to be unstoppable until a veteran engineer and young conductor risk their lives to try and stop it with a switch engine.

Kad ga prijatelj Tej (C. "Ludacris" Bridges), mehaničar skupocjenih i izuzetno brzih automobila, obavijesti da se na gradskim ulicama održava još jedna noćna utrka, Brian O´Conner (P. Walker) bez razmišljanja pristane sudjelovati. On je bivši detektiv iz Los Angelesa i ljubitelj brze vožnje koji je izbačen iz službe te se preselio u Miami gdje živi od sudjelovanja u ilegalnim automobilskim utrkama. Kad lako pobijedi i u ovoj utrci, u kojoj snage odmjeri i s atraktivnom Suki (D. Aoki) i energičnim Orange Juliusom (A. Nolasco), Brian među okupljenim gledateljima uoči privlačnu Hispanoamerikanku (E. Mendes). Kad ga policijski agenti Markham (J. Remar) i Bilkins (T. Barry) privedu na razgovor, Brian dozna da je djevojka koju je primijetio agentica Monica Fuentes, koja se uspjela ubaciti u zločinačku organizaciju Cartera Veronea (C. Hauser). Verone je narko-diler koji ilegalne automobilske utrke koristi za pranje novca, a Monica je uspjela postati njegova osoba od povjerenja.

After a hard day at work and a condominium-board meeting, accountant Ugo Fantozzi goes on a trip with his family. Unfortunately, he will face a nasty surprise upon his return.

Vietnam vet Jon Rubin returns to New York and rents a rundown flat in Greenwich Village. It is in this flat that he begins to film, 'Peeping Tom' style, the people in the apartment across the street. His obsession with making films leads him to fall in with a radical 'Black Power' group, which in turn leads him to carry out a bizarre act of urban terrorism.

Architect/vigilante Paul Kersey arrives back in New York City and is forcibly recruited by a crooked police chief to fight street crime caused by a large gang terrorizing the neighborhoods.

While on holiday in Rhodes, Athenian war hero Darios becomes involved in two different plots to overthrow the tyrannical king, one from Rhodian patriots and the other from sinister Phoenician agents.

An alienated and misanthropic teenager gains sudden and unwanted celebrity status after he's taken hostage by terrorists where his indifference to their threats to kill him makes news headlines.

After the death of his girlfriend's daughter from a drug overdose, Paul Kersey takes on the local drug cartel.

Anton and Erika started out as friends for five years and got into a romantic relationship for seven years. Anton is a commercial director while Erika is a former band member and becomes his stay-at-home partner. The day finally comes when he asks her to marry him.

Darkman and Durant return and they hate each other as much as ever. This time, Durant has plans to take over the city's drug trade using high-tech weaponry. Darkman must step in and try to stop Durant once and for all.

A man, his business partner, and his wife are enlisted to transport an unknown object from a Russian military base, only to discover that the object is a giant, genetically-altered python.

It's three years after the events of the original Battle Royale, and Shuya Nanahara is now an internationally-known terrorist determined to bring down the government. His terrorist group, Wild Seven, stages an attack that levels several buildings in Tokyo on Christmas Day, killing 8000 people. In order for the government to study the benefits of "teamwork", the new students work in pairs, with their collars electronically linked so that if one of them is killed, the other dies as well. They must kill Nanahara in three days - or die.