In the midst of an attempt to take over his company, a powerhouse executive is hit with a huge ransom demand when his servants son is kidnapped

A boy experiences first love, friendships and injustices growing up in 1960s Taiwan.

Aspiring to an easy job as personal physician to a wealthy family, Noboru Yasumoto is disappointed when his first post after medical school takes him to a small country clinic under the gruff doctor Red Beard. Yasumoto rebels in numerous ways, but Red Beard proves a wise and patient teacher. He gradually introduces his student to the unglamorous side of the profession, ultimately assigning him to care for a prostitute rescued from a local brothel.

Akira Kurosawa sleduje vo svojom najväčšom diele pohyb hľadania a re-konštrukcie skutočnosti. Ukazuje, že tajomstvo síce môže stále unikať a stávať sa centrálnym prvkom, ale zároveň aj prvkom prázdnym, podobne, ako v prípade japonského kráľovského mesta. Rašómon pojednáva o udalosti, ktorá, napriek štyrom svedeckým výpovediam ostane neodhalená.

With Ran, legendary director Akira Kurosawa reimagines Shakespeare's King Lear as a singular historical epic set in sixteenth-century Japan. Majestic in scope, the film is Kurosawa's late-life masterpiece, a profound examination of the folly of war and the crumbling of one family under the weight of betrayal, greed, and the insatiable thirst for power.

Do zaprášeného mexického mestečka San Miguel na hraniciach Mexika a USA príde muž, ktorému visia kolty prekliate nízko. Pištoľník Joe sa rýchlo spriatelí s majiteľom miestneho baru Silvanitom. Cudzinec odhalí, že mestečko terorizujú dve znepriatelené gangsterské rodiny - americkí Baxterovci, ktorých vedie John Baxter, a mexickí Rojovci, ktorým zase velí Ramón Rojo. Znepriatelené rodiny by mali vetriť nebezpečenstvo, obe sú však natoľko zamestnané vlastnou žabomyšou vojnou, že nevidia, ako pištoľník Joe rozohrá hru na obe strany. Keď Joe zastrelí štyroch mužov z Baxterovho gangu, Ramónov brat Esteban mu ponúkne, aby vstúpil do ich bandy. Joe naoko pre Rojovcov pracuje, ale súčasne robí aj pre Baxterovcov. Využíva tak vzájomnú nevraživosť oboch gangov vo svoj vlastný prospech a darí sa mu to až do bodky...

Akira Kurosawa's lauded feudal epic presents the tale of a petty thief who is recruited to impersonate Shingen, an aging warlord, in order to avoid attacks by competing clans. When Shingen dies, his generals reluctantly agree to have the impostor take over as the powerful ruler. He soon begins to appreciate life as Shingen, but his commitment to the role is tested when he must lead his troops into battle against the forces of a rival warlord.

A woman and her daughter are each forced to contend with an increasing pressure to marry, particularly from three men who knew her late husband.

Murakawa, an aging Tokyo yakuza tiring of gangster life, is sent by his boss to Okinawa along with a few of his henchmen to help end a gang war, supposedly as mediators between two warring clans. He finds that the dispute between the clans is insignificant and whilst wondering why he was sent to Okinawa at all, his group is attacked in an ambush. The survivors flee and make a decision to lay low at the beach while they await further instructions.

Tensions arise when Jack Chan, a spineless constable who regards his work as a job but not a career, is partnered with an energetic and conscientious policewoman, Man Liu. When a serial killer emerges in Hong Kong, Man Liu swears to catch him. Jack is impressed by her bravery and decides to secretly protect her.

Prim professor Immanuel Rath finds some of his students ogling racy photos of cabaret performer Lola Lola and visits a local club, The Blue Angel, in an attempt to catch them there. Seeing Lola perform, the teacher is filled with lust, eventually resigning his position at the school to marry the young woman. However, his marriage to a coquette -- whose job is to entice men -- proves to be more difficult than Rath imagined.

In the fifth film of the Lone Wolf and Cub series, Ogami Itto is challenged by five warriors, each has one fifth of Ogami's assassin fee and one fifth of the information he needs to complete his assassination.

A French silent film serial which follows the exploits of the archvillain Fantômas, who commits crimes while eluding Inspector Juve's tireless persecution.

A teenager falls hard for the female soccer player who has replaced him on the team and attempts to pursue her.

Yoshitsune Minamoto, disguised with his retinue as monks, must make do with a comical porter as their guide through hostile territory en route to safety.

Rafinovaným tučniakom sa s pomocou hrubej sily šimpanzov podarilo opraviť lietadlo, v ktorom naši hrdinovia havarovali v priebehu letu z Madagaskaru do Afriky, a vyrazili si užívať do kasína v Monte Carlo. Leva Alexa, hrošicu Gloriu, zebru Martyho a žirafiaka Melmana ale na palubu nezobrali, čo štvoricu donúti doplávať za nimi po svojich cez Stredozemné more. Tučniakov nevyhnutne potrebujú, pretože bez nich nemajú šancu vrátiť sa domov. Zjavenie divokých, aj keď priateľských šeliem v epicentre európskej zábavy pochopiteľne vyvolá rozruch, ktorý dostane za úlohu skrotiť kapitánka Chantal DuBois. Je to elitná agentka organizácie na odchyt zvierat, pre ktorú je jej práca aj poslaním. V Afrike sa schovali celkom ľahko, uprostred civilizácie im poskytne jediné maskovanie kočovný cirkus, ktorý sa po európskom turné chystá aj do New Yorku.

In the late 19th century, a young woman moves to Amsterdam with her family and tries to make a living. Preyed upon by various men, she nonetheless rises in society.

Film je elegantnou adaptáciou biografie lupiča-gentlemana Forresta Tuckera (1920 – 2004), ktorý sa preslávil viacerými nenásilnými bankovými lúpežami, ale aj ako špecialista na úteky z väzení. Príbeh rámcuje životné osudy sympatického zločinca, ktorý v neskoršom veku stretáva „dámu svojho srdca“, ale najradšej hrá svoju obľúbenú hru na mačku a myš. Kde myšou je jeho dobrý známy policajný detektív.

In this dreamlike film, a nameless father and his son, Aleksei, live together in an apartment in St. Petersburg. Aleksei's mother has died and consequently the two have a very close relationship. When Aleksei acquires a girlfriend, she refuses to take a back seat to his bond with his dad, and breaks up with him. Aleksei is also experiencing nightmares, dreading separation from his father to be a part of the military as his father was.

Ah Fat, a lonely man arrives in a strange country, escaping from his past and seeking salvation. Living in a constant state of psychological turmoil, redemption was never quite in reach. Making friends with Miumiu, a coworker who is a gogo girl and a male gigolo Pumpkin turns Ah Fat's life around; he finds a strange, unique sort of happiness in friendship that had evaded him for a long time. Then comes a turn of events that changes everything; Ah Fat will have to choose between saving his friends by killing the evil shop owner, and standing idly by. This is the final straw; Ah Fat is pushed to the brink, all hell breaks loose...