Filmo herojė Marion Krein pasisavina milžiniškus pinigus ir skuba pas savo meilužį. Moteris išsigandusi ir pavargusi, todėl mielai apsistoja mažai lankomame motelyje toli nuo greitkelio. Jaunas savininkas pasiūlo jai drauge pavakarieniauti šalia esančiame jo name, kur gyvena drauge su motina...

The Doctor has retired to 1892 London. Despite the protests of his allies, he is determined to keep out of mankind's affairs. However, a governess named Clara has stumbled upon a plot which only the Doctor can unravel, involving the death of her predecessor in ice and the sinister Dr. Simeon, who controls monsters made of sentient snow. And there is another mystery afoot: Clara is the spitting image of Oswin Oswald, whom the Doctor saw die in the Dalek asylum...

Tai istorija apie didį Amerikos generolą Patoną, kuris dalyvavo tiek I, tiek II pasauliniame kare. Jis gimė 1885-11-11 San Gabriel (Kalifornijoje),1909 metais baigė Vest Point karo akademiją. Dalyvavo Pirmajame pasauliniame kare (vadovavo ką tik suformuotam Jungtinių Amerikos Valstijų tankų korpusui, kuris kovėsi Prancūzijoje). Per Antrąjį pasaulinį karą kariavo Maroke (1942), Sicilijoje (1943), vėliau vadovavo 3‑ajai armijai, kuri dalyvavo Sąjungininkų puolime Šiaurės Prancūzijoje (1944) ir Vokietijoje (1945). Pagarsėjo žaibišku tankų junginių reidu į Vokietijos gilumą (1945-02-03). Jis laikomas vienu gabiausių, bet ir prieštaringiausių Jungtinių Amerikos Valstijų karo vadų per II pasaulinį karą (pasižymėjo itin griežtais vadovavimo metodais; plačiai pagarsėjo atvejis, kai ligoninėje sumušė kareivį, kurį įtarė simuliuojant).

A weary gunfighter attempts to settle down with a homestead family, but a smouldering settler and rancher conflict forces him to act.

A documentary about the corrupt health care system in The United States who's main goal is to make profit even if it means losing people’s lives. "The more people you deny health insurance the more money we make" is the business model for health care providers in America.

In 9th century China, a corrupt government wages war against a rebel army called the Flying Daggers. A romantic warrior breaks a beautiful rebel out of prison to help her rejoin her fellows, but things are not what they seem.

Hud Bannon is a ruthless young man who tarnishes everything and everyone he touches. Hud represents the perfect embodiment of alienated youth, out for kicks with no regard for the consequences. There is bitter conflict between the callous Hud and his stern and highly principled father, Homer. Hud's nephew Lon admires Hud's cheating ways, though he soon becomes too aware of Hud's reckless amorality to bear him anymore. In the world of the takers and the taken, Hud is a winner. He's a cheat, but, he explains, "I always say the law was meant to be interpreted in a lenient manner."

A restauranteur teams up with a police officer and his ex-con brother to avenge the death of a friend's daughter.

Socialite Judith Traherne lives a lavish but emotionally empty life. Riding horses is one of her few joys, and her stable master is secretly in love with her. Told she has a brain tumor by her doctor, Frederick Steele, Judith becomes distraught. After she decides to have surgery to remove the tumor, Judith realizes she is in love with Dr. Steele, but more troubling medical news may sabotage her new relationship, and her second chance at life.

When an alien takes the form of a young widow's husband and asks her to drive him from Wisconsin to Arizona, the government tries to stop them.

Kevin Hart serves up laughs and brick oven pizza from the comfort of his home, and dishes on male group chats, sex after 40 and life with COVID-19.

The last wish of the dying "Monk" is for his foster child, Harald, to find his real son, Ludvig. But the latter is currently in a Swedish prison cell...

A research scientist explores the boundaries and frontiers of consciousness. Using sensory deprivation and hallucinogenic mixtures from native American shamans, he explores these altered states of consciousness and finds that memory, time, and perhaps reality itself are states of mind.

An anthology film presenting remakes of three episodes from the "Twilight Zone" TV series—"Kick the Can", "It's a Good Life" and "Nightmare at 20,000 Feet"—and one original story, "Time Out."

Eddie, Dov, and Yvan are back, still working in Paris' Sentier textile district, This time they're confronting the high-stakes world of large distribution after striking a deal with Eurodiscount, a European hypermarket chain.

A troubled actor, a television show runner, and an acclaimed videogame designer find their lives intertwining in mysterious and unsettling ways.

Vienintelė jėga valdanti pasaulį – pinigai. Dideli pinigai. Kartais jie nukrenta tiesiai iš dangaus. Sam‘o ir Leslie laukia likimą apverčiantis sprendimas ir tikri išbandymai. Visada pavojingos Čikagos gatvės, vis giliau įtraukiantis nusikaltėlių pasaulis: smurtas, godumas ir siaubas. Vienas pavojingiausių nusikaltėlių lydės kiekvieną Sam‘o ir Leslie žingsį niekada nemiegančiame pinigų pasaulyje. Kiek toli gali nuvesti desperatiškas išlikimo žygis?

Jie miegojo ištisus du šimtmečius. Tačiau dabar jie prabudo ir jie labai alkani. Požeminiai gyviai išlenda į paviršių ir leidžiasi į kelionę po Nevados apylinkes, ieškodami ėdesio. Pakeliui žmogėdros užklysta į paslaptingą miestelį, vadinamą Tobulybe, tačiau šio miestelio gyventojai pabaisų apsilankymui jau pasiruošę. Treniruotas ir bebaimis neaiškaus gymio plėšrūnų žinovas Bertas Grumeris jau spėjo apsiginkluoti galingais kulkosvaidžiais, automatais ir granatomis ir yra pasirengęs susiremti su antžmogiškais padarais. Tačiau jis dar nežino, kad požeminiai gyviai ne prasčiau pasirengę pulti miestą – jie išmoko pasiversti neįtikėtinai pavojingais skraidančiais padarais …

A montley group of free-lance photographers are desperate to grab a good shot of a celebrity.

Although awkward college student Todd Howard is particularly adept at science, he's paying for school with an athletic scholarship that he will lose should he not fare well in an upcoming boxing tournament. Luckily for Todd, he has inherited the same family curse that once turned his cousin into a werewolf. As he transforms into the hairy, fanged, howling monster, he finds both his physical agility and his popularity skyrocketing -- but at what cost?