Tells the incredible true story of Amberley Snyder, a nationally ranked rodeo barrel racer who defies the odds after barely surviving a car accident that leaves her paralyzed from the waist down.

When average, law-abiding citizens suddenly turn to a life of hedonistic behavior and violent crime, Detective Tom Beck is tasked with helping young FBI agent Lloyd Gallagher determine the cause.

Anglia în 1855: Un tren, două seifuri și patru lacăte te despart de bogăție. Gentleman hoț Edward Pierce și complicii săi Agar și Miriam plănuiesc cea mai spectaculoasă lovitură de stat din istorie. Vor să fure lingouri de aur în valoare de 25.000 de lire sterline dintr-un tren în mișcare...

O biserică distrusă. O congregație redusă la tăcere. O relație distrusă. Cu toate acestea, chiar și în văile întunecate ale vieții, o mică flacără poate lumina calea spre vindecare și speranță. După ce un incendiu devastator distruge biserica Sf. James, conducerea Universității Hadleigh folosește tragedia pentru a împinge congregația în afara campusului, forțând astfel biserica să-și apere drepturile. Confruntându-se cu un caz în instanță și cu lupta sa pentru a vedea lumina lui Hristos în suferință, pastorul Dave îi cere ajutorul lui Pearce, fratele său înstrăinat, un avocat și un ateu, pentru a putea susține dreptul bisericii de a exista. Reuniunea familiei deschide răni vechi, în timp ce frații se luptă cu întrebările care i-au distanțat cu ani în urmă: Este Dumnezeu cu adevărat bun tot timpul? Unde este Dumnezeu când se întâmplă lucruri rele? Poate Hristos să-i vindece cu adevărat pe cei cu inima zdrobită?

The intersecting lives of teens on a surfing trip, a woman with a weak heart and two teams of doctors and medical experts.

Identical 9-year-olds from very different backgrounds: orphaned Amanda and wealthy Alyssa meet at summer camp and decide to switch places -- and play matchmaker between Alyssa's dad, Roger, and the kind social worker who cares for Amanda.

Inspirat de evenimente reale, filmul "Mad Money" urmărește povestea a trei femei care, lucrând la Rezerva Bancară Federală, formează o alianță pentru a fura bani destinați casării.

A Bollywood update of Jane Austen's classic tale, in which Mrs. Bakshi is eager to find suitable husbands for her four unmarried daughters. When the rich single gentlemen Balraj and Darcy come to visit, the Bakshis have high hopes, though circumstance and boorish opinions threaten to get in the way of romance.

Fiica unei americance boeme pleacă în Europa pentru a-și căuta tatăl, pe care nu l-a cunoscut, și descoperă că acesta este un politician scorțos.

Manhattanite Ashley is known to many as the luckiest woman around. After a chance encounter with a down-and-out young man, however, she realizes that she's swapped her fortune for his.

Stuck in a passionless marriage, a journalist must choose between her distant but loving husband and a younger ex-boyfriend who has reentered her life

Martin, an ex-Parisian well-heeled hipster passionate about Gustave Flaubert who settled into a Norman village as a baker, sees an English couple moving into a small farm nearby. Not only are the names of the new arrivals Gemma and Charles Bovery, but their behavior also seems to be inspired by Flaubert's heroes.

Brittany Aarons is one of the many girls who has a crush on popular singer and boy-toy Jordan Cahill. However, she is bored of living a suburban existence and seeks a little something more.

Rebellious, uncontrollable teenager, Rachel is hauled off by her dysfunctional mother to spend the summer with her estranged grandmother, Georgia. Her journey will lead all three women to revelations of buried family secrets and an understanding that - regardless what happens - the ties that bind can never be broken.

Sons and daughters of international billionaires are sent to an boot camp where they are taught basic survival skills in hopes it will teach them responsibility. When they are taken hostage and taken for ransom by kidnappers, they will need to utilize every skill they learned to survive.

Amber, a mean popular girl who gets electrocuted and dies, is not allowed to enter into heaven unless she helps the least popular girl in school become Prom Queen within a week, but things do not go as planned.

Two spoiled Beverly Hills sisters who have been left penniless after their father's sudden death are forced to move in with their estranged aunt in East Los Angeles.

When tragedy rocks Blackfoot High, rebellious outsider Mäddy Killian shocks the student body by joining the cheerleading squad. After a confrontation with the football team, Mäddy and her new cheerleader friends are sent on a supernatural roller coaster ride which leaves a path of destruction none of them may be able to escape.

A macho type man becomes entangled with an independent-minded girl.