Razmažena Ellen "Ellie" Andrews (C. Colbert) mlada je i pomalo umišljena bogatašica, kći strogog milijunaša Alexandera Andrewsa (W. Connolly) koja se protivno očevoj volji želi udati za lovca na miraz i plejboja "Kinga" Westleya (J. Thomas). Kad pobjegne s jahte u Miamiju, gdje ju otac za njezino dobro drži "zatočenu", Ellie uskoči u autobus i krene na noćnu vožnju do New Yorka gdje ju čeka Westley. Tijekom putovanja do nje sjedi pomalo grubi i neodgovorni, ali pošteni i dobrodušni nezaposleni novinar Peter Warne (C. Gable), ambiciozan momak koji se nakon problema s alkoholom želi vratiti na posao. Kad iz novina dozna da mu je suputnica odbjegla nasljednica, Peter predloži Ellie da mu omogući pisanje ekskluzivne reportaže o događaju, a on će joj zauzvrat pomoći. Iako isprva teško podnose jedno drugo, odnos između Ellie i Petera postupno će se početi mijenjati.

Sve njujorške bande pozvane su u Bronx na dogovor oko ujedinjenja i zajedničkog djelovanja. Primirje među njima proglasio je karizmatični Cyrus (R. Hill) koji namjerava stati na čelo ujedinjenih bandi. No, na skupu ga ubije manijakalni Luther (D. P. Kelly) optuživši za umorstvo bandu Warriors i njihovog vođu Cleona (D. Wright). U općoj gužvi koju izazove dolazak policije rulja ubije Cleona, dok Cyrusovi banditi organiziraju opći lov na pripadnike Warriorsa. Na njihovo čelo stane Swan (M. Beck) pred kojim je gotovo nemoguć zadatak: mora izbjeći stotine kriminalaca koji tragaju za Warriorsima, te pritom dokazati da je pravi Cyrusov ubojica Luther.

Dvanaestogodišnji Oscar (K. Hedebrant) jako je povučen i opterećen jer ga nekoliko dječaka stalno maltretira u školi. Iako razmišlja o osveti, to nikome ne spominje, čak ni majci, jer je svjestan da je preslab da bi nešto sam mogao poduzeti. Jednoga dana dogodi mu se neočekivano poznanstvo s vršnjakinjom Eli (L. Leandersson), koja mu se učini prikladnom za prijateljstvo. Ona djeluje kao da ga razumije i da bi mu mogla pomoći u ideji za osvetu. No, iako je izrazito mirna i pristojna djevojka, svejedno djeluje tajanstveno, pa i bizarno: naime, ne smije izaći na sunce, ništa ne jede, a u neki prostor ulazi samo kad je se pozove. A kada Oscar otkrije da ona pije ljudsku krv jer jedino tako može preživjeti, on pomisli da je možda ta draga djevojka vampirica.

A story about a troubled boy growing up in England, set in 1983. He comes across a few skinheads on his way home from school, after a fight. They become his new best friends, even like family. Based on experiences of director Shane Meadows.

Three Italians travel to their hometown to vote for elections: Pasquale is a Southern immigrant living in Munich who's genuinely happy to come back to Italy, even if just for a few days, but the country he dreams of is far from reality; Furio travels to Rome with his family, but his niggling attitude threatens to push his wife Magda over the edge; young Mimmo is also going to Rome, but the trip is repeatedly interrupted by worries about his grandma's health.

Fúsi finds comfort in the familiarity of his routines, until an involuntary dance class forces him to encounter the real world.

Nakon što djevojke prekinu s njima, najbolji prijatelji T. S. i Brodie odlaze u trgovački centar gdje sudjeluju u igri upoznavanja.

Tajanstveni vodič prati entuzijastičnog avanturistu i njegovog prijatelja u amazonsku džunglu. Njihovo putovanje se pretvara u zastrašujuću borbu za opstanak dok se najmračniji dijelovi ljudske naravi i najsmrtonosnije prijetnje divljine urote protiv njih.

An estranged family gathers together in New York for an event celebrating the artistic work of their father.

The relationship between Ed, a married astronomer and Amy, his lover, who spend their years apart, is based only on phone calls and texts. One day Amy begins noticing something strange in Ed's messages.

An investigation of the massacre of 24 men, women and children in Haditha, Iraq allegedly shot by 4 U.S. Marines in retaliation for the death of a U.S. Marine killed by a roadside bomb. The movie follows the story of the Marines of Kilo Company, an Iraqi family, and the insurgents who plant the roadside bomb.

Elijah must balance his dream of becoming a master sommelier with his father's expectations that he carry on the family's Memphis BBQ joint.

After overhearing a shocking secret, precocious orphan Lyra Belacqua trades her carefree existence roaming the halls of Jordan College for an otherworldly adventure in the far North, unaware that it's part of her destiny.

Husband, wife, and daughter have moved from Boston to Williamstown. At 16, Samantha treats her mother shabbily, but when the two of them are in a horrific car crash, the mother wills Sam to live, somehow losing her own life while her spirit enters Sam.

Shelley is living a carefree life until a rival gets her tossed out of the Playboy Mansion. With nowhere to go, fate delivers her to the sorority girls from Zeta Alpha Zeta. Unless they can sign a new pledge class, the seven socially clueless women will lose their house to the scheming girls of Phi Iota Mu. In order to accomplish their goal, they need Shelley to teach them the ways of makeup and men; at the same time, Shelley needs some of what the Zetas have - a sense of individuality. The combination leads all the girls to learn how to stop pretending and start being themselves.

A killer is on the loose, and an FBI agent sifts through clues and learns that the bloodthirsty felon's victims of choice are other serial killers.

A mother and her son plan a surprise visit to Los Angeles to see her husband/his father. Halfway there they get into a terrible accident in the middle of nowhere and now must fight to survive.

When Butch, Postmaster P, and Stray Bullet loot the local hip-hop mogul's studio to fund their demo album, the threesome unwittingly ends up with the secret of Mack Daddy's success: a magical flute. Their gigs instantly turn golden but a blood-thristy Leprechaun and an angry Mack Daddy are hot on their trail, leaving a wake of destruction tainted by politically incorrect limericks.

At Christmas time, 19 year old Simon returns home to visit his dysfunctional family with Louise, a fearless girl he met during his train ride. While Simon struggles to cope with the growing distance between him and his parents, he starts to examine his feelings when Louise develop a liaison of her own with his childhood friend Mathieu.

Four guys, one camera, and their experience chronicling the exhilarating and terrifying rite of passage: losing your virginity. As these guys help their buddy get laid, they'll have to survive friends with benefits, Internet hookups, even porn stars during an adventure that proves why you will always remember your first time.