The Amazon rain forest, 1979. The crew of Fitzcarraldo (1982), a film directed by German director Werner Herzog, soon finds itself with problems related to casting, tribal struggles and accidents, among many other setbacks; but nothing compared to dragging a huge steamboat up a mountain, while Herzog embraces the path of a certain madness to make his vision come true.
JAV, 1994 metai. Populiari televizijos laida „60 minučių" dažnai išsako tiesą apie valdininkų korupciją ir nebijo pavojingų temą. Laidos vedėjas, puikus profesionalas Lovelas Bergmanas įkalba savo laidoje dalyvauti Džefrį Viganą, kuris gali atskleisti tiesą apie cigarečių kompanijos aferas. Džefris niūrus ir nelabai simpatiškas vyrukas, susirūpinęs savo byrančia santuoka, nutarė demaskuoti savo darbdavius. Kompanijos gaminamos cigaretės labai kenksmingos ir patys gamintojai puikiai tai žino. „60 minučių" norėjo, kad tiesa išaiškėtų, tačiau laidą eteryje nepasirodė. Kaip tokiais atvejais įprasta, lemiamą vaidmenį šioje istorijoje suvaidino pinigai ir šio pasaulio galingieji. Kas apsaugos tą, kuris vienas drįso stoti prieš savo įtakingus darbdavius ir bandė demaskuoti jų veidmainystę bei nenumaldomą pinigų troškulį?
While doing a thesis about violence, Ángela finds a snuff video where a girl is tortured to death. Soon she discovers that the girl was a former student at her college...
On behalf of a multinational company, a production assistant drives around the Romanian city of Bucharest, interviewing various citizens who have been injured due to work accidents to cast one of them in a “safety at work” video.
A Korean man in China takes an assassination job in South Korea to make money and find his missing wife. But when the job is botched, he is forced to go on the run from the police and the gangsters who paid him.
13-year-old Gunther Strobbe grows up surrounded by alcohol, trash and his completely useless father and uncles. Slowly but surely, he's being prepared for the same hapless life. Can he defy his destiny?
Milo is aging, he is planning his daughter's 25th birthday, and his shipment of heroin turns out to be 10,000 pills of ecstasy. When Milo tries to sell the pills anyway, all Hell breaks loose and his only chance is to ask for help from his ex-henchman and old friend Radovan.
Vyresnio amžiaus šeimos galva, 3 sūnų tėvas, po žmonos mirties nusamdo jauną namų šeimininkę Andželą, su kuria netrukus susižada. Jo sūnūs, kuriems yra 18, 14 ir 6 metai, taip pat mėgina ją globoti, ypač paauglys Nino, kuriam Andžela tampa jo seksualinių fantazijų objektu...
Beksiński is a gentle man with arachnophobia, despite his hardcore sexual fantasies and his fondness for painting disturbing dystopian works. Beksiński is a family man who wants only the best for his loving wife Zofia, neurotic son Tomasz and the couple's aging mothers. His daily painting to classical music eventually pays off and he makes a name for himself in contemporary art. Good Catholic woman Zofia tries to hold the family together, but troubled son Tomasz proves to be a handful with his violent outbursts and suicidal threats. Their relief is brief when he starts dating women and becomes a radio presenter and movie translator, and the concerned parents must be on constant watch to prevent their son from hurting himself. But Beksiński never believed that family life would always be sunshine and rainbows. As he tapes everything with his beloved camcorder, the 28-year Beksiński saga unfolds through paintings, near-death experiences, dance music trends and funerals...
Jesus Camp is a Christian summer camp where children hone their "prophetic gifts" and are schooled in how to "take back America for Christ". The film is a first-ever look into an intense training ground that recruits born-again Christian children to become an active part of America's political future.
Kažkur Anglijos provincijoje šeima ruošiasi laidotuvėms. Atsisveikinti su velioniu atvažiuoja visas būrys giminaičių. Iš Niujorko atskrenda vyresnysis sūnus – garsus rašytojas. Tačiau namuose jo laukia pavydus jaunesnysis brolis, taip pat svajojantis išgarsėti ir jau parašęs romaną...
On the beaches of Kenya they’re known as "Sugar Mamas" —European women who seek out African boys selling love to earn a living. Teresa, a 50-year-old Austrian and mother of a daughter entering puberty, travels to this vacation paradise, moving from beach to beach.
Director 'Nicholas Ray' is eager to complete a final film before his imminent death from cancer. Wim Wenders is working on his own film Hammett (1983) in Hollywood, but flies to New York to help Ray realize his final wish. Ray's original intent is to make a fiction film about a dying painter who sails to China to find a cure for his disease. He and Wenders discuss this idea, but it is obviously unrealistic given Ray's state of health.
Trijų dalių istorija apie meilę, išdavystę ir ištikimybę Kinijos nusikalstamų grupuočių pasaulyje. Čiao yra įsimylėjusi vietinį gangsterį Biną. Jų gyvenimas teka įprasta vaga viename pramoniniame Kinijos mieste, tačiau, gatvėje susikirtus dviem besivaržančioms gaujoms, porai tenka išsiskirti. Gindama Biną, Čiao panaudoja ginklą. Už tai ji įkalinama penkeriems metams. Atlikusi bausmę, moteris leidžiasi ieškoti mylimojo.
Jean-Claude is a loud-mouthed, know-it-all and full time boor who is best friends with Stef, a self-styled lady killer who would do better with the fairer sex if he could work up the ambition to wake up in the morning. Stef has decided that he may need some help in finding the woman of his dreams, and embracing loyalty rather than logic he turns to Jean-Claude for advice.
Grotesquely surreal offering charting three male generations of the same bizarre family, including a pervert who constantly seeks for new kinds of satisfaction, an obese speed eater, and a passionate embalmer.
Following a childhood tragedy, Dewey Cox follows a long and winding road to music stardom. Dewey perseveres through changing musical styles, an addiction to nearly every drug known and bouts of uncontrollable rage.
25-year-old carouser Carlo is sentenced to one year of community service after crashing his car while drunk and on cocaine. He has to serve his sentence at the Villa Bianca nursing home, along with other non-violent felons. He initially lives it as yet another nuisance, but spending time with Villa Bianca's residents — especially Dino, a cultured and sarcastic 80-year-old who has attempted suicide several times — will make Carlo change his outlook on the world and on life itself.
A very interesting thriller about the coming of age of a troubled young man searching his place in this world. Teenage boy Jonathan (Fabien de Marchi) is having a hard time living with his father and stepmother. On a whim, he steals some money and embarks on a journey of forbidden pleasures. He spends the night in abandoned building and wakes up bound and is held prisoner by Antoine (Johan Libéreau), a young drug dealer wanted by the police. The two boys forge an ambiguous relationship between violence, compassion and fascination. Victim, Jonathan ends up taking a liking to his tormentor.
A surrealistic anthology of horror films; four segments structured as an intense fever dream...