Un tânãr rãtãcitor intrã în case necunoscute si locuite în timp ce proprietarii sunt plecati de acasã. Petrece acolo o noapte sau o zi, ascunzându-se si rãsplãtind generozitatea proprietarilor prin spãlarea rufelor sau fãcând mici reparatii. Viata lui se schimbã când dã peste o tânãrã si frumoasã femeie într-o casã bogatã care este gata sã fugã din cãsnicia abuzivã si nefericitã în care este întemnitatã.

Tanarul Danila se muta la fratele lui, in Petersburg, si intra intr-o lume a gangsterilor si a ucigasilor platiti. In noua lui viata, a ucide devine cel mai simplu lucru. Numai ca pe parcurs, baiatul intelege ca nu aceasta este calea pe care ar fi trebuit s-o apuce.

On a remote, isolated, unnamed Lebanese village inhabited by both Muslims and Christians. The village is surrounded by land mines and only reachable by a small bridge. As civil strife engulfed the country, the women in the village learn of this fact and try, by various means and to varying success, to keep their men in the dark, sabotaging the village radio, then destroying the village TV.

Un fost DJ, împovărat de ani de zile de o teribilă greșeală comisă în timpul unei emisiuni, găsește izbăvirea când oferă ajutor unui vagabond care a fost una dintre multele victime nevinovate ale greșelii celui dintâi.

A collection of Monty Python's Flying Circus skits from the first two seasons of their British TV series.

El Topo decides to confront warrior Masters on a trans-formative desert journey he begins with his 6 year old son, who must bury his childhood totems to become a man.

A "metal fetishist", driven mad by the maggots wriggling in the wound he's made to embed metal into his flesh, runs out into the night and is accidentally run down by a Japanese businessman and his girlfriend. The pair dispose of the corpse in hopes of quietly moving on with their lives. However, the businessman soon finds that he is now plagued by a vicious curse that transforms his flesh into iron.

When Ann, husband George, and son Georgie arrive at their holiday home they are visited by a pair of polite and seemingly pleasant young men. Armed with deceptively sweet smiles and some golf clubs, they proceed to terrorize and torture the tight-knit clan, giving them until the next day to survive.

Three friends discover a mysterious machine that takes pictures 24 hours into the future and conspire to use it for personal gain, until disturbing and dangerous images begin to develop.

A corrupted border agent decides to clean up his act when an impoverished woman's baby is put up for sale on the black market.

La ere după ce mitica luptă dintre Zei și Titani s-a încheiat, o nouă forță malefică amenință ținuturile: însetat de putere, regele Hyperion (Mickey Rourke) declară război umanității. După ce strânge o armată de soldați desfigurați de propria lui mână, răscolește Grecia în căutarea unei arme cu puteri magice - Arcul lui Epirus, făurit de însuși Ares. Numai posesorul Arcului are puterea să îi elibereze pe Titani din temnița Munților Tartaros, în care fuseseră închiși în vremuri imemoriale. Cu dorința lor de răzbunare și cu arma magică, Hyperion poate să-i distrugă atât pe oameni cât și pe zei. Legați de o veche lege antică ce le interzice să intervină în conflictul dintre oameni, zeii sunt neputincioși în fața propriului sfârșit, dar Zeus are un plan: el îl alege în secret pe Tezeu, care, ajutat de o bandă de proscriși, va trebui să îi salveze pe oameni de Hyperion și să împiedice măcelărirea zeilor.

Farmer Vincent Smith and his sister Ida run a motel attached to a farm where they capture unsuspecting travelers, bury them alive, fatten them up and then harvest their bodies as ingredients for his famous brand of "smoked meats."

Paul, a teenager in the underground scene of early-nineties Paris, forms a DJ collective with his friends and together they plunge into the nightlife of sex, drugs, and endless music.

When Ted’s beloved cat dies, the trauma triggers a terrible mental breakdown. His broken brain prompts him to bring his feline friend back – all he needs is nine human lives. Ted dons vicious deadly cat claw gloves and a creepy cat mask, and goes on a murderous rampage. As the butchery escalates, a twisted romance blossoms between Ted and Claire, a young woman who has also recently lost her cat in a horrifying incident.

Horror anthology consisting of three episodes directed by Jörg Buttgereit, Andreas Marschall and Michal Kosakowski.

O fostă stea de filme pentru adulți acceptă o slujbă în domeniu pentru a-și ajuta familia fără a-și da seama că regizorul are intenții criminale.

In the near future, after an unspecified holocaust, survivors are herded into prison camps. There, they are hunted for sport by the leaders of the camp. Paul, one of the newest prisoners, is determined not to go down as quietly as the others.

A hostel is a student's second home, but what happens when this safe place turns into a torture house? A gripping thriller, depicting the effects of ragging.

În acest capitol al popularei francize horror, o petrecere a burlacilor din Las Vegas se transformă într-o baie de sânge pentru toți cei implicați.

Manu has lived a difficult life. Abused and violently raped, she sets off to find herself only to meet Nadine, a prostitute who has encountered one too many injustices in the world. Angry at the world, they embark on a twisted, rage-filled road trip. They choose to have sex when they please and kill when they need. Leaving a trail of mischief and dead bodies in their wake. Generating a media blitz and manhunt, soon everyone is out to capture the young fugitives.