Adolescentul Conrad este urmărit de sentimentul vinovăției după ce fratele lui mai mare moarte înecat. La scurt timp de la tragedie, el încearcă să se sinucidă, așa că ajunge să fie internat într-o clinică pentru cei cu boli mintale.

In 1990s Palermo, Pino Puglisi is a priest from the neglected Brancaccio neighborhood dedicated in helping kids to get off the streets and creating an embracing place of hope and solidarity in his church, which means trouble for the local Mafia. He continues his solitary fight until the bitter end.

Allie Foster, a struggling New York artist, reluctantly accepts to act as a governess to a rebellious Princess Theodora of Winshire. When Allie forms an unlikely bond with the princess, she attracts the attention of the handsome King Maximillian, who’s facing an arranged marriage against his heart’s wishes. As Christmas Eve draws near, Allie finds herself swept up in romance, royalty and the spirit of the holidays.

At the royal court, a prince is presenting the princess whom he is pledged to marry when a witch suddenly appears. Though driven off, the witch soon returns, summons some of her servants, and carries off the princess. A rescue party is quickly organized, but the unfortunate captive has been taken to a strange, forbidding realm, from where it will be impossible to rescue her without some special help.

Based on the comic book by the creator of Ghost in the Shell, a young female soldier Deunan and her cyborg partner Briareos survive through the post World War 3 apocalyptic New York in search of human's future hope, the legendary city of Olympus.

Una dintre figurile emblematice ale istoriei muzicii rock, Dewey Cox avea totul: femei (peste 411), prieteni (Elvis, trupa Beatles) și stilul de viață al tuturor vedetelor rock-and-roll (o relație apropiată, personală, cu absolut toate tipurile de pastile și de prafuri cunoscute de om). Dar, cel mai important, avea de partea sa muzica aceea care l-a transformat dintr-un băiat de la țară, cam încet la minte, în cel mai mare star rock al Americii.

Three friends making a web series about their town discover that their neighbors are being killed and replaced by creatures who are perfect copies of their victims.

JR evadează din închisoare alături de Brendan Lynch, cel mai notoriu criminal din Australia, și se alătură bandei lui Lynch pentru un jaf de aur care îi aduce curând pe cei doi bărbați în conflict direct unul cu celălalt.

After retrieving the Crystal Skull in Utah, Flynn Carsen receives a map in the mail with the secret location of King Solomon's Mines. When the scroll is stolen, Judson explains the power of the Key of Solomon's book and assigns Flynn to retrieve the map. The map is useless without the legend piece to decipher it, which is located in Volubilis near the Roman ruins in Morocco. Flynn heads to Casablanca to the ruins where he is chased by a group of mercenaries leaded by General Samir. They too want to find the location of King Solomon's mines. Flynn teams-up with Professor Emily Davenport working in the dig and they escape from General Samir and his men. While traveling to Gedi, they save the local Jomo from death and the trio faces a dangerous journey through the wild Africa.

While on a dangerous mission to recover the historic Judas Chalice, Flynn is saved by Simone. But when double-crossed by a respected professor and ambushed by a ruthless gang, Flynn realizes Simone's secret, his true mission and a shocking discovery are all lying within a decaying New Orleans crypt.

Fleeing 1930s New York and leaving behind a chequered past, the giltzy divorcee Mrs Stella Erlynne travels to Italy's sun-dappled Amalfi coast. Mrs Erlynne's appearance causes a stir amongst the visiting aristocracy. Based on the Oscar Wilde play "Lady Windemere's Fan."

Members of the Palisades Defense Corp. sales group arrive in Europe for a team-building exercise. A fallen tree blocks the route, and they must hike to their destination. However, a psychotic killer lurks in the woods, and he has a horrible fate in mind for each of the co-workers.

În mijlocul Pacificului, la 300 metri adâncime, descoperirea unui obiect ale cărui origini și structură sunt necunoscute pune pe jar Guvernul SUA. O echipă de oameni de știință este trimisă în expediție pentru a explora ceea ce se va dovedi a fi o misterioasă navă spațială. Psihologul Norman Goodman (Dustin Hoffman), biochimistul Beth Halperin (Sharon Stone) și matematicianul Harry Adams (Samuel L. Jackson) descoperă în interiorul epavei scufundate o enormă și enigmatică sferă.

As a child Jack Brooks witnessed the brutal murder of his family. Now a young man he struggles with a pestering girlfriend, therapy sessions that resolve nothing, and night classes that barely hold his interest. After unleashing an ancient curse, Jack's Professor undergoes a transformation into something not-quite- human, and Jack is forced to confront some old demons... along with a few new ones.

Rayane is a scared and clumsy young cop who is constantly mocked by other cops. The day his doctor wrongly tells him that he has only thirty days to live, he understands that this is his last chance to become a hero within his police station and impress his colleague Stéphanie. The eternal fearful man then turns into a real hothead who will take all the risks to catch a big drug lord...

Absorbit într-un vortex temporal, dr. Rick Marshall trebuie să-și folosească inteligența îndoielnică pentru a supraviețui într-un univers alternativ plin de dinozauri și creaturi fantastice.

Ben, un scriitor din New York, călătorește la Savannah pentru a se alătura viitoarei sale soții, Bridget. În avion, el întâlnește o tânără excentrică, Sarah. Împreună, vor trece prin tot felul de aventuri și dezastre: prăbușire de avion, imposturi, furt, striptease, uragan... Prin aceste aventuri, Ben își va pune la îndoială viața și căsnicia.

A guy goes on a date that he has been dying to go to for years.

A young Mohawk woman and her two lovers battle a squad of American soldiers hell-bent on revenge.

A passenger of a hijacked airliner who happens to be an airplane engineer works to deactivate a chemical weapons bomb after the hijackers kill the pilot and threaten to kill all the passengers on the plane.