浪人源五郎与艺妓小万相爱。忠诚的老家臣为他奔走募集来100两黄金,希望他能借此振作重获荣誉,加入同侪的行列,一起实现复仇大业。但同时他又得知小万正面临巨大债务,深处窘境。当他得知小万居然是有妇之夫,夫妻二人设计骗走了他的黄金之后,他的罪责感与愤怒之情使他做出极端行径,堕入万劫不复的地狱。   松本俊夫的《修罗》改编自歌舞伎作品《盟三五大切》,基于18世纪初著名的赤穗家臣四十七浪人复仇事件。影片采用武士片的类型,却多使用恐怖片的手法。

After his show That remains my joy! Alexandre Astier returns to the stage ventures where we do not expect it and raises the question of extraterrestrial life.

伊利里亚公爵奥西诺向奥莉薇亚小姐求爱,屡遭拒绝。这时,一对孪生兄妹薇奥拉和西巴斯辛航海到伊利里亚,在附近海上遇难。妹妹薇奥拉改扮男装,投身奥西诺公爵家中为侍童,并充当了他的求爱使者,不料奥莉薇亚小姐与女扮男装的使者一见钟情,而使者薇奥拉却偷偷爱上了公爵。后来,奥莉薇亚碰巧遇上薇奥拉的孪生兄长西巴斯辛,两人误打误撞成就一段姻缘,公爵也和薇奥拉也终成眷属。   这是一版全男班演绎的《第十二夜》,三个女性角色均为男性扮演。回到中世纪的舞台,意味着男人们要穿着束身胸衣和鲸鱼骨的大裙撑,伴随着中世纪传统乐器的演奏,在只有蜡烛照明的舞台上进行整场演出。莎士比亚环球剧院首位艺术总监,也是奥斯卡奖、托尼奖以及奥利弗奖得主的马克·里朗斯亲自上阵,在该版本首演十年之后再度登台饰演陷入爱河的奥莉薇亚小姐,演出了不求回报的爱情折磨的同时,也实现了令人捧腹的效果,由此获得个人生涯第三枚托尼奖。

  随着工业文明的高度发展,各种各样的食物也变得供不应求,但在这看似繁华的背后,食品安全却已到了不容忽视的地步。影片从快餐业入手,逐步向种植业、畜牧业、养殖业延展开去,揭露了大型食品公司经营者为了获取高额利润不惜改变动植物的生长方式和生长周期,他们在经营上取得丰厚的利润,而代价却是公众的健康和安全。在看似清洁的食品加工流水线上,沙门氏菌和希氏大肠杆菌毫无阻碍渗透到食物当中,毒害着人类的生命。由于政策等方面原因,人们无法也无力拒绝大公司强加于身的迫害。在金钱和欲望面前,我们自取灭亡……   本片荣获2009年华盛顿影评人协会最佳纪录片奖。

《毕加索的秘密》(Le Mystère Picasso,亨利—乔治·克鲁佐,1956年|80分钟|35毫米|黑白与彩色|有声)以悬疑片的手法记录了西班牙画家毕加索(1881—1973)的一次作画过程。1956年盛夏,在法国南部海滨城市尼斯的一间画室里,面对难耐的酷热及聚光灯的强烈辐射,毕加索兴致昂然地挥笔作画:生动的线条在画纸上迅速游走和变形,一朵花先是变成一条鱼,接着变成一个美人,然后变成一只公鸡,最后变成了牧神。本片导演亨利—乔治·克鲁佐(Henri-Georges Clouzot,1907—1977)以拍摄悬疑片著称(据说希区柯克眼中的竞争对手只有一人,他就是克鲁佐),代表作有《乌鸦》(1943)、《恐惧的代价》(1953)等。克鲁佐在拍摄这部美术纪录片时,放弃了当时流行的传记式或说教式拍摄模式。本片虽然也有很多悬念,但不是故事片常见的戏剧性悬念,而是画家的创作过程本身,千变万化的创作过程给观众带来了扣人心弦的感觉。法国电影理论家安德烈·巴赞从这部影片中看到了电影艺术自身的特质,即只有电影能够在瞬间截获并表现时间的流动(巴赞为本片写作了影评《〈毕加索的秘密〉:一部伯格森式的影片》,见安德烈·巴赞《电影是什么》,中国电影出版社1987年版,第204—214页)。本片以独特的方式记录了毕加索创作20余幅画作的详细过程,观看本片成为近距离接触这位绘画大师的最有效途径。本片拍竣后,毕加索将拍片过程中所画的20余幅画悉数毁弃,因此本片显得更加珍贵。此外,本片摄影师克劳德·雷诺阿是著名画家奥古斯特·雷诺阿的孙子、著名电影导演让·雷诺阿的侄子。


麦可.摩尔(Michael Moore)是美国最具影响力的导演之一,这次他要「侵占」他国,在比美国福利优渥的领土上插旗示威,藉此展开一场奇特又讽刺的文化之旅。曾拍摄《罗杰与我》、《华氏911》,多次创下美国纪录片票房最高纪录的导演麦可.摩尔最新话题之作。 本纪录片已获芝加哥、汉普顿国际电影节观众票选奖,有望角逐第88届奥斯卡金像奖纪录片提名


  「波兰六重奏」系列第五部,芝加哥太阳报影评人Roger Ebert四颗星最高评价,纽约时报盛讚本片是「影史上最好的流亡电影」。奥斯卡影帝杰瑞米艾朗以令人着迷的波兰腔英文及一贯压抑、内敛的高竿演技,传神诠释非法前往伦敦担任监工的谨慎男子,如何决意不让同乡工人知道波兰政治丕变的焦虑心境。   本片故事灵感来自史考利莫斯基装修伦敦住所的真实经历,于波兰戒严后一个月开拍,并在时代氛围中掺入些许他对于性执迷的个人关注。

评论员兼喜剧演员比尔·马赫 (Bill Maher) 在与信徒谈论他们的信仰时扮演宗教的魔鬼代言人。马赫环游世界,审视基督教、犹太教和伊斯兰教的信条,并提出有关同性恋、基督存在的证据、犹太安息日法、暴力穆斯林极端分子的问题。


Introduces the historical background necessary for understanding the progenation of John Dee's Enochian system of Theurgy into the world. This video covers the social context of Elizabethan-era England during the lifetime of Dr. Dee. compares the Sigilum Dei Aemeth, as it was used by John Dee, to the Alberti cipher disk, a poly-alphabetic encoder. Dee's version of the Sigilum incorporated both letters and numbers as a means of describing rotation of the disk (or of its elementary components) either clockwise or counter-clockwise. Examines the method of skrying Dee used, a form of crystal-ball gazing, to create his more complex system of Enochian magic.

6th-grader Terkel begins experiencing a streak of bad luck after sitting on a black spider. His teacher dies and is replaced by the strange Justin. At home, Terkel's Uncle Stewart erupts in sporadic fits of rage, and at school Terkel is bullied by two boys after they learn that fat Doris likes him. On a school camping trip, Terkel begins receiving death threats and must figure out who wants to kill him.

The unsolved murders of Tupac Shakur and Christopher "Biggie Smalls" Wallace still stir the public's imagination after 20 years. Yet law enforcement has been at a standstill to produce results. The producers of "American Federale" and the first two "Assassination" films, finally unravel the tangled cases and expose not only who may have done it, but also why these cases have never seen justice. Battle For Compton" is the story of "The Machine"; a group of high powered individuals with a very dark secret they killed to keep, and have spent the last 20 years hiding- hoping one day it will all go away- before they do.

Mister Sim is of no concern whatsoever. At least, this is what he thinks about himself. His wife has left him, his job has left him, and when goes to see his father in a remote part of Italy, not even Dad has the time to have lunch with him. He then receives an unexpected offer: to travel through France selling toothbrushes that will "revolutionize oral-dental hygiene." He takes advantage of the job to catch up with people from his childhood, to meet the first big love of his life, along with his daughter, and to make amazing discoveries and, in so doing, rediscover himself.

Titanica is a fascinating non-fiction drama which tells the story of the 1991 expedition to the wreck of the Titanic, the "unsinkable" luxury liner which collided with an iceberg and sank on April 15, 1912, losing 1,522 lives. Viewers experience the adventure, drama and danger of deep sea exploration through the activities of an international expedition team composed of unique and colourful characters, each with their own personal interest in the legendary wreck. Combining spectacular life-size images of the shattered remains on the ocean floor with recollections by survivor Eva Hart and computer-enhanced archival photographs, Titanica brings to life a remarkable tale of history, science and human ambition. IMAX

Postwar France was slow to recover from the after-effects of the World War Two. The economy was doing poorly, and many people were poor and homeless, sleeping under bridges, etc. The winter of 1953-54 proved particularly difficult for these people, as it was one of the coldest on record. Father Pierre (Lambert Wilson), a parish priest, on seeing the suffering of these people (and their frequent death from the cold), was moved to write the French government seeking help for them. When his letter, which was published in the newspapers, succeeded in rousing overwhelming popular support for helping the homeless, he was able to form a charitable group (still active today) titled "Les Chiffoniers d'Emmaus," or "The Ragpickers of Emmaus" to channel help to them. This biographical film tells the true story of Abbe Pierre's successful efforts in those years.


An alien from Venus tries to take over the world with the help of a disillusioned human scientist, as his wife, his best friend and the friend's wife try to intervene.