The unknown, large mafia organization is now showing its true face. The pressure that GSI and John Falk and his family have put on the organization, makes them fight back on all fronts. The rule book is thrown out. But to go after Johan Falk's family and trying to kill his wife could be the biggest mistake the organization has ever made. GSI closes up around Johan's family and the final battle begins ...

Iz zakladnice Marvelovih stripov na velika platna prihaja nov super heroj, v katerega se prelevi premožni in vplivni izdelovalec orožja Tony Stark. Med trgovanjem ga v Afganistanu ugrabijo teroristi in zahtevajo, da izdela nevarno raketo. Tony svoj talent uporabi za stvaritev železnega oklepa, v katerem se prelevi v neuničljivega in smrtonosnega junaka. Po vrnitvi domov izpopolni svoj oklep in se spremeni v skrivnostnega borca proti kriminalu, toda kmalu se mora soočiti z neizprosnim tekmecem, ki želi uničiti človeštvo.

Kathleen Madigan drops in on Detroit to deliver material derived from time spent with her Irish Catholic Midwest family, eating random pills out of her mother's purse, touring Afghanistan, and her love of John Denver and the Lunesta butterfly.

During the One Year War of U.C. 0079, the Earth Federation and Principality of Zeon engage in a fierce battle at the "Thunderbolt Sector", a shoal zone in the former Colony Side 4 "Moore". After successfully infiltrating Zeon's sniper field, ace Federation pilot and jazz enthusiast Io Fleming is given control of the latest Gundam prototype.

Spider-Man and Daredevil team up to fight Kingpin.

Comedy juggernaut Dave Chappelle's fourth Netflix Special, taped on November 20th, 2017 at Los Angeles' Comedy Store.

Ana and Helen, two divorced women, were close friends as teenagers. Today, amidst the corona virus pandemic and in quarantine, they get in touch after 20 years via internet. Through video conference calls, memories, sensations and emotions reflourishes.

Love is in the air as Zoe and friends go on a quest to find a fabled Maid's Stone. But when rivalry blinds them to danger, it's Raven to the rescue!

Lisa, aka Kali, who has nothing left to lose when she finds out her husband has been executed in Rio to cover up a corruption scandal. A former Special Forces recruit, she heads to Brazil with fists, blood and explosives, to Know the truth

Ko se pojavi nova grožnja, morajo jezni ptiči in zeleni pujsi pozabiti na stare zamere ter združiti moči zoper skupnega sovražnika. Tako sklenejo krhko zavezništvo in ustanovijo supermoštvo, da bi rešili svoje domove.

In an alternate timeline the original Godzilla is never defeated and repeatedly reemerges to feed on Japan's energy sources. A new inter-dimensional weapon called the Dimension Tide is created with the intent of eliminating Godzilla. However, the new weapon might also serve as a gateway to something far more sinister.

With no means for defeating Godzilla Earth, mankind watches as King Ghidorah, clad in a golden light, descends on the planet. The heavens and earth shake once again as the war moves to a higher dimension.

Dr. Raichi is one of the only survivors of the Tuffles, a race that once lived on Planet Plant before the coming of the Saiyans. The Saiyans not only massacred the entire Tuffle race, but also stole their technology and conquered the planet, renaming it Planet Vegeta in honor of their king. Raichi managed to escape with a capsule and found refuge on the Dark Planet, a world at the end of the universe. His only wish is to eradicate the last remaining Saiyans.

Two years after defeating a satanic cult led by his babysitter Bee, Cole's trying to forget his past and focus on surviving high school. But when old enemies unexpectedly return, Cole will once again have to outsmart the forces of evil.

A young woman working her first night shift at a remote motel begins to suspect that she is being followed by a dangerous character from her past. As the night progresses and increasingly supernatural events occur, she quickly finds out that nothing is what it appears to be.

Every super hero has his nemesis - and this time Flash has that murderous mischief maker the Trickster

Vse, kar si Klara želi, je edinstven ključ, ki bo odklenil škatlo, kjer se skriva neprecenljivo darilo njene mame. Na že tradicionalni praznični zabavi pri botru Drosselmeyerju, ji le-ta pokaže zlato nit, ki Klaro pripelje do želenega ključa, a kmalu ugotovi, da se nahaja v čudnem in skrivnostnem vzporednem svetu. Tam Klara sreča vojščaka z imenom Phillip, trumo miši in regentov, ki vladajo nad tremi kraljestvi: deželi Snežink, deželi Rož in deželi Sladkarij. Klara in Phillip morata skupaj nadvladati četrtemu zlobnemu kraljestvu, domovanju tiranske Matere Ingver, da bi si Klara pridobila ključ in tako vrnila harmonijo v nestabilen svet.

On vacation at a remote lake house, a mother and her two young daughters must fight for survival after falling into a terrifying and bizarre nightmare conceived by a psychopath.

In an isolated farmhouse, located in the middle of nowhere and surrounded by a mysterious wooden wall, Zac and Eva, two siblings gifted with extraordinary abilities, endure every day the wrath of their strict father while witnessing how a cruel sickness lurks their beloved mother.

Painter Lorenzo's life spirals out of control as he fears his wife is trying to isolate him from their infant son.