Orbiting a quiet backwater planet, the massed forces of the universe's deadliest species gather, drawn to a mysterious message that echoes out to the stars. And amongst them, the Doctor. Rescuing Clara from a family Christmas dinner, the Time Lord and his best friend must learn what this enigmatic signal means for his own fate and that of the universe.

A Taiwanese high school baseball team travels to Japan in 1931 to compete in a national tournament.

The Rizzos, a family who doesn't share their habits, aspirations, and careers with one another, find their delicate web of lies disturbed by the arrival of a young ex-con brought home by Vince, the patriarch of the family, who is a corrections officer in real life, and a hopeful actor in private.

Ben Tyler has been diagnosed with cancer. With a grim chance of survival in the best case scenario even if he immediately begins treatment, he instead decides to take a motorcycle trip from Toronto through the Canadian prairies to British Columbia.

Tou najťažšou lekciou života je láska. Príbeh stredoškolského študenta, ktorý si nikdy nerobil domáce úlohy a spriatelil sa s dievčaťom, ktoré dlhé roky tajne miloval. Krásne a komplikované dievča v ňom vidí svoju spriaznenú dušu. George Zinavoy nenávidí školu. Osamelý tínedžer odovzdaný osudu sa dostal až do posledného ročníka strednej školy bez toho, aby pohol prstom. Nikdy si nerobí domáce úlohy, je utiahnutý a mnohými ľuďmi nepochopený. Onedlho sa však spriatelí so skvelou a krásnou Sally, ktorá si dá naozaj záležať na tom, aby mala v škole dobré známky. Práve do Sally Howeovej bol George už niekoľko rokov tajne zamilovaný a ešte aj dnes sa mu stále páči. Má preto obrovské šťastie, že aj ona sama v ňom nachádza spriaznenú dušu. Preto je iba na Georgovi, či svoj život zmení, zahodí imidž flákača a pokúsi sa na Sally zapôsobiť.

Snímek Muži, ženy a děti sleduje příběh skupiny středoškoláků a jejich rodičů, kteří se snaží zorientovat v tom, jak internet zasahuje do jejich vztahů, způsobu komunikace, sebepojetí i milostného života. Film se zaměřuje na sociální fenomény dneška, jako jsou videoherní kultura, anorexie, nevěra, honba za slávou a šíření nezákonného obsahu na internetu. Všechny postavy i jejich vztahy procházejí různými zkouškami a divákům se tak předestírá pestrá škála možností a cest, kterými se lidé ubírají. Ať už jsou jejich životní volby tragické či plné naděje, je zřejmé, že nikdo není imunní vůči této obrovské společenské změně, která k nám přichází prostřednictvím telefonu, tabletu nebo počítače.

In 1980 young George O'Dowd baffles his parents with his love of frocks and make-up and moves into a squat with kindred spirit Peter, who dresses as Marilyn Monroe and calls himself Marilyn. They make a splash at Steve Strange's trendy Blitz Club where George gets a job in the cloakroom but George is unlucky in his relationships with men until he meets wannabe musician Kirk. Through Kirk George meets the handsome drummer Jon Moss, on whom he develops a crush, but sacked by the Blitz and spurned by Kirk, George turns to Sex Pistols' manager Malcolm McLaren to further his music career. George's spell with McLaren's group Bow Wow Wow is short but fan Mikey North is impressed and asks George to sing in a group he is forming, where George again meets Jon. They will have an affair and the group will become the very successful Culture Club. Four years later, however, hounded by the tabloid press amid stories of his drug addiction, an unhappy George turns to Jon for advice on his future.

From the rains of Japan, through threats of arrest for 'public indecency' in Canada, and a birthday tribute to her father in Detroit, this documentary follows Madonna on her 1990 'Blond Ambition' concert tour. Filmed in black and white, with the concert pieces in glittering MTV color, it is an intimate look at the work of the icon, from a prayer circle before each performance to bed games with the dance troupe afterwards.

Set in a world where love is deemed illegal and can be eradicated with a special procedure. With 95 days to go until her scheduled treatment, Lena Holoway does the unthinkable, she falls in love.

Keď Ed Wallis nastúpi v novom meste na novú školu, jeho prvou úlohou je napísať esej o niektorom z príslušníkov staršej generácie. Obráti sa preto na svojho suseda, samotára Ashbyho, ktorý mu prisľúbi pomoc, ale len pod jednou podmienkou: keď bude mať Ashby nejaké pochôdzky, musí ho Ed voziť po meste. Chlapec však netuší, že je Ashby bývalý zabijak CIA, ktorému zostáva len pár mesiacov života. A čo viac, Ashby zistí, že na neho pred niekoľkými rokmi jeho bývalí šéfovia ušili búdu a prinútili ho zabiť nevinného muža. Rozhodne sa preto pred svojou smrťou zavraždiť. Ed tak nevedomky robí Ashbymu, ktorý sleduje a zneškodňuje svoje staré kolegov, vodiča na úteku z miesta činu. Počas toho sa medzi nimi vytvorí silné puto. Ashby zapĺňa prázdnotu, ktorú v sebe Ed po otcovom odchode pociťoval, a povzbudzuje ho, aby odhalil svoj skrytý talent a vstúpil do školského futbalového tímu - na veľké prekvapenie všetkých spolužiakov i dievčaťa, ktorú Ed tajne miluje.

The fairytale story revolves around a young prince who - along with his entourage - is turned into a nutcracker through his own ungrateful and selfish behaviour, and awaits a kindly soul who'll release him from the spell. The mouse-king seeks the magic that made this happen so that he can become all-powerful. The prince (now a nutcracker) finds hope in the form of a girl who risks everything to help him become real again, while the mouse-king and his armies do everything they can to steal the magic for themselves.

David Portnoy, a 15-year-old birding fanatic, thinks that he's made the discovery of a lifetime. So, on the eve of his father's remarriage, he escapes on an epic road trip with his best friends to solidify their place in birding history.

Judge George brings his young wife, Nathalie, to a remote island for a vacation. But while George accompanies their only neighbor -- Nathalie's childhood friend Lance -- on a fishing trip, Nathalie spends time with her ex, Kent. When Kent ends up dead the next morning, Nathalie tries to hide the evidence before her husband gets home. After the body is found, the events of the previous night unravel, with unexpected revelations.

A teenage boy and girl discover a renewed sense of possibility as they go on a road trip to photograph lighthouses along the California coast.

With Blue Mountain State football star Thad Castle recently signing a multi-million dollar NFL contract, his teammates and college life seem like a distant memory. However, when a new school dean threatens to clean up the BMS image by auctioning off the infamous Goat House, Alex, Sammy and the boys must find a way to convince him to get involved. Despite his new fortune and fame, there is one small favor that Thad needs done before he saves the day: the biggest booze-and-sloot fest in BMS history. Welcome to Thadland!

Fanatický, drsný a nekompromisný policajt Mike Fletcher so svojou partnerkou Kelsey Walkerovou pátrajú po sériovom vrahovi, ktorý uprostred najtuhšej zimy v uliciach Buffala v štáte New York zabíja miestne prostitútky. Vo chvíli, keď psychopat unesie Fletcherovu problémovú dospievajúcu dcéru, ktorú omylom považuje za šľapku, detektív stráca všetok profesionálny odstup a úctu k zákonom. Urobí všetko, aby ju zachránil a vraha zastavil, aj keď mu na to zostáva len 48 hodín.

A mono virus outbreak at Highland Park High takes out the most popular kids for two months, allowing the outcasts to rule the school.

A scientist discovers the bodies of three frozen genetically modified Russians buried in the Canadian North. Upon thawing them out he realizes he has unleashed a deadly threat to Western society and must stop them at all costs.

A series of erotic vignettes and sexual imagery (mostly of the gay variety) are presented courtesy of The Cockettes (a gay/drag performance art ensemble of late 60s/early 70s San Francisco).