La decenii după al Doilea Război Mondial, un fost ofițer SS este judecat în Germania, țara natală, în urma acuzației de complicitate la uciderea evreilor din Auschwitz.

Student nurses join some doctors to work in a medical station a few hours flying-time from the Mexican town of Catamaco. One of their planes goes down due to an engine malfunction and crashes in the rain forest. This is the story of the attempts to save the lives of the passengers (both nurses and doctors).

Edward si Connie Sumner formează un cuplu fericit, de vârstă medie, care trăiește din plin "visul american". Împreună cu fiul lor de opt ani, un câine și o menajeră, ei au o viată de invidiat în suburbiile orașului New York. Dar orice trai întâmpină și greutăți: acest mariaj fericit este tulburat de apariția unui intrus atunci când Connie cunoaște, din întâmplare, un străin în Soho. Este o întâlnire ce o încântă - plină de mister, spontaneitate, șarm și risc. Aceasta o va împinge pe Connie într-o aventură care va deveni pentru ea o obsesie

Nineteen year old pioneer woman Marty has recently married. She goes west with her husband Clem, hoping to start a new life. But Clem unexpectedly dies, and Marty finds herself alone, two months pregnant. Widower Clark offers her a marriage of convenience: she needs food and money, and he needs someone to take care of his daughter Missie. She accepts his proposal as a temporary solution.

Annabel is a successful businesswoman with a wealthy husband. At a reception in her villa she meets a woman, a member of the catering staff who has been hired for the evening. This woman is none other than her own daughter Chiara, whom she had left over thirty years ago. Chiara was just eight years old at the time. She now approaches her mother with an unusual request: to spend ten days together with her.

A young journalist, an experienced cameraman and a discredited reporter find their bold plan to capture Bosnia's top war criminal quickly spiraling out of control when a UN representative mistakes them for a CIA hit squad.

Ellissia adopts a white stallion to train in the art of Mexican horse dancing. As she starts teaching the handsome but previously abused Centurion, Ellissia falls critically ill, which keeps her from competing in a celebrated equestrian event. Under the watchful eyes of her father, new ranch hand Danny steps in as trainer, hoping to win the competition — and, perhaps, Ellissia's heart.

Based on an astonishing true incident that took place on the frigid seas off Iceland in 1984, The Deep fashions a modern-day everyman myth about the sole survivor of a shipwreck, whose superhuman will to survive made him both an inexplicable scientific phenomenon and a genuine national hero.

O femeie găsește o scrisoare romantică într-o sticlă spălată pe mal și îl urmărește pe autor, un constructor de nave văduv a cărui soție a murit tragic devreme. Pe măsură ce o atracție profundă și reciprocă înflorește, bărbatul se luptă să facă pace cu trecutul său, astfel încât să poată merge mai departe și să-și găsească fericirea.

In the opulent St. Petersburg of the Empire period, Eugene Onegin is a jaded but dashing aristocrat – a man often lacking in empathy, who suffers from restlessness, melancholy and, finally, regret. Through his best friend Lensky, Onegin is introduced to the young Tatiana. A passionate and virtuous girl, she soon falls hopelessly under the spell of the aloof newcomer and professes her love for him

Bazat pe povestea adevărată a unuia dintre cele mai cunoscute mistere nerezolvate de la Hollywood, filmul este o poveste despre farmecul, scandalul și corupția din Los Angeles-ul anilor 1950. Când George Reeves, vedeta serialului TV “Aventurile lui Superman”, este găsit mort în casa lui, milioane de fani sunt șocați de circumstanțele morții sale. Poliția și șefii studioului vor ca acest caz să fie clasificat drept sinucidere, dar zvonurile rămân. Louis Simo, un detectiv particular, începe să adune probe și să pună cap la cap ultimele zile tensionate ale actorului. Cine a tras? Oare a fost logodnica seducătoare dar intrigantă, iubita respinsă, soțul furios sau a fost chiar Reeves?

Un strateg experimentat al Partidului Democrat îl ajută pe un fost veteran al armatei să devină primar al unui mic oraș conservator din Vestul Mijlociu. El atrage fără să vrea atenția Partidului Republican, care decide apoi să-i pună bețe în roți.

A law student takes a job as a night watchman at a morgue and begins to discover clues that implicate him as the suspect in a series of murders.

After a serious accident on a film shoot, Marc, an equestrian, loses all hope to mount back on. His insurance company instructs Florence to handle his case. This film is the story of their meeting.

Three lives of three young people intersect over the course of one summer. A rich student and a young working-class man accidentally destroy a diner when their impromptu road race takes a disastrous turn. Ordered by a judge to spend the summer repairing the building, they find themselves becoming rivals for the affections of the owner's daughter.

Failed actor-turned-worse-high-school-drama-teacher Dana Marschz rallies his Tucson students as he conceives and stages politically incorrect musical sequel to Shakespeare's Hamlet.

In the late '60s, the self-proclaimed belles of the rock 'n' roll ball, rocked the worlds of every music legend whose pants they could take off -- and they have the pictures to prove it. But it's been more than two decades since the Banger Sisters earned their nickname -- or even laid eyes on each other. Their reunion is the collision of two women's worlds; one who's living in the past, and one who's hiding from it. Together they learn to live in the moment.

An alcoholic man refocuses himself on putting kids through college via 4H and FFA scholarship donations. Guiding him is a spiritual figure he calls "The Bearded Man".

This movie bring us a story about a woman named Laura (Marisa Cruz) that lives in a small portuguese town during the 50's. Tired of living in such a small town she travells to a bigger town, in which she'll have the opportunity to feel free.