When the contestants at a way-cool snowboarding contest are suspiciously sidelined, Scooby-Doo and the kids investigate - and discover the chilling fact that There's No Creature Like Snow Creature! Then, there's dino-sized mystery afoot in Costa Rica when a fearsome Giganotosaurus jumps off a movie screen and goes on a rampage of 3-D Struction! Next, in Space Ape at the Cape the gang tangles with an extra-scary extraterrestrial who's monkeying around with an important rocket launch. And there's a Big Scare in the Big Easy when the Mystery Inc. crew unearths spooky doings at a haunted New Orleans cemetery!

Celebrate the season Scooby-Doo style as Scooby-Doo and the Mystery, Inc. gang face off festive frights, frosty nights and - jeepers - the ghost of Christmas, who wants to wish everyone a scary Christmas! In this collection of cold-weather capers, Scooby-Doo and the gang unwrap a series of mysteries in order to stop a group of chilling crooks from stealing the spirits of the season!

A short comedy spoof about Universal Monsters and their everyday unconventional work done at their very own talent agency for their movies.

On the 20th anniversary of their edgy little 90's cable show Underground Entertainment, the authors, along with many SF, horror and B celebrities in cameos, remember how they pushed the envelope, shocked, entertained, but also introduced the audience to many movies, comics and conventions.

About a man who wakes up one morning to discover that the day repeats, a carbon copy of the day before, trapping him in an inescapable vicious circle. This man has a dream to live for 100 years, however he is living for one day only and that day keep repeating to show him the negative and positive things in his life.





山崎一家是个古怪的家庭:失败的父亲(远藤宪一饰)是个电视台记者,母亲(内田春菊饰)沉湎于毒品和卖身,援助交际挣钱的女儿(不二子饰)以及老被同学欺负又不敢反抗的儿子(武藤洵饰) 一次父亲居然在床上碰见了女儿,更可怕的是他还早泄了。儿子在学校受气,回家就对母亲发泄,他鞭打虐待,母亲伤痕累累。这一切直到名为Q先生(渡边一志饰)的陌生人出现,才慢慢有了转变,他用石头敲了父亲一把。醒来后的父亲爆发了,把辱骂他的女同事掐死并移尸至家猥亵一番,妻子也加入行列,追打儿子的同学自然没有好下场。拉客的女儿也遭受Q先生一顿老拳洗礼,回到家中,发现一副幸福温馨的家庭场景


To save the world, Mothra goes back in time in an attempt to defeat a younger King Ghidorah.

一个夜晚,Michel Gerfaut发现了一起自称医院建筑事故的事情。然而在现场,一切发生变化地太快了,于是,本着彻查到底的精神,Michel Gerfaut开始调查,但是他越深入了解,越发现,原来真相并不是很简单的……



A grieving young inventor finds solace in repairing an antique typewriter.

LAPD detective Mike Dooley and his dog, the German Shepherd Jerry Lee, have been successfully partnered for ten years, but Jerry’s advancing age has Dooley’s superiors suggesting retirement and they are forced to work with a younger K-9 team: female cop Sergeant Welles and her disciplined Doberman Zeus.

  此部动作冒险片,带有「印地安纳琼斯」系列电影的风格。洁西(莎朗史东 饰)的父亲是一名考古学家,在一次前往非洲的考古探险中,被一名土耳其人(约翰雷斯戴维斯 饰)与一名德国上校(赫伯隆姆 饰)绑架,他们俩企图从顽固的考古学家的口中,逼问出所罗门王宝藏的藏匿地点。为了找回失踪父亲的下落,洁西向冒险家艾伦(李察张伯伦 饰,)求助,于是两人启程前往未知的非洲大陆。接下来,他们要面对的不仅是凶猛的鳄鱼、狮子,还有一群心狠手辣的人类…此部带有异国风味的冒险电影,是动作片名导杰李汤姆逊的作品,他另有「六壮士」、「恐怖角」等代表作。

Set one year after the events of Hell House LLC II, the hotel is on the verge of being torn down when it is purchased by billionaire Russell Wynn as the new home for his popular interactive show, Insomnia. He invites journalist Venessa Sheppard and her crew to record everything happening inside the hotel leading up to the performance - but they soon encounter a more nefarious plot, one that threatens to unleash a veritable hell on earth.