The insatiable appetite of an elite society.

Athena receives the visit of Phoebus Abel, her older brother and God of the Corona. He informs her that he has come to destroy humanity as punishment for their corruption, just as it was done in ancient times. He dismisses Seiya and the Bronze Saints, as she will now be guarded by Abel's three Corona Saints, Atlas of Carina, Jaow of Lynx and Berenike of Coma Berenices, and the five resurrected Gold Saints who died in the Sanctuary battle: Saga of Gemini, Deathmask of Cancer, Shura of Capricorn, Camus of Aquarius and Aphrodite of Pisces. When Athena rebels against Abel's plan, he attacks her, sending her soul to Elysion, the final resting place from which there is no return. The Bronze Saints immediately rush to the Sanctuary to save her and ultimately overcome Abel.

The story of how one Pittsburgh boy’s fascination with monsters drove him to the very top of the Hollywood food chain. In 1989, Greg Nicotero, much to his parents’ chagrin, quit medical school and headed for Hollywood to pursue a dream of making monsters. Together with gore masters Howard Berger and Robert Kurtzman, Nicotero went on to create KNB EFX Group, one of the most prolific makeup effects studios in the world. After twenty years as the “go to guy” for the world’s most successful horror/sci-fi films, Greg Nicotero is the first one directors like Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez call.

Fireman Sam and his team are on a mission to save Pontypandy! When a hurricane threatens the town, emergencies pop up everywhere... from saving the Wildmen of Pontypandy to rescuing a group from the flooding mines to protecting their new fire station. With new recruits, a new station, and a new vehicle, these ultimate heroes are always ready to save the day!

Бивш адвокат, режисьорът Андре Каят не за пръв път разкрива на екрана недостатъците на френската съдебна система. Тук София Лорен е в ролята на майка, която е готова на всичко, за да спаси сина си от гилотината (заради убийство). Дуетът й с легендарният Жан Габен е фантастичен.

Това е ексклузивна адаптация на популярното шоу от Бродуей на Пол Рубенс. Неговите 90 минути са заснети в Sondheim Theatre в Ню Йорк през януари 2011, малко след изтичането на договора му с Бродуей. Представлението, предназначено за "деца на всякаква възраст" ще ни въведе в тайния свят на Пий-Уий, на текила танците, на звездата Пени, докато възражда много от любимите герои на няколко поколения. Шоуто на Рубенс е поклон към детските представления от 50-те години на миналия век. В него обаче има достатъчно иронични скечове, свързани със съвременния свят и култура.

A very personal look at the history of cinema directed, written and edited by Jean-Luc Godard in his Swiss residence in Rolle for ten years (1988-98); a monumental collage, constructed from film fragments, texts and quotations, photos and paintings, music and sound, and diverse readings; a critical, beautiful and melancholic vision of cinematographic art.

High school guidance counselor Jeff and his platonic friend and co-worker Anne are responsible, well intentioned, kind… and boring. They frustratingly watch on as their peers find love and companionship, while they continue to fail in spectacular fashion when it comes to romance. As they reach their loneliness breaking point, they make a pact to forgo their familiar, vanilla personas in exchange for their unexplored, confident alter egos. They wave goodbye to Jeff’s awkward all-male book club and Anne’s flailing attempts to catch the eye of Jeff’s sexy neighbor Max, and say hello to raucous summer nights filled with booze, dancing, and sex. Naturally things don’t exactly go according to plan.

Chen Li is the son of an enormously wealthy Hong Kong businessman and is vacationing in Hawaii, experiencing typical girl problems. His lothario friend Lolanto flies in from Hong Kong and is determined to find Chen Li a girl within a few days. After a series of hijinks, Chen Li and Lolanto are back in Hong Kong and investigating high-level embezzling in Chen's father's corporation. It also turns out that Kitty and May are employed there as well, with Kitty being the secretary of the supposed embezzler. Because Chen has been notoriously inconspicuous and no one knows what he looks like, he is able to assume to role of a limousine driver for Lolanto, who takes on the persona of Chen Li himself. While tracking down the corruption, Lolanto and Chen also are trying to win the hearts of the two women, but are they looking for true love or only money?

Група миньори се оказват приклещени на близо 200 метра под земята след срутване. Въздухът става все по-токсичен, времето намалява, а те са обхванати от лудост, която ги изправя един срещу друг. Вдъхновен от действителни събития. Действието на този психологически филм на ужасите се развива на 200 метра под земята, където група миньори търсят начин да оцелеят след срутване в мината. Кислородът им намалява, а с него започват да изплуват най-тъмните прояви на човешката природа. Нещата се влошават, когато мъжете започват да чуват странни шумове и да им се привиждат ужасяващи видения. Смъртните случаи се увеличават, а въздухът става все по-токсичен. Миньорите трябва да разберат кой или какво ги заплашва.

История за американски лекар Джеф Бъртън, който пътува по работа до германския град Дрезден, където планира да направи тайно своите изследвания. Работата на Бъртън е свързана с развитието на регенериращ ген който, в съчетание с откритието на Джеф може да помогне за възстановяването и на силно увреден мозък. Това развитие може да е началото на голямо научно откритие. Но каква е цената му?

Когато в гимназията пристига Джо, тя се надява да не привлича много , много вниманието към себе си и да оцелее през последната си година там, без да попада в типичните капани на гимназиалната социализация. Планът й обаче се проваля с гръм и трясък, когато се запознава с Аби, момиче - аутсайдер в училище и любима мишена за подигравки.

Manolo Ortega is a tour guide in Granada and, at night, acting in a cave in Sacromonte. It has a small plot totally barren, and yet does not want to sell it to an American company for uranium prospecting. To convince, Spain bequeathed to Margaret, the director of the company. But before his stubborn refusal, decides encandilarlo. So, shake his friendship and he confesses that there is buried treasure that his ancestor discovered by a spell. Last movie starring Manolo Escobar.

Georges Hatot and Gaston Bretaeau with Henri Vallouy, a Gaumont employee, acting as cinematographer. Breteau himself seems to have taken the main role in most of the films and here plays the woman in drag who is terrorized by the X-ray camera at a customs checkpoint while trying to smuggle contraband through.

One stormy winter night, soaking wet 20 year old Ilias arrives uninvited at Petros’ house. Ilias’ erratic behaviour causes much concern to Petros. He vaguely remembers meeting Ilias one night some years ago, in a gay bar. As the night goes on, unsettling truths come to the fore, and as much as Petros would like to be rid of his guest, some truths will stay with you forever.

"Jornada" is a visual time line of one spot somewhere in the American southwest. Natural and human-made cycles of birth and death are played out amidst a desert landscape.