Taking place at the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, this event features a Women's Elimination Chamber match to determine who will face Becky Lynch for the Raw Women's Championship at WrestleMania.

Four friends search for love and happiness while working at a California sandwich shop.

The new owner of a brilliant race horse finds love while carrying out his revenge on the man who murdered his father.

When terrorists plant a bomb on a commercial flight, the passengers aboard the plane must fight to keep the plane in the air and all the passengers alive: the bomb is rigged to detonate whenever the plane dips below 500 feet.

В малък град при Валентинските скали (Нова Шотландия) е организирано валентинско парти. За последно такова парти е било организирано преди 20 години. Но вече никой не се грижи за това, защото при последното празнуване на празника станал инцидент в мините по вина на мъж, който бил отговорен за сигурността на хората. Оцелелият миньор- Хари Уърдън, по- късно убил всички гости и се постарал жителите на малкото градче да разберат, че никога повече не трябва да организират парти по случай Свети Валентин. Но партито отново започва, убийствата също...

Old school friends go on a paintball trip miles away from civilization. But things go horribly wrong when they discover a cold-blooded masked killer is amongst them. Now, they must fight to survive their school reunion.

Documentary about the making of the movie: "The Machinist"

A strange series of solar flares proves fatal for inhabitants of the Earth, except for the fortunate few who are somehow immune from the effects. Animals go insane and human beings turn to white powder, leaving behind only empty clothing. A handful of survivors attempt to rebuild their lives on the de-populated Earth.

The first manned expedition to Mars is invaded by an unknown life form, which stows away on the rescue ship.

After being stung by a giant insect, Cooper learns that these bugs are attacking the whole city. He joins forces with the survivors Leechee and Sara in order to find a way to counter-attack.

A black comedy about the events that are set into motion in a town after a man-eating boar goes on a rampage.

Номинираният за "Оскар" режисьор на "Пощальонът звъни винаги два пъти" Боб Рафълсън е създателят на този чувствен трилър с участието на звездите Самюел Джаксън и Мила Йовович. И макар филмът да носи чувството класически трилър- ноар, режисьорът Рафълсън го определя като "любовна история в рамките на трилъра, дори бих казал че има и елемент на черна комедия".

A weekend of camping in the mountains becomes an excursion into hell for a young couple, who become pawns in a grotesque plot hatched by deranged locals.

The presence of Ichabod Crane's descendant in Sleepy Hollow conjures the Headless Horseman, and slaughter ensues.

Humanity discovered a 170,000 year old fossilized skull with a length of 1,850 meters due to an earthquake in Yogyakarta in 2006. The discovery confuses a lot of religious leaders and scientists. Even the world is arguing whether they should research the fossilized skeleton or hide it from the public on behalf of humanitarian reasons. A young girl is trapped in the search for the answer for the mystery behind the skull and the revelation of the truth to the world. If we are indeed not the most perfect beings as we believe, do we really want to know?

Ofelia's wedding day is approaching and she is to be married to Eduaurdo. She has some pre-wedding jitters during a meeting with her lover Gustavo but decides to tie the knot anyways. On her wedding night, Gustavo shows up in their room, murders Eduardo, and proceeds to turn Ofelia into a vampire so that they can be together forever. In the present day 1960's, a group of young men and women take shelter in an abandoned lodge after their van breaks down. Soon, Ofelia appears and seduces one of the guys and meanwhile the girls go missing. It is up to the other guys to figure out what is happening and Ofelia must make a decision as to how much longer she can continue with her cursed life.

Though around them a criminal world seethes, Julie and Antonio are a young and loving couple with a new baby and a solid, white-collar sense of stability. But when a loose social connection suddenly ties them to a major political assassination, the two become innocents desperately trying to adapt to a world of murderous politicians and police that, moment to moment, threatens their lives

When the malevolent Dr. Hauser, the Third Reich's maddest scientist, rises again with murder and mayhem on his mind, psychic journalist Elisa Ivanov awakens her own angel of death in Blade.

A scientist is turned into an ape man.

Майсторът по бойни изкуства Тагарт е водач на специален отряд от бивши военни, чиято цел на кървавата мисия е една – унищожение на вампирите. В апокалиптичното бъдеще на Земята пируват жадни за кръв вампири. Група оцелели са попаднали в капан, затворени в болница. Тагарт е единствената им надежда, а той знае, че няма друго лечение освен смъртта. Сега е време за последната решаваща битка на човечеството срещу жадните за плът създания.