A star athlete reluctantly returns home to take over his father's duties as Ultraman, shielding Tokyo from giant monsters as he becomes a legendary hero.

Vai atceraties pūkainos nestriānus Deivu un Finiju, kurus nelaida kuģī? Un ņipros grimpus Leu un Heizelu? Nav liela bēda, ja neatceraties. Gatavojieties, jaunā filma “Ups! Piedzīvojumi turpinās” aizvedīs uz viņu pasaules malu, kur vēl neesat bijuši. Ja tā turpināsies, visam beigas! 147 dienas uz kuģa bez garda gaļas kumosiņa, maizes šķēlītes un saldēdiena! Visapkārt tikai jūra, pie apvāršņa ne zemes strēles, un uz kuģа 50 tūkstoši dažnedažādu ļoti izsalkušu zvēru, putnu un divi nejauši tur nokļuvuši nestriāni. Tas vēl nav pats ļaunākais. Briesmīgi ir tas, ka drīz vairs nebūs pat derdzīgās zaļās putras. Un tad... neviens neievēros noteikumu „neēst citam citu“. Zaudējis pēdējo cerību, karalis lauva palaiž debesīs balodi, lai tas, augstu lidodams, sameklētu zemi... Taču zemi atrod no klāja nejauši nokritušie aušas grimps Lea un nestriāns Finijs. Vētra izmet viņus burvīgas salas krastā.

When Hilda wakes up in the body of a troll, she must use her wits and courage to get back home, become human again — and save the city of Trolberg.

Longing for a baby, a stripper pursues another man in order to make her boyfriend jealous.

New York, 1980. Three complete strangers accidentally discover that they're identical triplets, separated at birth. The 19-year-olds' joyous reunion catapults them to international fame, but also unlocks an extraordinary and disturbing secret that goes beyond their own lives – and could transform our understanding of human nature forever.

Geeky teenager David and his popular twin sister, Jennifer, get sucked into the black-and-white world of a 1950s TV sitcom called "Pleasantville," and find a world where everything is peachy keen all the time. But when Jennifer's modern attitude disrupts Pleasantville's peaceful but boring routine, she literally brings color into its life.

A baby lamp finds a ball to play with and it's all fun and games until the ball bursts. Just when the elder Luxo thinks his kid will settle down for a bit, Luxo Jr. finds a ball ten times bigger.

Ordered to teach a martial arts class of rambunctious bunny kittens, Po tells stories of each of the Furious Five's pasts.

A coroner finds a capsule in the head of a heavily mutilated corpse, containing a phone number and single word: the name of his daughter.

Pirātu Kapteinis ir ar krāšņu bārdu apveltīts pirātu kapteinis, kura entuziasms, meklējot dārgumus, allaž bijis neizmērojams. Kopā ar vēl neredzētu lupatlašu komandu viņam jāīsteno savas dzīves lielākais sapnis – jāpieveic savi sīvākie konkurenti, lai iegūtu Gada Pirāta balvu. Paveicamie uzdevumi ved mūsu varoni un viņa biedrus apkārt visai pasaulei - no eksotiskās Asins salas krastiem līdz pat miglainajai Londonai. Ceļā jāizcīna ne viena vien kauja, bet protams, ka mūsu varoņi var izbaudīt to, ko pirāts mīl vairāk par visu pasaulē – piedzīvojumus!

When Sid accidentally destroys Manny's heirloom Christmas rock and ends up on Santa's naughty list, he leads a hilarious quest to the North Pole to make things right and ends up making things much worse. Now it's up to Manny and his prehistoric posse to band together and save Christmas for the entire world!

Benny and Claire, a down-on-their-luck couple, find a discarded Chitauri weapon referred to as 'Item 47'.

The illegitimate son of an African slave and a French plantation owner, Joseph Bologne rises to improbable heights in French society as a celebrated violinist-composer and fencer, complete with an ill-fated love affair and a falling out with Marie Antoinette and her court.

And suddenly, overnight, the world came to a halt. Two men, two survivors, one kid, and hatred that separates them. A place forgotten by everyone, including the creatures that inhabit the Earth... until now.

When maladjusted orphan Jesse vandalizes a theme park, he is placed with foster parents and must work at the park to make amends. There he meets Willy, a young Orca whale who has been separated from his family. Sensing kinship, they form a bond and, with the help of kindly whale trainer Rae Lindley, develop a routine of tricks. However, greedy park owner Dial soon catches wind of the duo and makes plans to profit from them.

Drosmīgais un cēlsirdīgais pelēns Despero sirdī ir pārāk liels mazajai pasaulei, kurā viņš mīt. Būdams sīciņš, bet apveltīts ar komiski milzīgām ausīm, Despero negrasās samierināties ar dzīvi alā. Viņš tic, ka viņa liktenis ir kā bruņiniekiem pasakās, ko viņam tik ļoti patīk lasīt. Un ticiet vai ne - kādu dienu viņa sapnis piepildās!

Filmas "Alu cilvēks" darbība risinās sensenos laikos, kad pa zemes virsu staigāja aizvēsturiski radījumi un mamuti ar biezu vilnas kažoku. Stāsta centrā ir dzīvespriecīgais un drosmīgais zēns Dags un viņa uzticamais pavadonis – cūkas un suņa krustojumam līdzīgais mājdzīvnieks. Kad alu cilvēku ciltij uzbrūk bronzas laikmeta ļaudis ar nežēlīgo pavēlnieku Nūtu priekšgalā, Dags iedvesmo savus ciltsbrāļus stāties pretī ienaidniekiem, lai glābtu savas mājas.

When the evil mayor of Oakton decides to bulldoze Liberty Park and build a dangerous amusement park in its place, Surly Squirrel and his ragtag group of animal friends need to band together to save their home, defeat the mayor, and take back the park.

Grupa ambiciozu zinātnieku dodas uz Āfrikas džungļiem, lai atrastu mītiem un leģendām apvītu ūdens radījumu. Viņu plāni mainās, kad helikopters nokļūst avārijā, kuru izraisa milzīgu, lidojošu putnu bars. Grupa nonāk nelielā ciematiņā, kura iedzīvotājus, šķiet ir nogalinājušas dīvainas radības, kuras civilizācija jau uzskatījusi par izmirušām.

At the University of Chicago, a research team that includes brilliant student machinist Eddie Kasalivich experiences a breakthrough: a stable form of fusion that may lead to a waste-free energy source. However, a private company wants to exploit the technology, so Kasalivich and physicist Dr. Lily Sinclair are framed for murder, and the fusion device is stolen. On the run from the FBI, they must recover the technology and exonerate themselves.