Green Book kertoo tosiystävyydestä, joka ylittää 1960-luvun alun rotuun ja yhteiskuntaluokkaan liittyvät rajoitteet. Tony Lip on ovimies Bronxin italian-amerikalaisilta kulmilta. Hän saa työn Dr. Don Shirleyn autonkuljettajana. Don Shirley on tummaihoinen maailmanluokan pianisti, jonka konserttikiertue ulottuu Manhattanilta aina syvään Etelään. Kiertuematkallaan Lip ja Shirley luottavat "vihreään kirjaan", joka kertoo heille ne harvat paikat, jotka tuolloin olivat turvallisia afroamerikkalaisille. He kohtaavat rasismia ja vaarallisia tilanteita, mutta myös yllättävää inhimillisyyttä ja huumoria. Jotta he selviäisivät elämänsä jännittävimmästä matkasta, heidän on päästävä yli keskinäisistä erimielisyyksistään.

Kevin on paljastanut psykiatrilleen 23 sivupersoonaansa, mutta yksi on vielä näkymättömissä ja nousee pian esiin hallitsemaan kaikkia toisia. Tämä sivupersoona kidnappaa kolme teinityttöä. Casey, Claire ja Marcia päätyvät pimeään kellariin, jossa Kevinin vaihtelevan omituinen käytös aiheuttaa tytöissä kauhua ja kummastusta. Casey on kuitenkin veistetty eri puusta. Casey osaa ottaa tilanteen haltuunsa, ja alkaa mielenkiintoinen psykologinen peli tytön ja Kevinin välillä. Kevin joutuu käymään myös eloonjäämiskamppailua omia persooniaan vastaan, näiden välisten rajojen murtuessa. Lopulta hänen psykiatrilleen, tohtori Fletcherille, alkaa valjeta Kevinin suuri suunnitelma.

Kaukana maailman menosta sijoittuu 1800-luvun Englannin maaseudulle ja perustuu Thomas Hardyn klassikkokirjaan. Bathsheba Everdine on itsenäinen nuori nainen, joka perii suuren maatilan. Ajanhengessä naistilallinen on harvinaisuus ja hän kohtaa suurta ennakkoluuloa ja haasteita maatilan arkisissa askareissa. Mutta suurimman ristiriidan hän kokee ajautuessaan suhteisiin kolmen toisistaan hyvin erilaisen miehen kanssa: vaatimattoman lammaspaimenen, uljaan sotilaan ja varakkaan maatilanomistajan kanssa.

Maddie uskoo ratkaisevansa rahaongelmansa löytäessään kiehtovan työpaikkailmoituksen: varakkaat helikopterivanhemmat etsivät 19-vuotiaalle Percy-pojalleen deittikumppania.

Jack Malik on laulaja-lauluntekijä, joka yrittää murtautua musiikkibisnekseen, mutta hän ei herätä huomiota pubikeikoilla saati sitten festareiden sivuteltoissakaan. Omia laulujaan kitaransa kanssa esittävään, pyristelevään mieheen tuntuu uskovan vain häntä teini-iästä eteenpäin tyrkkinyt manageri-roudari-autonkuljettaja Ellie ja pari muuta uskollista ystävää. Jack on jo luovuttamassa, kun oudon sähkökatkon ja pikku onnettomuuden jälkeen hän herää maailmaan jossa The Beatles ei ikinä ole ollut olemassa. Jack kuitenkin muistaa kaikki heidän hittinsä ja alkaa esittää legendaarisen yhtyeen kappaleita ominaan. Musiikkimaailman pyörät alkavat pyöriä sellaista vauhtia, ettei Jack enää voi pysäyttää niitä. Matkalla huipulle hän huomaa menettävänsä ainoan ihmisen, joka on aina uskonut häneen: ystävänsä Ellien. Hänen on palattava juurilleen ja todistettava itselleen, että The Beatles oli oikeassa: All you need is love.

Läpeensä negatiivisen Carl Allenin elämä on umpikujassa. Muuttaakseen elämänsä Carl ilmoittautuu itsensäkehittämiskurssille, jonka sääntö on, että kaikkeen pitää vastata myöntävästi. Carlin elämä muuttuu silmänräpäyksessä: pian hänellä on uusi työ ja uusi tyttöystävä. Ennen pitkää Carl kuitenkin huomaa, että kaikkiin tilaisuuksiin ei kannata tarttua?

Emma and chocolatier Luc compete for Belgium's Royal Chocolatier. The beauty and romance of Bruges inspire unique chocolate combinations, but will their entry win without them losing their hearts?

Nikki Crandon is one of the biggest pop stars on the planet. Whether she's singing the National Anthem or promoting her latest album, everyone knows who she is—none more so than New Jersey high school basketball coach and widower Chris Mitchell, who was Nikki's first love in high school. When Chris' 10-year-old daughter Sophie finds out her dad still has feelings for the singer, she takes matters into her own hands. With her 8-year-old brother Jackson in tow, Sophie succeeds in reuniting the two. But when a misunderstanding and the growing glare of the public spotlight threaten Chris and Nikki's happiness, one can only wonder: will fame get in the way of a Merry Christmas?

When a restless young married woman is granted a wish by a Christmas Angel to be single again, she soon discovers her new life isn't what she bargained for, and embarks on a quest to win her husband back.

Ethan Bortnick plays the leading role as Nathan,a young boy who's separated from his mother when she goes missing during a trip to Japan to help after the tsunami. The movie explores issues like homelessness, military family life and adoption. Ethan co-wrote the music with Grammy award winning songwriter and producer, Gary Baker and will also score the entire film. Ethan will become the youngest actor to co-write the soundtrack and play the leading role in a feature film. When Army lieutenant, MARGARET PETERS (Lacy Chabert) goes missing during a tsunami rescue mission in Japan, back in Detroit, her son, NATHAN (Ethan Bortnick), discovers that his father GEORGE (Jonathan Bennett) isn't his biological father. Learning that Child Care Services could take him away, Nathan runs away before his father can explain. While George goes on a frantic search, Nathan takes to the streets of Detroit where he meets CAPTAIN MILES, a homeless Iraqi war veteran. Captain Miles takes the boy under his ...

Having just moved back to her hometown without her serviceman husband but with her young son, Gretchen Daniels finds her life in disarray as Christmas approaches. But she discovers new purpose when she helps to deliver a message to her neighbor, Melissa, which makes her an ally in the quest to find the neighbor's sibling she never knew she had. The women become bonded not only by the search, but by the understanding that being there for each other means they're no longer alone. This friendship becomes the greatest Christmas gift of their lives. Based on a bestselling novel by Donna VanLiere.

Straight-laced Jordan (Martin) is about to marry Peter (Snedeker), a clean-cut ambitious attorney. Before she walks down the aisle, Jordan and her best friends, Claire (Adrienne Frantz) and Jessica (Daphnee Duplaix), head to Vegas for a bachelorette party, because what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, right? But when Jordan wakes up the next morning unable to recall the night before, she panics when she finds she’s in movie star Matt's (Ethan Erickson) hotel suite with a gigantic diamond on her finger and a marriage certificate lying nearby. Before Jordan can have the marriage annulled and put this nightmare behind her, the impromptu wedding explodes into a publicity stunt fueled by Matt’s manager Eric (Bruce Nozick) to promote his latest movie. With her wedding day approaching, Jordan finds herself more confused than ever when she starts falling in love with the movie star she’s married to instead of the fiancé she thought was her perfect match.

With the holidays approaching, a young party planner arranges a special Christmas party for a New York toy store. When a powerful corporation threatens to shut her down, she decides to follow her heart, moving forward with the party plans and finding true love in time for Christmas.

A young woman discovers a Christmas-themed dreamworld inside a magical snowglobe. Angela loves Christmas more than anything. However, her family does not share her love for the holiday at all. When she is about to breakdown because of her family, she receives a snowglobe in the mail. When she opens up the snowglobe, she is transported into the world inside, where Christmas is the heart and soul for everyone who lives there. She discovers she can return to her world by going down a small path in the small forest at the edge of the village, and can return whenever she winds up the snowglobe. After a long set of visits to the globe, she accidentally gets trapped inside.

Janie, a rising marketing executive living in The Big Apple, returns to her hometown of Woodland Falls when her Great-Uncle Randall passes away. Randall has even arranged for his farmhand, Dylan to help at the event, which is being held in the farm’s sprawling barn. Aware that her Manhattan boyfriend is anxious for her to return to the city so the pair can jet off to a previously planned holiday on the beach, Janie begins to feel an unexpected emotional tug about living life in a more authentic, meaningful way.

Kaveriporukan harmiton totuus vai tehtävä -leikki muuttuu kohtalokkaaksi, kun joku - tai jokin - alkaa rangaista niitä, jotka valehtelevat tai kieltäytyvät tehtävästä.

Brie Traverston is up for partner at her firm if she can successfully coordinate a Christmas wedding reshoot and ignore all the feelings that come with working with the one-that-got-away Eddie Chapman and his possibly new girlfriend Isabella.

Isobel Gray plans a storybook Christmas with her boyfriend, including a snow-covered cottage in the Northwest, and a carefully composed bucket list of classic holiday traditions. But when the boyfriend goes AWOL, the list proves challenging and a tempting new romance turns her life upside down. Will Isobel have a White Christmas ending under the mistletoe?

With just days to go before presents are scheduled for Christmas delivery, Toyland is buzzing with activity. However, curmudgeonly creditor Barnaby Crookedman is hatching a devious scheme to destroy Toyland – meaning no presents for the world's children! Siblings Jack and Jill, alongside toy factory workers Tom and Mary, rush into action to stop the villain, receiving some assistance from the likes of Humpty Dumpty and even Santa Claus himself.

Schoolboy Maurice Cole, growing up in 1960s Liverpool, is picked on for being effeminate but is already making his own comedy tapes, one of which impresses agent Wilfred De'ath through whom he gets a job on a pirate radio station, changing his name to Kenny Everett. Though sacked for annoying the sponsor his popularity sees him working on the BBC's newly-formed Radio One. Around this time he meets and marries Lee Middleton, who not only sticks by him through his career lows but is sympathetic when, following a drugs over-dose, he admits to being gay. She even helps him find a boyfriend though, unlike his friend Freddie Mercury, he is reluctant to come out. Following their divorce Kenny is best man when Lee marries actor John Alkin and, in 1985, in typically flamboyant style comes out, owing to having not one but two 'husbands'. However, in 1989 he is diagnosed as HIV+ and, in 1995, a year after winning the prestigious Sony award, dies of AIDS aged fifty.