Garsaus plastinės chirurgijos specialisto Rišaro Lafargo (akt. Antonio Banderasas) namų sienos slepia daugybę tamsių paslapčių. Jo pilies rūsyje įrengta operacinė, o namuose įkalinta pagalbininkė ir partnerė Eva (akt. Elena Anaya), kuriai į viešumą leidžiama išeiti tik per prabangius vakarėlius ir paskutinį kiekvieno mėnesio sekmadienį, kai Rišaras su Eva vyksta lankyti psichiatrijos ligoninėje gydomos jaunos merginos. Eva ne vienintelė Rišaro namų įkaitė, rūsyje įkalintas tūno ir grandinėmis sukaustytas vaikinas, kurį žiauriai kankina paslaptingas vyras, vadinamas Tarantulo vardu. Kas sieja visus šiuos žmones ir kokios dar paslaptys glūdi už storų Rišaro pilies sienų?

La Manča – tipiškas Ispanijos kaimelis. Tokiuose kaimeliuose didžiąją gyventojų dalį sudaro moterys. Jos senatvės sulaukia vienišos, nes vyrai tokiose gyvenvietėse miršta jauni. Aistringoms moterims belieka pasitenkinti trumpomis laimės ir meilės akimirkomis jaunystėje, o sulaukus auksinio amžiaus – guostis prisiminimais.

Pepa resolves to kill herself with a batch of sleeping-pill-laced gazpacho after her lover leaves her. Fortunately, she is interrupted by a deliciously chaotic series of events.

A weary gunfighter attempts to settle down with a homestead family, but a smouldering settler and rancher conflict forces him to act.

A henpecked housewife ekes out a meager existence, surrounded by a host of colorful characters: her ungrateful husband, her delinquent sons, her headstrong mother-in-law, and her sex worker neighbor, among others.

Amaia has just become a mother, and the challenge is even more significant than she imagined. So when her partner has to leave for several weeks because of his job, she decides to spend time with her parents in a lovely coastal village in the Basque Country and hopefully share the responsibility of looking after her baby. However, she forgot that even when one becomes a parent, one never stops being a daughter.

The Spanish deep South, 1980. A series of brutal murders of adolescent girls in a remote and forgotten town bring together two disparate characters - both detectives in the homicide division - to investigate the cases. With deep divisions in their ideology, detectives Juan and Pedro must put aside their differences if they are to successfully hunt down a killer who for years has terrorized a community in the shadow of a general disregard for women rooted in a misogynistic past.

Tai istorija apie tris brolius. Jauniausias Luidžis turi narkotikų verslą su partneriais iš Pietų Amerikos. Roko daugiausia laiko praleidžia Milane investuodamas nešvariai uždirbtus jaunėlio pinigus. Vyriausias brolis Lučiano mėgsta ramybę. Jo dvidešimtmetis sūnus Leo atstovauja prarastajai kartai. Iš savo protėvių vaikinas paveldėjo vien tik neapykantą. Atvykęs aplankyti tėvo brolių Leo išprovokuoja konfliktą priešiškiausio šeimai klano saugomame bare. Nereikšmingas ginčas kur nors kitur būtų greitai užglaistytas ir pamirštas tarsi nevykęs pokštas. Bet tik ne Kalabrijoje. Panašiai prasidėjęs konfliktas prieš daugelį metų baigėsi tragedija. Brolių tėvas buvo žiauriai nužudytas. Lučiano vis dar prisimena nelaimę ir nori apsaugoti karštakošį sūnų nuo blogos lemties.

After her drug pusher boyfriend overdoses on heroin, a cabaret singer finds refuge from the authorities in a convent for fallen women.

Bruno Bonomo was a famous producer of B-movies in the ‘70s. After a long hiatus, Bonomo offers a screenplay to RAI centered on the figure of Italy’s prime minister and media tycoon Silvio Berlusconi, a subject so controversial that even the public television broadcaster refuses to produce it

A trapeze artist must decide between her lust for Sergio, the Happy Clown, or her affection for Javier, the Sad Clown, both of whom are deeply disturbed.

A conflicted youth confesses to crimes he didn't commit while a man and woman aroused by death become obsessed with each other.

Two outsiders, both shaped by the circumstances that have brought them together, forge a deep and lasting love.

A gang of gold thieves lands in a coven of witches who are preparing for an ancient ritual... and in need of a sacrifice.

Pedro, Arturo and Eligio are three college professors who lost their job because of economic crisis. Accidentally they find a solution for all of their problems; a multi-vitamin that allows them to party all night long without any side effects. The three professors will be launched into the world of nightclubs and the shady business, in order to market the merchandise. Of course, it seems that they are not as prepared for it as they thought.

Justinas gyvena karalystėje, kurioje beveik nebėra riterių ir vyrauja biurokratija. Jo svajonė – tapti vienu iš Garbės riterių, tokiu, koks buvo jo senelis. Tačiau Justino tėtis siekia, kad jo sūnus sektų tėvo pėdomis ir būtų įtakingas advokatas, o ne užsiimtų, jo galva, kvailais ir niekam nebereikalingais darbais. Po įkvepiančio apsilankymo pas senelę Justinas pradeda išbandymų kupiną kelionę savo svajonės link. Pakeliui jis sutinka atkaklią ir gražią mergaitę, rodančią jam kelią, o vingrus burtininkas Melkijadas, gražuolis seras Kloreksas ir trys vienuoliai perduoda Justinui senovės išminčių skelbtas paslaptis. Nors iš pradžių visi abejoja Justino sugebėjimais, tačiau grįžus pavojingam, karalystę sunaikinti siekiančiam buvusiam Garbės riteriui Heraklijui, berniukas turi priimti sprendimą: stoti ginti karalystės ar išsižadėti savo svajonės.

In the Texas bayous, a local homicide detective teams up with a cop from New York City to investigate a series of unsolved murders.

Marion and Mingus both come from failed relationships but, by bringing their children together, they've managed to form a small yet happy family. Tensions in their household soon begin to spike when Marion's jovial father shows up on their doorstep with his randy daughter and her peculiar boyfriend in tow. As the motor-mouthed houseguests shatter every taboo imaginable, the happy couple begin to question their commitment.

Agents from diverse Spanish local police forces are called to form a special team.

The television movie is set in the city of Dimmsdale and centers on the series' main protagonist Timmy Turner with his fairy godparents Cosmo and Wanda and his fairy godbrother Poof. In the movie, Timmy is now 23 years old but is still in fifth grade with his fairy-obsessed fifth grade teacher Mr. Crocker. Despite being grown up, Timmy finds a loophole in the fairy rulebook Da Rules: if he continues to act like a kid, he will still get to keep his fairies. However, the dilemma rises when Tootie, who was once a dorky girl when she was 10 years old, returns to Dimmsdale as an attractive woman. Timmy falls in love with her, a sign that he is growing up to an adult, which means he is closer to losing his fairies. Meanwhile, an oil business tycoon named Hugh J. Magnate, Jr., who teams up with Mr. Crocker, plans to use Timmy's fairies' magic in order to promote his oil business.