儿子的意外被杀让奥利维(奥利弗·古尔迈 Olivier Gourmet 饰)陷入了深深的痛苦之中,他一生都会记住这个混蛋,即便他也只是一个少年,即便他即将为自己的所作所为付出代价。   时间匆匆流走,五年后,奥利维与一个名叫弗朗西斯(摩甘·马林纳 Morgan Ma rinne 饰)的男孩相遇了,而这位弗朗西斯不是别人,正是曾经杀害他儿子的凶手。弗朗西斯并没有认出奥利维,但这重逢却触痛了奥利维的心,也勾起了他心中压抑已久的感情,在一番波折和纠结之后,弗朗西斯成为了奥利维的“学生”,跟随着他学习木工。随着时间的流逝,一直以来形单影只的弗朗西斯在奥利维的身上看见了父亲的影子,而内心充满了痛苦的奥利维则选择说出了那个充满了毁灭性的秘密。

故事讲述了一个名为尼尔马尔的男人,绑架了内政部部长儿子的故事。   这桩看似简单、平淡的案件,随着尼尔马尔非同寻常的要求,渐渐变的复杂起来。我们不禁好奇,绑架案背后,究竟隐藏着什么?

A thoughtful portrait of a renowned artist, this documentary shines the spotlight on New York City painter Jean-Michel Basquiat. Featuring extensive interviews conducted by Basquiat's friend, filmmaker Tamra Davis, the production reveals how he dealt with being a black artist in a predominantly white field. The film also explores Basquiat's rise in the art world, which led to a close relationship with Andy Warhol, and looks at how the young painter coped with acclaim, scrutiny and fame.

A cat belonging to a poor miller's son thinks up a great plan for bringing a title, wealth, and marriage for his owner. He begins to carry it out, using a few birds and rabbits as gifts for the king, his own wit, and a pair of boots that make him appear human when he puts them on. However, his owner has no idea that the cat has told everyone that his master is a marquis rather than a miller's son until the king has arrived to meet him. Soon the king's daughter and the miller's son fall in love, and the king wants very much to see the land and the castle belonging to this rich "marquis."

Burroughs takes down a book and reads us the story of Danny the Carwiper, who spends Christmas Day trying to score a fix, but finds the Christmas spirit instead.

Narrated by Golden Globe winner, Donald Sutherland, this is the incredible story of Ailo, the little reindeer. This uplifting tale follows the journey of baby Ailo as he navigates his first year of life in the snowy landscapes of a picturesque Lapland. Frail and vulnerable, Ailo must learn to walk, run, leap and hide to ensure he survives the long, treacherous journey with the herd. Ailo’s Journey is an inspirational story, in which a bleak wilderness is warmed by a mother’s endless love as she watches over Ailo in his incredible adventures with other creatures of the Arctic.

France, 1815. After his defeat at Waterloo, Napoleon heads for exile. Royalists occupy Paris and attempt to restore the monarchy. However, the battle doesn't seem to be over. On July 6, Talleyrand, a shrewd politician of flexible convictions, invites chief of police and zealous revolutionary Fouché to supper and tries to convince him to serve the king. Over the meal they insult each other, accuse each other, and, at first sight, look like mortal enemies. But they definitely have one thing in common: they are both power-hungry.

在乔布斯离世后,全世界的人们用各种方式纪念这位富有远见的天才,而授权版乔布斯传记作者Walter Isaacson也揭示了许多关于乔布斯私人生活的细节,PBS电视台将于11月2日播放纪念乔布斯的新纪录片“Steve Jobs - One Last Thing”,片中将会将会有大量曾经与乔布斯合作的采访片段。 其中包括苹果联合创始人Ronald Wayne,投资NeXT电脑的Ross Perot,“华尔街日报”主要技术专栏作家Walt Mossberg,黑眼豆豆乐队制作人will.i.am,苹果第一代鼠标设计师Dean Hovey,PBS系列片主持人Robert Cringely,里德大学书法教授Robert Palladino以及介绍Woz和Jobs相识的Bill Fernandez。 该纪录片还会包含从未播放过的1994年采访乔布斯的片段。乔布斯对生活的理解塑造了他的人格,这也使他为很多行业带来革命性变革。Steve Jobs - One Last Thing”将于下周三,11月2日晚上10点在美国的PBS电视台播出。


Christine and Conrad are what we call modern parents nowadays: While he stays home to raise children, she makes a career as a doctor, earning big money. When Konrad with comes home with the offer to act as a theater director again, organizing the day-to-day family life becomes increasingly difficult. Who will take care of their daughters Emma and Kate? As it turns out, it is in fact not that easy to find a competent girl.



Stig-Helmer takes another vacation with his norwegian friend Ole. This time it's time for a skiing vacation in the Alps. Of course, Stig-Helmer has never learnt downhill skiing, but he attends a ski school. And together they manage to charm two women also on vacation.

本片是以朝鲜末期宫廷生活为背景,描写明成皇后的政治作为以及与青年武士间的不渝爱情的电影。 电影《像花火像蝴蝶》讲述了像花火一样华丽,如蝴蝶一般脆弱的女人--明成皇后闵兹暎和像花火一样炽热,如蝴蝶一般纯洁的护卫无名之间,痛彻心扉的爱情故事。我行我素,以刺客身份生活的无名,在某一天,感受到了从未体验过的莫名情愫--因为遇到了一位与在血雨腥风中饱受煎熬的自己截然不同的女人兹暎。然而她却即将在不久之后与高宗成亲,变身一国之母。无名决心至死守护这段感情,独自一人为进宫前往大院君府……

This documentary feature, produced in association with The Grammy's, looks at the history, songwriting, and recording process of five different genres of music through the eyes of 5 of the most influential producers/DJ's in the world as they create new music tracks with influential collaborators from rock, country, classical, R&B and jazz.

Frank leads a respectable yuppie life working at a noted Stockholm law firm. He has also been married for eight years to his beautiful wife Nenne, who runs an upscale boutique. Yet Frank is deeply bored with his life and is supremely randy. He even fantasizes about the marriage counselor that he and Nenne visit weekly. Eventually, Frank shacks up with a young fetching art student named Sofia, though the experience wracks Frank with guilt. Meanwhile, Nenne's friend and co-worker Rosie suspects that Frank is having an affair, though she does not have the nerve to tell her. Little does Rosie suspect, however, that her friend is sleeping with her lover Georg, an uptight journalist with an ego the size of Finland. Soon wires get crossed, and all hell breaks loose.


The famous five George, Julian, Dick, Anne and Timmy the dog are spending holidays together. But when they are invited by Berhard, father of Julian, Dick and Anne, to visit an egyptian exhibition they see a burglar. They have a look at the mummy the burglar was tempering with to find a golden amulet. The famous five decide to visit Egypt to hand over the amulet. When arriving in Egypt Bernhard is arrested because he's asserted he stole the amulet and replaced it with a fake. Now its up to the young detectives to solve the case and prove their fathers innocence.

Travel plans for three men in ill-fitting wedding tuxedos goes horribly wrong.

《性感保姆》是由克劳德·贝里执导,Axelle Abbadie、Jean-Pierre、Bacri Nathalie、Boutefeu Catherine、Breillat Brigitte、Catillon Laurence Colussi、皮埃尔·巴克里、艾米莉·德奎恩、凯瑟琳·布雷亚主演的影片。 雅克是个录音师,住在布斯区已很多年。几个月前他的妻子离开了他,他的新生活在单调的工作里,小餐馆还有乱糟糟的公寓中没有什么改变。直到有一天他注意到一张纸:“年轻女郎欲做钟点工。"他见到洛哈,年轻的郊区女孩。在一段时间里,雅克发现这个充满热情活力的女孩重新唤醒了他对生活的感觉。